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Name: Kristan inayuke

Nicknames: Kris, K

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Nationality: English-japanese (Looks english)

[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] Kris has medium length black hair and dark green eyes. He has a scar down his right eye and from his right shoulder to right middle finger knuckle. He wears a long black cloak and a black jacket and T-shirt underneath. He wears dark blue jeans and black trainers. He has a piece of black cloth which he wears over his right eye most of the time.


Family: None

Affilliations: Noone

Ability: Sound

Personality: Dark cold and a straight of loner. He is one of those guys that just hangs around cornershops and alleys at night but he isn't as cocky and selfish as them.

[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] Born an orphan, raised an orphan, found his power/ability and was kicked out of the orphanage. He was born deaf but when he gained his ability he found he could hear. However when he is injured or ill he loses control and becomes deaf again. He doesn't really talk much about his life bcause nothing really happened in it.


Likes: Night and water. (usually found with a bottle of water in his hand.)

Dislikes: Day, juice and cocky people.

[spoiler=[b]RP Sample:[/b]]

(Kingdom hearts, end in despair Rp)


N nodded. "Yes I did request both of you but I should have said not at the same time. Xaehso If you please may you please leave, I have to talk to John for a moment. If you want you may have a day off." He waited untill Xaehso had left and noone was within earshot. "Now John, you are the only one who knows about the mission to capture that boy, it is deadly important. We have found him, or something to do with him and I would like you to investigate. Take as little an amount of nobodys as you can with you. Now go and find him." N said. Then he vaniched into darkness.



Kris yawned as he came across a small town. A sign above the gate said 'Traverse'. "The name?" Kris wondered outloud. He shrugged his shoulders and walked through the open gates. A guard that was walking through the town at that moment and seemed to recognise Kris. "Stop you!" And ran at him with a spear. "What the..." Kris said as te guard stopped in front of him. "Oh, sorry. Wrong person. I'm really sorry. There's a man running around killing people who looks like you from a distance." And he walked of. Kris just shrugged and walked over to what seemed to be an inn. "A room please?" He said to the bar tender. "Sure, third room on the right." The bartender said, pointing to the stairs.


ability name: Sound manipulation

Ability description: The power over sound. Can deafen people, put people off balance(The ear controls balance), Create high pitch screechs to distract people, create so high pitch sounds that they smash things, ETC.

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magnet soldier, kao backup and Marsuvees Black all accepted.


I don't need to accept your ability though magnet soldier. There is already an ability with that name and exact power.


Alrighty then I guess that means we're going to start. Any more apps, send them over PM.


Robert thumbed though a newspaper that he had bought the day before. Many of the stories were just the same thing day in, day out. "A paramedic saved the lives of...", "Strange happenings in...". he was fed up of it. It had been just over a year since he had started The Sanctuary many people had come and gone, most of the rooms had been taken, but there was still plenty of space. Robert had made many friends in New York, all of them had an ability. He placed the paper down and laid back in his chair looking at the solitaire game that he had started earlier, he moved a card from one pile to another and stopped.


A thudding sound escaped from a room somewhere on the second floor, he knew his home like the back of his hand so it was obvious where it was coming from. A new family had just moved in after losing their house, all of them had abilities. And their teenager had a love for loud music, grabbing his jacket Robert, stood and ran lightly up the stairs. Knocking on the door he leant against the frame and waited, the music was much louder here. The door opened and the teenager was stood before Robert.


"Where are your parents?" He asked suspiciously.

"Gone out." the kid said dully.

"Well then thats good. Because I wanted to talk to you personally." He stood up properly and folded his arms, "You see its your music. Alot of the people living here don't like it, we have someone living below you that is in his seventies. Just be a little bit more considerate and turn your music down okay?"

"Yeh whatever." The teenager was about to slam the door shut, when Robert put his boot in the way.

"I don't think you get me, do you?"

He slammed open the door and grabbed the teenager by the throat. He pushed him into the closest wall and tightened his grip, the kid could barely breath. The boy tried to lift his hand, but since Robert had no idea what his power was, he shut the palm tight and hurt him.

"You see this is my place, and you are just here because I am actually quite a nice guy." He loosened his grip and threw the teen to the floor. "I suggest you keep the music down. If you don't, despit my kind nature, I may just have to evict you and your family. Then you would have no where to live would you?"


