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SENPAIIIII!!!!! : A Master and Student Role Play [Started/Accepting Via PM ONLY]

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[align=center]It's a dark and dangerous world out there. Demons and strange creatures all around, necromancers raising hell itself from it's earthly ties! Powerful magiks are in the works, the future is yours to learn and to stop if necessary, and everything rests in your hands! ...


UNFORTUNATELY! You don't know anything about fighting or magiks at all, heck you'd probably have something boring to do with your life if this whole "worlds going down" plot didn't happen. In this story, you are not the cunning rouge, the wise wizard, or the brute warrior that saves the day at first start. No no, you are a mere apprentice to your master and are learning everything you can from him and the places he takes you. OH YES, your following him everywhere; on his missions from the city, in his errands around town, and almost everywhere else except obvious places like the bathroom (duh). Now, let the learning experience...BEGIN![/align]





1. If your a Senpai of a certain class, you HAVE to accept any member of this rp that applies for your subject. If you can't work together then don't RP.

2. No out of time weaponry, this is more middle ages than anything else.

3. If you apply for a student spot in there is no player Senpai, there will be an NPC provided for you.

4. All site and Role Play rules apply here.




[spoiler=Senpai Application]


Alignment: (depending on what you chose, is what you may teach)


Subject: (pick from list depending on your alignment, you can have 2)

Weaponry: (Based on what you teach, a mage would never use a sword so you'd have a staff or something along those lines. Unless you are teaching the class of Battle Mage, get where I'm going with this?)

Magiks: (based on what you teach, obviously)

Skills: (non magik based techniques, based on what you teach obviously)

Appearance: (If description, type it out. If picture, in spoiler tag.)






[spoiler=Apprentice Application]


Alignment: (will determine what you can learn.


Subject: (In which to learn)

Appearance: (If description, type it out. If picture, in spoiler tag.)








[spoiler=Evil Aligned]



Dark Paladins




[spoiler=Neutral Aligned]

Can be chose by good, evil, OR neutral










[spoiler=Good Aligned]








[spoiler=My application]

Name: Baleaze

Alignment: Good

Age: 32

Subject: Samurai, Monk

Weaponry: Two handed great broadsword (can wield with one hand if needed.) Power Knuckles (specially designed brass knuckles that increase Baleaze's strength.)

Magiks: Draw Slash, Power Plus Draw, Bigby's Crushing Fist, Bigby's Forceful Palm, Bigby's Body Slam, more

Skills: On Guard, Quick Slash, , Vice Tackle, Quick Jab, Follow Wind, more.

Appearance: 8b6e753.png

Personality: Baleaze has an emotionless prestige about him and doesn't usually talk to anyone other than his students and the Grand Master. Baleaze has a darkened outlook on life and has an overall evil persona. Many people are afraid of him in the city which is probably why he has no decibels yet.

History: Baleaze had his memories wiped clean by Grand Master Etoken and he no longer remembers anything from the ages of one to thirty. Baleaze has only had "memories" for two years now and so far things were going ok in his life, a fulfilling teaching position and lives in a big city. Baleaze's ideals are different from the rest of the Senpai's, he believes that training is more important than life itself. If you die, you'll go on to train in heaven, is one of his famous sayings...





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Working on app(s)



Name: Raizen Osia

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 21

Subject: Ninja

Weaponry: Shuriken, Kunai, Katana

Magiks: What would be good for a ninja?

Skills: Raizen has inhuman speed to make up for his lack of inhuman strength. Although he is physically strong, he isn't incredibly strong. Raizen is very stealthly, able to do most things without being noticed.


When Relaxing: oa2mj7.jpg


Personality: Raizen is a calm and quite teacher. He teaches with ease and is more of a free willed guy. He is not easily controlled or manipulated, and he has a kind heart. When 1st meeting him, he seems like a regular teacher with no troubles, but in fact, even as a child, he has always had many troubles. Raizen often fools people with his 'fake smile' . The only one who seems to not be fooled, is his kid sister, Dawn

History: Not much is known about Raizen, because he doesn't talk about his past. On the outside, he lives in the present, on the inside, he lives in the past. Although he doesn't like to admit it, sometimes he feels alone. Raizen comes from the Osia family, a wealthy and well-known family. The Family makes a living by manufacturing, both common and unique. As a child, he learned about building and designing weapons, and shows to have a knack for it when he is older. Raizen never really liked the fact that his family was rich and well-known. Raizen left the family at a young age, taking his sister with him.



