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The Wasteland LOCK


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[spoiler=plot]The year is 2051, 13 years ago, Earth's pollution level began to grow out of hand, meanwhile, the space-exploration programs were thriving. Many new worlds had been discovered outside our solar system, and travel to these places is quick and easy. With this in mind, Earth began to launch it's garbage to other planets. One such planet is the gray desert waste known now as Desolation.


Earth has always had an issue with crime, and this has only grown more intense with the passage of time. Prisons began to fill up, so more were built, not on Earth, but on other worlds, those being used as dumps. These prisons proved to be grimly effective, no one who was ever sent to one of these worlds as a prisoner returned before the end of their sentence, presumably because even if someone was successful in their escape, then they would never be able to leave the planet, and would eventually starve to death.


You have found yourself on Desolation, an outlaw, a runner, perhaps you are a guard who abandoned his post. Perhaps you were wrongfully accused and decided to exact your own justice, or maybe, you do in fact belong in this alien, sandy hell-hole. But no matter who you are or why you're here, everyone has the same goal, to survive life on Desolation, and maybe one day to make it back home. Colonies of the escaped prisoners have built up, settling in the remains of the trash they helped to create on Earth. Will you join them? Will you establish your own colony? Or will you try to be a lone wolf? The choice is yours.





[spoiler=Character Applications]






Physical Appearance:

Biography (There's no need to make it as long as mine):

Possessions: (This includes weapons, first aid kits, anything like that. Try to remember that your weapons will need to be items you could potentially find in human trash, for example a lead pipe would be valid, as would a bat wrapped in rusty barbed wire, but a Katana would not be acceptable.



[spoiler=My App]

Name: Leasha Mae

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 100lbs

Physical Appearance: Leasha is short and buff, her fitness level is high. She has flowing blonde hair with a blue dyed streak on the left side that has now faded to a faint green. She wears torn jeans and a tight-fitting tank to that she managed to fish from the waste, along with a spiked black dog's collar.

Biography: Leasha was raised in England by a family on the virge of falling appart for the first five years of her life, her older brothers were both long-time drug-addicts. Her mother was a former hotel singer, and her father was a cruel Embezzeling buisness CEO. Finally the family imploded, causing a divorce, Leasha then lived with her mother for years in poverty after being used to the best. Finally, when Leasha was 16, her mother died of a long-running bout with cancer.

After her mother's death, Leasha slowly began her own decent into crime. she joined a gang, she developed her own drug-addiction dispite promising herself that she would never go down the same path as her brothers. During this time she lived with her father, and was the favorite child. She hid the dark parts of her life very well at home. Until finally she was arested for possession of Marajuana and released at a later point. Her father didn't care at all, but was now aware that he had "Another junkie kid" in his words.

On Leasha's 18th birthday, her father was shot and killed in thier home. Leasha was accused of the crime, given her gang ties, and the supposed motivation of a large amount of money left to her in her father's will. Leasha was sent to Desolation for a life-sentence, but escaped at the age of 19, and has lived in a small coloney ever since.

Possessions: A thick leather glove wrapped in rusted tiger wire, a torch with nearly used-up batteries, and a sledgehammer head.


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Name: ??????????????

Age: ?????




Physical Appearance:A small young boy who was born an this wasteland. Wears a riped white T-Shirt and a pair of riped geans.

Biography : This boy was born on this wasteland and was abandoned by his parents, but was left with some food that will last for 20 years. He has no Idea where he is and no Idea what his name was. He was left a note by his parents but can't read its because he never learned how to read.

Possessions: 20 years worth of food, a dagger, and some cooking items, note from his parents

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ill join...

name: joey



height:4'7 to most people his age he's normal height, high enough to look his age.

weight:4 1/2 stone, underweight by 1 1/2 stone, some call him skinny because of his thin appearence.

physical appearence:medium height, blonde, blue eyes, medium legs, thin body..

biography: a young boy who spent all his life scavenging the wastelands, he knows how to defend himself well. he spent most of his life with a friend of his, but he died of starvation because he gave all his food to joey..he now roams the land looking for someone to travel with....

possesions: he has a backpack full of food that he rations, a small "spear" he made by attaching spike of a gate to a piece of wood, a small rusty one handed axe,a tinderbox.

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Name: Jecht Whyushi but Goes by "The Salesman"

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Physical Appearance: Jecht has green eyes and long black hair. He stands tall and fit. /he usally works out so he is muscular. He wears a gray suit that is throughly worn out, extremely dirty, and torn at the elbows with worn gloves. He's also thin.

Biography: Jecht for "The Salesman" came from a rich family. How they were rich is by selling thing such as drugs and wine. When he turned 21 it was his turn in the family buisness. Three months later when he was selling drugs, the person he was selling to was accutally and undercover angent for the British Itelligence and Jecht failed miseribly and was sent to the horrid planet to rot.

Possessions: He has rusty barbed wire,a rope ,and a chipped and dull have of blade.

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Name: ??????????????

Age: ?????




Physical Appearance:A small young boy who was born an this wasteland. Wears a riped white T-Shirt and a pair of riped geans.

Biography : This boy was born on this wasteland and was abandoned by his parents' date=' but was left with some food that will last for 20 years. He has no Idea where he is and no Idea what his name was. He was left a note by his parents but can't read its because he never learned how to read.