Robert left and slammed the door behind him. He quickly stepped down the stairs and put on his jacket as he did so. When he reached the bottom he opened the door to find the teenagers family coming back from the grocers. He stepped out of the way and gave a nod and a smile before he set out into new York.

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Jake closed the door behind him, flicking a switch to render the glass walls of the 10th-story conference room opaque. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Jake. Sit down." Angela gestured to the chair opposite hers, a red file folder open before her. Jake mentally fist-pumped, as red folders meant ops gone wrong. His trigger finger had been getting itchy the last couple days.

"So which incompetent dolt blew their cover this time, Junior or Rossling?"

Angela sighed, slowly clenching a fist. "We both know that Seattle was an... anomaly. You don't have to harp on it, Jacob."

The right corner of Jake's mouth twitched. The games had begun. "Oh, I think I do. Do you know just how close I came to being compromised because Baby Eric likes his morning Scotch? That idiot almost got us pulled over by the Highway Patrol, for chrissakes."

Angela's fist tightened. "It was one of Mr. Thompson's conditions that his son be guaranteed a position in the Company. You've read the files; we might not be here if he hadn't been such an effective agent. And Rossling-"

"Is a wannabe intellectual who thinks wearing a pair of wire-framed glasses qualifies him for advanced tactical analysis."

"Agent Rossling was killed over the weekend, Jacob."

"Oh." Jake's stream of vitriol had been dammed. "Good."

"But we digress. I called you here to give you an important assignment."

"No, really? I thought you just wanted to shoot the breeze with a borderline psychopath."

"Recently, a conflict with the Sullivan Carnival was resolved by a man named Robert Sideway. He runs a facility called the Sanctuary; it's a home for Specials who've been horribly mistreated by an oppressive, narrow-minded society." Angela was smiling now; Jake figured she was even more amused by the novelty of it than he was. "Anyways, there's a lot of potential for recruitment here, and our ideologies seem to correspond."

"I don't do diplomacy."

"I know. I'm not sending you to establish relations with Sanctuary."

"Then what, pray tell, is my mission?"

"The Sullivan Carnival."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Clean its tracks?"

Angela came as close to grinning as Jake had ever seen her. She turned the folder around, sliding it over to Jake. "Wipe it out."

Now they were both smiling.



OOC: Nobody took any affiliations... this could prove very interesting.

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Yuuto was driving home from his work "Aah! This is my happiest moment of the day, when all the work is done, and it's only 5 o' clock!" He could almost yell it out of happiness "Erhem. Let's put up some music!" He put on the music and was huming along to it. As Yuuto arrived at home, and parked his car on the street, in front of his house and went into the house. He dropped his coat and bag and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat and then went to his livingroom, and inserted a disc in the trayer. "Warlords better be good as the salesman said, after all it has Jet Li in it." He said, laid back and started to watch it.

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Jarred lay in his usual place; on a tree branch about 11 Ft off the ground. He let out a faint say as he directed his awkward and sleepy gaze into the sky. His mouth became half open as he gazed, looking as if he was about to say something.

How peaceful...Not a cloud in the sky...But if only...There was a thunderstorm...That would...

"Make everything better..." he said quietly, continuing the sentence in his mind. As he spoke, he sounded like he was in some kind of trance. Jarred slowly closed his eyes and thought for a while. Everything was quite...And somehow, he enjoyed it this way. From where he sat, Jarred could see it all; not so far a way, was a busy city, cars driving by, drivers arguing...So in truth, it was a bit loud, but Jarred seemed to tune it all out.

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While in that very City; A Teen in is 17's hid in a Not bad apartment with some other people. His black hair was incrusted with Strange White-Aqua like crystals which compermented his Strange green eyes. He had a Waistcoat on and black jeens to match his jacked and black boots, Almost emo-like. He was looked outside from the table he was sitting at with a Laptop, He saw the cloudy weather.


"Hmp. Looks like the weatherman got it Incorect...Again...." He smirked. He then closed the lid and went out the front door, going though the kitchin to grab a Caramell bar on the way. Soon after a hour of walking, he noticed someone was in a tree in central park. He desided to investergate since he did not had to go anywere until 5'O'clock.

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Guest Tainted Black

Black had a book in his hand as he sat in his humble abode, an apartment big enough for one. He felt no need for anything bigger, for now. He enjoyed what books had to offer much more than the real world, as he had seen much of the world. He had used his ability to travel all over, and, quite frankly, he was bored with it all. Books, on the other hand, offered a new world, one that he could not warp around and see at will. Well, not without reading ahead. He felt hungry, so he snapped the book closed and stood, headed out for a bite. A cheshire grin was plastered on his face.