Name: Dawn Osia

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 16

Subject: Samurai




Personality: Dawn is a hyperactive tom-boy, and differs from her brother in every way. Even though she had always lived with her brother, she has never once liked anything that he liked. They don't have many things in common, expect that they both hate their family. Dawn's personality is along the lines of cute and hyper. To her Senpai, she isn't very respectful, often pulling amusing tricks on him.

History: Dawn is the kid sister of Raizen Osia. She often refers to him as 'Rai-Chan', showing no respect for him at all.

Dawn is a few years younger than Raizen and grew up only knowing her family from 6 years down. When she turned 7, she and her brother ran away, because they despised their family. After that, her brother taught her in the art of weaponry, but the katana interested her most. While Raizen went on to become a Ninja teacher, Dawn wanted to become a student of the Samurai Class.

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Billos

Alignment: Evil

Age: 27

Subject: Necromancer, Dark Paladin

Weaponry: A tome for summoning the undead, and a sword that can break apart and be used as a whip, thanks to enchantment (Think Ivy from Soul Calibur or Renji from Bleach)

Magiks: Necromancy

Skills: He has no real skills beyond magic. He is very light on his feet, and he is in no way a wimp.


But the robes are black, as is his hair, with blue eyes.





Personality: Withdrawn and dark. He actually does not like having an apprentice, but he realizes it's a neccesary good. That is ironic. He is always thumbing through a book otherwise, and often sends his apprentices off on outlandish tasks.

History: Billos grew up in a small town, with his father, a warrior, Paladin to be exact, and his mother, a servant of the lord of the area. His father was a drunkard and abused him and his mother nigh nightly. He wears the robes to cover up the scars. As he grew older, his faith in humans became less and less, and he turned to magic, and being a Dark Paladin, his father's opposite. He is bent on humanity's untimely end, as he saw no good from it. What good COULD he see? He practiced Necromancy, and now is very skilled in it. The only humans he likes are those that live in the village he now resides.

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{Senpai application}

Name: Kokaren Reddicks

Alignment: Neutral, leading towards Evil

Age: 24

Subject: Dragoon

Weaponry: Carries a long silver spear across his back in a small leather holster slung around his back, and a smaller silver handaxe tied to his belt with a leather grip against his right side. The spear has a ragged arrowhead shape aerodynamically shaped in order to catch wind and go large distances, though it is still plenty heavy enough to do a lot of damage. The hand axe is shaped so that it can be hung on the belt or carried with ease, and balanced properly for throwing, though it is still a heavy axe. He carries three daggers, one large and two small, in small sheaths on the inside of his right leg armor chap. He carries a silver shortsword in a sheath over his other shoulder, away from his spear.

Magiks: Wind Magik, elemental magic based around controlling the winds around you. Basic abilities include decreasing the weight of yourself, allowing for ridiculously heavy weapons and armor to be worn without hurting your agility and utility. It can also be used to send a small amount of effort for much larger effect, most noticeable in the ridiculous potency of the Jump skill, in which Dragoons can jump upward using their Magik high enough that the return blow from the downward stab becomes strong enough to break through solid rock. The Wind magik can also be used to increase the speed and velocity of weapon strokes. Kokaren is a master of Wind Magik.

Skills: Kokaren is a weapons master, incredibly quick, and physically fit enough to carry many pounds of armor and weaponry without being encumbered by them. He has incredible pain resistance, is calm under any circumstances, and has the ability to make swift weapon strokes that such other people are incapable of defending from. His skill with the Dragoon's Spear is unparalleled by anyone known to him, and his skill in utilizing other weapons is not unknown either.

Appearance: Long, red haired man with a strong chin and piercing blue eyes. Hair is generally unbound, although during notable occasions or honorable battles, he will bind it in traditional styling. He is fairly tall, about 6'5, with a well-formed body covered in lean muscle perfect for moving quickly with. While he wouldn't be described to anyone as gigantic, he has a certain presence that can't be ignored and a chilly glance anyone can recognize.

