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How 'Dark' are you?


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[align=center]I apologize in advance if I create a trend. To be honest, I stole this off of another forum, and I'm surprised it hasn't been done in YCM yet. Feel free to copy this idea as long as the word "Dark" is mentioned in your thread in some way, shape or form. And please, don't turn this into a trend. Those 'Ask Me A Question' threads were stupid enough. Games section doesn't need more shitty trends. And I've used the word "trends" too fucking much in this opening paragraph.


Pretty simple instructions. There will be 25 questions for you to answer. They will all be multiple choice, with choices A, B, C and D. All you have to do is pick the answer that best fits you for each of the questions, and record the letters somewhere. Maybe in a Word document or Notepad file. But just make sure you can access all your answers after you have completed the test. ANSWER HONESTLY!


You will be given further instructions after the test.



How 'Dark' Are You? - Personality Test



1.) In terms of religion, you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life




The test is over. Wasn't too hard, now was it? It would have been a more accurate prediction if I made it 40 questions instead of 25 (as you can ask a lot in 15 questions), but I didn't want to overwhelm you with questions. Because it's eventually going to get repetitive. This is as close of a prediction I can give you, but don't take your results to heart. I'm not a damn psychic.




Take all the answers you have written down. Now, count how many A's, B's, C's and D's you have. Confirm that they total up to 25.


For every A you have, give yourself 2 points.

For every B you have, give yourself 1 point.

For every C you have, give yourself 0 points.

For every D you have, subtract 1 point.


Based on your point totals, I can try to give an accurate prediction on how much you are like Dark.




50 Points: Wow! That's just amazing, but also extremely weird. You are exactly like Dark. You think the same way, and you have the exact same personalities. You would get along great in real life... hopefully. Congratulations, you now have a new internet brother!


Between 40 and 50 Points: Ehh, you are sort of like Dark. You moderatley think alike, but there are certain differences you share. In time, maybe you can learn to be more like Dark, assuming you want to. You two would get along pretty well in real life.


Between 30 and 40 Points: One thing I can assure you is that Dark doesn't hate you. Your mindsets are somewhat alike, but you have obvious differences in certain aspects of life. You differ on a bunch of things, but you also share many similarities.


Between 20 and 30 Points: It is probably just luck or probability that you are this similar to Dark. While you aren't extremely similar to him, you are also not a complete opposite of him. You are pretty much stuck in the middle. But if you consider Dark an extreme personality, maybe being in the middle is good.


Between 10 and 20: You are barely like Dark. You only share a few opinions or a few aspects of life. If Dark met you in real life, he'd probably walk away or get bored in an instant. If you don't aspire to be like Dark, you are on the right path!


Between 0 and 10 Points: If Dark met you in real life, he'd kill you. You share almost nothing in common, and differ on so many things that you'd never not have a topic to discuss debate. Dark would oppose everything you say, just like you'd oppose his views. But, be thankful you are not...


Less Than 0 Points: WOW. You are the complete opposite of Dark. If it isn't already taken, change your damn username to 'Light'.



Needless to say, I got 50 points. :3


How many points did you get?


Also, if you are going to use my idea, please credit me. kthxbai[/align]

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1.) In terms of religion, you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...

a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...

a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life





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1.) In terms of religion, you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone (if i chose this i would have given that stupid hobo guy a french fry)


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them ( i already won)

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or = :D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life


40/50 eh close enough.

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1.) In terms of religion, you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life




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???... Well' date=' that's unusual.



What answers did you pick? o_O


[spoiler= Answers]

a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go/

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go


d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life




Sorry, but I like oranges, pineapples, and strawberries more than candy.

Bagels are above those, unless it is very hot outside, however.

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[spoiler=Mai Ansurs]

1.) In terms of religion, you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life


34 Pts!


Between 30 and 40 Points: One thing I can assure you is that Dark doesn't hate you. Your mindsets are somewhat alike, but you have obvious differences in certain aspects of life. You differ on a bunch of things, but you also share many similarities


Thats nice

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  • 4 weeks later...



1.) In terms of religion, you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?