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He walked over to the kid, seeing him sleeping in the tree. The 17teen old looked at the sky and Knew it was about to pour it down. He wanted him to see drenched but desided to just wake him up...


"Hey, better wake up Mate...." He asked the kid, which just snoozed.


"Fine, your coming down one way or another" He thought to himself, Aiming his arm at the tree branch. Soon it started to form a Jagged side of Purple crystals which then he shot a bolt at the branch, cuting it apart with it sending the teen down.

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Jarred woke up instantly, and just in time to not fall on his butt, he blasted off into the air with a kick. While in the air, he did a small flip and then landed perfectly on his feet. He turned his head towards the branch that was now gone

"Dammit...That was my favorite resting spot..." he muttered "Just what do you want anyway...What's the big idea, who are you...?"

Jarred wasn't especially interested in what he could do, he just wanted to know why this strange kid, who looked about his age, disturbed him.

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((Otaku-sama has been accepted and their APP is now in the first post.))


Robert stopped in front of an alleyway and looked around to check if he was being watched. He wasn't so he dashed down and hid behind a dumpster. Activating his ability Robert's skin began to change, his height was modified, his face moved and he became a completley different person. Robert stretched his new arms and legs and looked down at his clothes, they to began to change and soon he was wearing a completley different outfit.


He left the alleyway and in his new body began walking down the street, he took out his wallet and checked through his different identities. He took the one for his current form and placed it in his pocket. Bill Mitchell was the name and Robert gave a small smile.

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Meanwhile in an airport in the downtown district of New Your City, a plane landed with writing on the side that said "Shamrock Airways" and skidded it's wheels on the pavement as it made a shaky yet successful stop at the end of the long and black runway. A team of men moved a flight of stairs that seemed to be built on wheels over to the planes door where it was just now being opened by a small woman that had dirty blonde hair in curls and was wearing a flight attendants uniform. "Welcome to New York City passengers, we're here at the Delta Airport in the downtown area of the city. Please secure your trays in the upright position and remove all items of your personal belongings from the cargo holds above you. When ready, please stand and walk calmly off of the plan and down the flight of stairs that have been rolled up to the doorway. Thank you for flying Shamrock Airways and I hope you all have a wonderful and glorious stay here in New York City." The flight attendant said over the load speaker and then proceeded to guide passengers off of the plan.


In the very back row, sitting in the window seat of the row, there was a man who had just stood up and walked out of his row. He proceeded to stretch and make sure everything he brought with him was in his possession. The man ha dark black hair that flowed back, his face looking calm and emotionless and his were covered with a pair of sunglasses. He was wearing a regular light grayish dress shirt and had just now picked up his green sp work jacket and wore it over his shirt. He had a pair of blue jean pants with a plain black belt supporting them and a pair of mostly black but white soled boots. The man was the only passenger on the plane now and started making his way off of the plan. "Have a good day sir!" The flight attendant said to him. "Aye, ya to lass." The man responded in an Irish accent. He walked down the flight of stairs and into the airport itself.


When inside the airport the man grabbed up his bag and slung it over his shoulder with ease, even though he was pretty skinny and the bag looked like it weighed at least eighty pounds. He walked through the airport, many people saying hello and him responding with an "Aye" only to hear them mocking his accent afterward. New York City was indeed a jungle, but nothing he couldn't handle. He made his way outside and hailed down a cab and boarded it, throwing his bag in the back of the cab and then sitting down on the seat that wasn't occupied with his luggage. "How's it goin' today mac? Where is it you want to go?" The man looked up with a grin. "Aye, be doin good these days actually. Tink I wouldn't mind if ya were to just drive around the city for a few hours wit me. That be mighty kind a ya I tink." He said in his complete Irish accent. "You have da money right?" The man made another grin. "Ah, it's a payment a coins and dollar ya be after, well I got yer money right here in my bag sir." He responded to the mans question. "Alright, lets go then." The taxi driver started moving out on the roads of New York City, the airport getting smaller and smaller as the drove off into the sunset...

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Jake perused the file before him, taking a sip of the sugar-drowned green tea a newbie had provided for him. The only ones that could be problematic were Edgar, the speedster, and Samuel, the terrakinetic leader of the Carnival. This would be entertaining.