Possessions: 20 years worth of food, a dagger, and some cooking items, note from his parents



Name: Jecht Whyushi but Goes by "The Salesman"

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Physical Appearance: Jecht has green eyes and long black hair. He stands tall and fit. /he usally works out so he is muscular. He wears a gray suit that is throughly worn out' date=' extremely dirty, and torn at the elbows with worn gloves. He's also thin.

Biography: Jecht for "The Salesman" came from a rich family. How they were rich is by selling thing such as drugs and wine. When he turned 21 it was his turn in the family buisness. Three months later when he was selling drugs, the person he was selling to was accutally and undercover angent for the British Itelligence and Jecht failed miseribly and was sent to the horrid planet to rot.

Possessions: He has rusty barbed wire,a rope ,and a chipped and dull have of blade.



Both of you are accepted


Steel dude is declined

Joey's app needs a little work, then he's in.

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Stop with the uneccessary posting or we shall face the wrath of Rinne kami-sama, the unmerciful lord of the RP section.


BTW here's my app.



Name: Saki Nawabe


Age: 21


Gender: Female


Height: 4' 11"


Weight: 124 lbs


Physical Appearance: Athletic frame, tanned skin. She has vivid blue hair that reaches down to her lower back. Her green eyes are large and sparkle with determination and even a little defiance. She wears a red bandana over her head to help block the heat of the sun and often a scarf and goggles on her face to block the sand. She often wears a brown tattered robe that covers most of her body to furthur protect her from sandstorms. Her musculature is well defined through years of running from her father's retainers and Saki flaunts this by wearing an exposing black tube top and high cut shorts. She wears her robe most of the time however. She also wears high explorer's boots and a heavily equipped belt.


Biography: Saki was born to a rich family on Earth. Her father and mother were co-founders and owners of a massive general manufacturing company, which made everything from dishwashers to war machines. Early on, Saki learned that her father's work wasn't very worker friendly. During a business trip to a Chinese factory, she wandered off and found thousands of starving workers nearly dead from exhaustion. Every since that day, she was absolutely defiant of her father's (and mother's) authority and became a crusader for human rights. She saw that prisoners were being shipped off to desert planets and immediately opposed, possibly also because her father was an avid supporter of the program. With a few of her friends from the movement, she stole one of her father's spaceships and flew to the planet known as Desolation, the mission to free as many prisoners from the main prison of Desolation. Unfortunately, the ship was not built to withstand Desolation's windstorms and crashed landed a few hundred kilometres from the prison. Her friends died on impact, but Saki survived mostly unharmed. She found herself in an endless desert with no way to get back home. She learned how to cope with the conditions and joined a colony, being recruited as a scout. Her plan is to try to board one of the prison ships carrying new prisoners and guards to get back to Earth.


Possessions: One composite and very powerful slingshot brought from Earth. Initially intended to be used during the prison break to kill guards silently, it is now her main weapon. Her ammo is carried on her belt and is usually medium sized pebbles or ball bearings scavenged from old machinery. It is nearly as powerful as a musket of old and completely silent, effective to a range of 25 metres. As a secondary weapon, she has a rope dart, a bundle of nails tied to a rope, which she can use to disable an enemy weapon with grabbing techniques or as a medium range stabbing weapon.



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Name: Baleaze Goleman

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Height: Six Foot Tall

Weight: 220

Physical Appearance:40df939.png

Biography: Baleaze Goleman is a very ruthless and heartless person, he has and will do anything to capture his next mark. Baleaze was hired by the government to re-collect all of the escapees from the wastelands of the trashed planet. Baleaze has been told to use any means necessary but thought it wouldn't exactly be sporting to just bring a bunch of guns and men with him to the planet, instead he has settled for other means...

Possessions: Longsword on his back, short sword in his hands (does not use them unless absolutely necessary), will usually use a pair of brass knuckles unless forced to use his blades.

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Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Height: 4"9

Weight: 96 Pounds

Physical Appearance: Zeke has Brown spikey hair and dark blue eyes. He has no oddd physical marks other then a cross hair birth mark on his right shoukder. He is average size and weight for his age. He wears a wight hoody and black jeans

Biography: Ill doo later

Possessions: Later

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Name: Baleaze Goleman

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Height: Six Foot Tall

Weight: 220

Physical Appearance:40df939.png

Biography: Baleaze Goleman is a very ruthless and heartless person' date=' he has and will do anything to capture his next mark. Baleaze was hired by the government to re-collect all of the escapees from the wastelands of the trashed planet. Baleaze has been told to use any means necessary but thought it wouldn't exactly be sporting to just bring a bunch of guns and men with him to the planet, instead he has settled for other means...

Possessions: Longsword on his back, short sword in his hands (does not use them unless absolutely necessary), will usually use a pair of brass knuckles unless forced to use his blades.





Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Height: 4"9

Weight: 96 Pounds

Physical Appearance: Zeke has Brown spikey hair and dark blue eyes. He has no oddd physical marks other then a cross hair birth mark on his right shoukder. He is average size and weight for his age. He wears a wight hoody and black jeans

Biography: Ill doo later

Possessions: Later


We'll see when you update.

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