A bit of all of them, it varies from whom you ask, but I guess B

a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life




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1.) In terms of religion' date=' you'd consider yourself...


a.) Lacking religion

b.) Indifferent to religion

c.) Somewhat religious

d.) Extremely religious


2.) You sit down to play a video game. Your first choice would be...


a.) A Mario game

b.) Some type of RPG game

c.) A first or third person shooter

d.) I don't play video games


3.) You have four tests in school tomorrow. You'd do best on...


a.) The math test

b.) The science test

c.) The history test

d.) The english essay


4.) It's the end of the semester and you get your report card. You see...


a.) All A's

b.) A's and B's

c.) B's and C's



5.) You are invited to a party. Your first reaction is...


a.) You stubbornly refuse to go

b.) You are indifferent to going

c.) You'll go if one of your friends come

d.) You are eager to go


6.) It's time to re-paint your room. You'd like to paint it...


a.) Black

b.) A dark color, such as brown

c.) A standard color, such as white or light blue

d.) Orange or yellow


7.) It's the end of high school, and your major is...


a.) Something related to electronics/engineering

b.) Something related to the medical field

c.) Any other option not listed in A or B

d.) I don't have a major, as I am not going to college


8.) While eating french fries, you see a hungry man on the road. You...


a.) Walk away and continue eating

b.) Spare some of your french fries for the man

c.) Give him all your french fries

d.) Go find the nearest store and buy him water to go with the french fries you will give him


9.) It's 6 AM on a Saturday when you wake up accidentally. You...


a.) Go back to sleep

b.) Wake up and watch TV

c.) Force yourself to get up and get ready

d.) Eagerly wake up and get to work


10.) You haven't eaten for 6 hours. The first thing you grab is...


a.) Candy

b.) Potato chips

c.) A bagel

d.) Fruits and veggies


11.) You are getting late to class when you see someone drop their books. You...


a.) Ignore them and run

b.) Help for a second and then leave, with the excuse that you are getting late

c.) Help them with their books

d.) Help them with their books and walk them to their class


12.) It's time to watch TV. The first channel you check would be...


a.) Discovery, History, Sci-fi

b.) Game Show Network, Food Network

c.) Nick, news channels

d.) Disney, Cartoon Network, MTV


13.) You and your friends go out for a movie. You are planning on watching...


a.) A sci-fi film with robots, aliens and an evil scientist

b.) An action-packed adventure with treasure and pirates

c.) A comedy with two funny guys and an ugly teacher

d.) A romance between two people and their parent's disagreements


14.) You want to go to a fancy restaurant. Your best bet would be...


a.) Any place with good desserts

b.) A mexican restaurant

c.) An italian restaurant

d.) Any other choice


15.) You have one month to work on a huge project. You are planning on doing it...


a.) A few days before it's due

b.) The night before it's due

c.) As soon as I get the project

d.) Screw that, I won't do it!


16.) The most important person in your life would be...


a.) Myself

b.) My love interest

c.) My parents/friends

d.) Everyone


17.) What characterizes you the best?


a.) Intelligent and sarcastic

b.) Comical and witty

c.) Popular and fashionable

d.) Stupid and annoying


18.) You are running for class president. Your means for getting voters would be...


a.) I wouldn't run for president

b.) Use threats to win them over

c.) Bribe them

d.) Be all-around nice and happy


19.) On the internet, which smiley would you use the most often?


a.) :/ or =/

b.) D: or :[

c.) :3 or ^_^

d.) :'] or =D


20.) You want to get out of doing something. Your best bet would be...


a.) Lying about it and making some excuse

b.) Outright refuse to go

c.) Honestly say you don't want to go

d.) Just go anyways


21.) Your friend makes an extremely stupid and flawed comment. You would instantly...


a.) Point out every flaw about his statement

b.) Use sarcasm to show his idiocy

c.) Make a wise/funny/witty comment

d.) Ignore it and move on


22.) You are given a topic to debate, and 21 out of the 24 students in your class chose side A. You would...


a.) Choose the side you support

b.) Choose side B just to prove more people wrong

c.) Choose the side you can give a better debate for

d.) Choose side A to be in the majority


23.) You are given detention for 4 hours after school. You would go to the principal and...


a.) Angrily plead your case, regardless of whether you are guilty

b.) Refuse to go to detention

c.) Just go anyways, as you don't want to get in more trouble

d.) Be as nice as you can in an attempt to rid yourself of detention


24.) Approx. how many close friends do you have?


a.) Less then 4

b.) Between 4 and 7

c.) Between 7 and 10

d.) More than 10


25.) On the internet, you act...


a.) Exactly as you are in real life

b.) Relatively close to as you are in real life

c.) Somewhat close to as you are in real life

d.) Nothing like what you are in real life





















19.none of the above








total score=31

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