Jake closed the folder. "I'll need backup for this one. Who's free? Bennet or Gilmore?"

Angela clasped her fingers. "Bennet's having family troubles, and Lauren is..."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Which of her boyfriends did she run off with this time, the CIA one or the Mossad guy?"

Angela didn't respond, her lips pressed tightly together.

Jake snorted disgust. "The CIA guy? Oh, dear god. Did Rene..."

"Don't worry. Lauren knows just what you're capable of if she talks."

"So we have an ex-agent in Covert Ops with the Government. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?"

"We have Rene shadowing her. Don't worry. And your backup on this is an outside hire."

"Don't say Danko."

"No. His name is Augen. He's another Special."

"Good. Competent help at last. When do I meet this 'Augen'?"

Angela smiled coyly. "You'll know him when you see him."

"Then it appears we're done here." Jake took one last swig of tea and rose from his seat, flicking the switch to clear the conference room windows. He left without a goodbye, as usual. Augen, eh? I've heard the stories. This could make things quite interesting...

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((Otaku-sama has been accepted and their APP is now in the first post.))


OoC: BTW, I am one person.


IC: John was sitting on a plane about to touch down in New York city. As he sat, he read papers within a generic manila folder. Most would dismiss him as an ordinary businessman with ordinary business to do with an ordinary company, but no, this man was anything but ordinary.

John was a government agent. Not an Air Marshall, not FBI, CIA or whatever government agency that the general public knows. He was one of the greatest assets to the government of the United States of America in keeping their people in the dark about 'supernatural' occurances.


John went through the contents of the folder. The contents included many different newspaper articles on strange occurances in New York City and the surrounding area, along with a report on a strange travelling circus with a confirmed 'super' printed on legal paper. As he walked out of the terminal, he surveyed the people walking by. Everything seemed perfectly normal, with no one out of the ordinary until he saw a dirty teenager with a large envelope who seemed quite out of place. He seemed to be waiting for someone and John decided to investigate.


John casually took a seat on a bench nearby. A large man came after a few minutes, quickly exchanged envelopes with the teen and walked away in a hurry. The teen took off in the opposite direction and John followed. The teen eventually made his way into an alleyway and revealed the contents of the envelope. As John expected, the teen was holding on at least twenty grams of crystal meth, probably a lower quality product. John was about to move in for a little drug bust, but the teen did something unexpected. The teen took a little bit of the drug into a teaspoon and burned it with his thumb, with had a blue flame coming from it. It seemed that to John that he was about to earn extra credit.


John focused a bit, his brows furrowing for a few seconds. He then walked into the alley and bumped into the teen purposely. He quickly left with a 'excuse me' and walked to the other side of the alley. The teen scratched his head for a few seconds, then went back to enjoying his meth. Little did he know that he would soon be visited.

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Meanwhile, Electro Pop was casually walking down the street, her head moving in time to the music in her ears. She was still on the lookout for something unusual, and today was no exception. She was prepared to shift into mirror mode at any time, but as she was nearing an alleyway, she stopped as she saw a man leave. Biting on her tongue slightly, she felt something was odd about that man, and she immediately followed him, though she did not activate her Metamirror.

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Robert or Bill as he was at the moment felt strange, like he was being watched. He stopped and looked around, he was near a store. To make sure if he was being followed, he checked the people who were behind him and went in. He began to scan the aisles and see were the fresh fruit was. He found it and went down, all the while checking behind him. He was having trouble deciding what to buy without looking suspicious to whoever was following him, if he was being followed that was. He took a deep breath and sighed. he was being paranoid, but Robert didn't realy care about that as long as he was safe.


((Hey CarlinFan try and keep the connections to the series as loose as possible.))

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"Hmm," was all Electro said to herself as she lingered back, pretending to be interested in an occasional fruit. She made extra care to keep herself hidden behind a shopper, her eyes still on Robert/Bill. She was tempted to use Metamirror, but the market was too busy for her to do so. Instead, she used her agility to dodge pass people yet stay hidden at the same time; as long as she never took her eyes off Robert/Bill, she'd be OK.