He generally wears a thick suit of solid red plate armor, with strong shoulders and arm guards and back plates. The front is covered with some yellow, tannish leathers and a couple tiles of armor, and leather breaches for his legs. Below his armor, he wears a white martial arts Gi loosely, and a long white scarf tied around his neck regardless of the weather. Occasionally, the end of the scarf is imprinted with a red symbol of some sort.

Personality: Grim and serious, Kokaren comes off aloof and bitter when he does speak, which is little. He recognizes the importance of passing down the tradition of the dragoon, but has little patience for incompetence or failure. He is a hard taskmaster and never particularly reassuring or close to people, though people do agree that he is among the best. He is very decisive and doesn't spend time overthinking things; Things are what they are, and if he can't change them, then he must choose one of the options and make the best of it. He does not agonize over things, neither does he cry over his own mistakes or look backward. Constantly moving forward, he tries not to make any connections that might be left behind. He is very honorable, and never breaks his word and can be expected to always repay his debts. He is very set in his ways, and it takes an incredible amount of time for him to readjust his views.

History: Descended from a line of nobles, all of Kokaren's family were among the Dragoon order. He himself was taught by his Father, his Grandfather, and his many Uncles and Grand-Uncles that made up the Order, until they were eventually picked off one by one. Dying through several means, the order of Dragoon was diminished between people betraying their roots and becoming Bounty Hunters, or being killed in revenge for their various deeds.

Embittered and without purpose, Kokaren wandered about aimlessly as little more than a hired sword with honor. Though people would pass him over in favor of Bounty Hunters unbound by such morals, he became renown as one of the greatest. Seeking to re-establish the order he heralded from, he decided to take on Apprentices.

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This looks good. I'll apply for sempai



Name: Cacofonix


Alignment: Good


Age: 26


Subject: Bard / Mage


Weaponry: Carries nothing which could be considered a weapon, but all musical instruments can be used as a bludgeon.


Magiks: Area Buff Magiks of various types activated by playing an enchanted song with an enchanted musical instrument. Some will enhance the strength and magical strength of all within range, while others can drain magical energy and strength from all within range.


Skills: No offensive skills. Music is the only non magical skill taught.


Appearance: [spoiler=Cacophonix]cacofonix.jpg



Personality: Cacophonix is very artistic and often goes into a state of angst even in the presence of his kohai. He is very open minded and liberal, accepting anyone willing to learn. Being an artist, he is quite disorganized and doesn't make efforts to organize his belongings.


History: Cacophonix was born into a traditional Celtic-esque family of 6, which is why he does not have a last name. His father was always working and his mother was always sick and bed-ridden. He showed talent in music and would often serenade his mother with his lyre. When his mother died, Cacofonix was hit especially hard, becoming mute for two years. During this time, he composed beautiful and tragic melodies that could put a tear in anyone's eye. When he was 12, he met an old magician who used music as his magical medium. Cacofonix only had three years of training from the wizard, but he kept the book of enchantments after his master's death, letting him learn how to use magic using his lyre. He left home at age 16 in a quest for inspiration. He lived by playing music in exchange for food and board. During his journey he learned how to play many different musical instruments along with his lyre.



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Name: Zake Hyu

Alignment: Good

Age: 16

Subject: Mage/Bard



Personality: Kaze is very stubborn and one to hold a grudge. She usally tries to opress her emotions but will usally miseribly fail. She wants to try and learn but its hard for her to learn magik and other things.

History: Kaze, growing up, was a middle class family. Her fathers and their fathers were palidins, to slay the evil. The tridition of slaying the evil would usally go to her older brother but he died when he was very young by being murdered by an undead raised by an necromancer so it was up to her to hold her families name but she wasn't going to be a reckless brute so she became an apprentice bard and mage in hopes to learn magik.

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Meh, I'd prefer it if we didn't have doubles. Just makes things a little irritating, considering several of the subjects haven't even been touched yet.


I'd be willing to change my class to the Senpai of something such as a Blademaster, Dragoon or something similar if you want to bother adding the extra class, though.

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I forgot but' date=' how are Berserkers evil exactly? They're more neutral than a Dragoon.



I made them evil because they were outcast by the good and since most of them are unable to control there actions when angry their deeds are mostly that of evil intentions


I suppose we'll start when fenrir makes his app

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Name: Sever

Alignment: Evil

Age: 21

Subject: Berserker, Monk

Weaponry: Double Bladed Battle Axe, Gauntlets

Magiks: Various blood based magiks, along with certain chi based ones.

Skills: He teaches both two handed weapon skills and fist to fist skills.

Appearance: Average height of a man his age, well-built, his arms are the more muscled part of his body. He has blood red eyes and a bandage covering his left eye. His dark brown hair is brushed back and reaches the end of his neck. Despite being a berserker, he wears black armor befitting a knight. No helmet or any chain mail under it. Otherwise, his appearance is rather normal.

Personality: Rather lazy. He often really doesn’t care about his students or others for that matter. Sever won’t go out of his way to protect or assist someone. Teacher or student. That being said, it’s very easy to piss him off given the right insults. He also holds all grudges until said person is dead. It annoys him that he has to teach a student, and he only puts up with it for the sake of his dead master, which was the only person he held respect for.

History: Grew up in the mountains with his father. He never knew his mother and wasn’t really exposed to the warmth of a mother. Not like he cares. Often he would go hunting with his dad. Bear hunting, deer hunting, etc. One day, a nearby Grizzly ‘ambushed’ his dad on one of his ‘solo hunts’.

Sever took up his dad’s bloodied crossbow and killed the bear in a fit of rage. That’s when he simply wandered through the mountains, killing anything with his fists or crossbow, whether it be human or animal. Eventually, a monk found him and got him out of his rage. Sever learned from the monk, until he died of old age. That’s when he left to learn about the world. Or at least, try.

Eventually he came across a band of Berserkers. He joined them for a while, until he learned that they were slowly simply becoming raiders. Not savage protectors of the mountains as they should have been. He promptly left them. Killing a few for good measure of course.

He ran into a band of monks. From them he learned that the Monasteries were slowly losing monks. Most people were opting to learn a different talent. With these events, Sever decided that he’ll take upon apprentices.



I'll add some description for the weapons/skills/magiks later.

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ooc: Fenrir chose to be a monk senpai, and I'm a monk senpai to. But I'll let it be since he's evil and I'm good. Let's start.


It was a new morning, the sun was shinning brilliantly onto the marble stone ground that was the base camp of all the good in the world. Today was the day of new discovery, this day was special in it's very own, for this day was the day that the newest generation of heroes were to meet there mentors for the very first time. All the teachers were present inside the main part of the base camp but finding them was up to their own individual new pupils...


Meanwhile across The Great Sea...it was a dark and cloudy day, perfect for evil new beginnings. There was nothing glowing or shining in the continent of evil alliance, however today was just as important to them as it was to the so called "heroes" of this world. All the mentors of every subject were gathered in the center of the continent. They would be training the worlds next generation of villains and evil doers to continue their war efforts.


And finally in between these two continents was an equal in size neutrality continent. All the warriors and next generation who still wanted to learn some skills but didn't want to fight lived here. That's exactly right, the planet's land had been equally split into three big continents now each with their own specific ruler. Grand Master Erost was for for the good, Head Nacromancer Nargoul was for the evil, and The Elemental Priestess Alicea was for the neutrality of all nations. Only time will tell which faction will ultimately rule this world...

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Cacophonix sat to the side of the main square of the base camp on a bench, plucking the strings of his lyre lightly. He was 'asked' to come to the base camp by a bunch of hooligans who rudely interrupted his quiet composing time. Now he found himself signed up to train a completely inexperienced student for war. What good could a bard do in a war? Cacophonix was absolutely confused and infuriated by this fact and tried to compose a little tune to keep his nerves down. He stopped for a minute to look around. He played a note a bit louder and concentrated.


From his point of view, everything became dark. All living things became to glow, some more brightly than others. He saw that there were a few brightly shining figures in other parts of the square. This meant that he wasn't the only powerful person brought here to tutor random students. This brought him a little comfort. He played a flat note relative to the first note, making everything return to its normal appearance. Cacophonix then returned to composing, now humming the notes lightly.

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