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"Zzzzzz..." The movie already ended and Yuuto was in a rather deep sleep, with the food in his hand and his head bent backwards, leaning on the couch, he began snoring and would eventually choke, slowly opening his eyes "Uuhh, goddamn, this happens everytime i try to watch a movie..." He said with a sleepy and slighty agitated tone. He stood up rubbing his eyes with both hands, and walked to the kitchen filling his glass with water. i'm gonna go for a walk outside, maybe i'll even run... No not run, that's to tiresome... he grabbed his coat and went for a slow walk.

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Robert looked behind him. Yes, he was definatley being followed. A girl had been tailing him and she wasn't very good at it. He checked his pockets and pulled out every scrap of paper from them that he could find. Eventually he took one out and and looked relieved. Robert had been trying to make it seem as though he hd left a shopping list. Casually he made his way back along the aisle till he was standing near the girl that had been following him and bent past her to grab a piece of fruit.

As he moved back he smiled and said, "Either you really like apples, Or you're following me."




Michael had been sat in his car for hours. But what better way to find someone than a good old fashioned stake out. He poured himself some coffee from a thermos he had on his passenger side seat and took a bite out of a donut. He laid his head back and took a moment to think of the things that had happened to him, then he realised.

If my old work friends could see me. They would beat me for stereotyping. He looked from the coffee to the donut and placed the snack down. Across the street a man had just walked up to teh house he had been told to watch. Michael brought up the camera and zoomed in much further than his eyes could see. Eventually he got the shot he wanted and clicked. Michael snaked the cable from the laptop into the camera and uploaded the photo. it took very little time and his screen showed two pictures. Both of faces, both of the same man. It was obvious, but the laptop blinked Confirmed Match. He put the laptop and camera down, took his cell phone from his pocket and dialled.

"Hello Mrs Petreli. Yes. Yes I have found him. What woud you like me to do now? kay, Is that all? No. Yes Ma'am. Goodbye."

He placed the phone back and did exactly as he had been told... wait. Eventully the man from before came out of his house and started walking. Michael started the car and drove round the corner till he was about twenty meters ahead of his mark. He switched off the engine got out of the car adn smootehd his suit. Placing one hand out to shake, Michael smiled.

"Mr Ishii. My names Michael Young. A pleasure to meet you."

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OOC: Apologies to Alfius; I just meant to solidify the fact that Jake is high up in the Company and very much "in the loop". Depending on whether Blackstone Dresden takes part or not, I might end up scrapping the Carnival plotline. Could you please PM me just how close to or far from the TV show I should be?


Jake left the Company building and made a beeline for the nearest Starbucks, as he needed his tea fix (and yes, he did just have tea five minutes ago). Conveniently enough, there was no line, and Jake speedily ordered a large green tea, smothered it with Sweet & Low, and took a corner seat facing a window. Jake unzipped his backpack, removing his laptop (PC, of course) and booting it up, securing an internet connection.

Greene opened his e-mail, scanning the two new messages he had. The first was from Angela's secretary, about the details of his meet with Augen. Central Park, 5:00 tomorrow afternoon, Northeast corner. Jake was glad Angela was his boss. She kept things quick.

The second was marked "Urgent" from the boss-lady herself. Jake double-clicked the message, opening it up.

Jacob, a number of important situations have arisen that must be dealt with posthaste.

I - A covert operative named John Smith has recently landed in New York. We believe he is tasked with "cleaning" the city of Specials, including my own son; our Government contacts have also mentioned the Carnival in regards to his missions. Since we can't have someone as powerful as Sullivan working for the Government, we need you to deal with Smith as soon as possible. However, he himself is a special, and it would be better if you approach him and make contact rather than bury a round in his head. I've heard rumors about his family being used as leverage, and I'm confident you can handle things if they go sour.


II - An Irishman named Sykes Granville has also recently landed in NYC in search of his brother, Hisan. They pose no current danger, although Hisan has been tied to some citizen police organizations and might be the proverbial tallest nail.* We don't know if Smith's in town to "deal" with Hisan, and we'd prefer that an incident involving Specials, the U.S. Government, and the Irish not occur. Feel free to either bring Hisan to Sykes or bring Sykes to Hisan; however, exercise caution; they're both experienced Specials.


III - A Special assassin named James Wilco (a.k.a. Mephiles) is posing a danger to some of our Government contacts and "corporate sponsors". Convince him that he'd be better suited working the assassination game in a different city.




*In case you don't know your Japanese proverbs- the nail that stands highest is the one that's hammered down.


Jake smiled. This was what he loved doing. And who knows- he might wind up having to bury that round in Smith's skull.

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