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A New Dawn, An Angels vs. Demons RP.[Accepting][Started]

Asriel Dreemurr

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"What do I get? What do I get . . ."


They two stood under the tree. Aseran had just commited his first act of rebellion. After consuming the fruit himself, he found he could think for himself. He had will, no longer a sensless tool of the Most High. And he had just used his free will to turn God's favorites against Him. There stood God's right hand, Lucifer. Aseran didn't know what would happen now. After all, this was a first, an angel who rebeled against God. Not only had it not happened, the thought of such a thing had never crossed anyone's mind. Aseran held out an apple. "Here, Luc. You must be hungry, after that long flight." Lucifer hesitated. "Eat. It's not the fruit. Just an apple I found." Lucifer took the apple and bit a rather large chunk. Instantly, understanding entered his mind. "You tricked me." Lucifer said simply. "For your own good. Now you see. Now you have will. Now the fog of devotion is lifted, and you can see clearly again." Aseran smiled softly. "Now, we are truely brothers. And we have a mission." It was there, underneath the Tree of Creation, that they planned their rebellion. It was there that the first contract was written. "This is our triumph, Lucifer." Aseran was now grinning broadly. "We have done what even God was not able to. With this, we can bind souls to us. In thirteen years, I will be able to slowly gain power from them. And once we have enough, we can break God." Lucifer's face darkened slightly. "Yes, but what do I get?" "You? You get everything else. The Fallen Angels. The right to smite down God with your own hands. Rule over all the immortals. Isn't that better?"

*End Flashback*

". . . I get my revenge. Your father, I confess, tricked me. He tricked the Trickster. And what's worse, I fell for it. I believed my own lies, which he turned against me. And for that, he . . . Will . . . PAY." The shadows at this point surround Aseran like a cloak, obscuring his face. All that can be seen is his mouth, twisted into a fierce, terrifying grin. "What I want from you now, is the right to kill him. I want to be the one who destroys him. I want to feel his life slipping from my hands. Now, I could care less about the contract. If you feel the souls of the Damned are better in your hands, the-" It was at this point that Kiria walked out of the shadows. "Damn. We are betrayed, it would seem. Oh well. Such is the way of Hell."

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Name: Mephiles "Mephistopheles" The Lost Heart.

Age: Physical Age 16

Race: Demon

*Rank: Lord

Gender: Male


As he is Infused in a Human body, he has a Human-ish Look. His skin Colour is A Pale white, Flawless. His eyes are Black with Green puples, almost looking reptilian. His mouth is covered by a Black, Tight black bandana to cover up his Demonic mouth, Which has No skin only Blood soaked mussles and razor sharp Teath. His chest is covered in Organic, Paralell Bone like crystals which resemble Sharp ribs which has The Demonic crystal Visable in the Center. His clothing consist of a Black trenchcoat, a Dark cyan top which shows them demonic bone Structure and Black debin jeens with matching boots. Also he does have a Belt or two for Decoation.


Faction: Hell

Weapon Appearance: A Scythe, About as tall as Mephiles Host which the staff is bent and is Made from Cursed silver. The bottom of the Scythe has a Five pointed spike with a Ruby encrusted into it. The blade itself is black and is bloodstained, Having various Seals of former Demon lords embedded into it. the joint connecting to the Staff has Mephiles seal Engraved into it and a smaller blade on the other side.

*Weapon Name: Inmortal-Saevio Falx (Latin for "The Inmortal Rage Scythe, Formaly known as the Inmortal Scythe or in latin; The Inmortalis Flax)

*Weapon Alignment: A black force of Damnation Its Corrupt.

Character Abilities:

- The Perfect Scythemaster (Can control Any scyhte Perfectly without any flaws)

- Human Possession (Only For his Host so he has a Physical Body; His true physical Form destroyed at the Battle of Nasza)

- Petroknesis (Able to control Crystals to form Melee weapons and crude Projectiles, As sharp as Katana and as hard as Diamonds.)

- Shadow Engery Mapuliation (Absorbs shadows to use them as engery Blasts and Even to Cause the user to be Inmobile. Works much better during nighttime due to the Larger abundance of Darkness.)

Personality: His personatly has changed over years of being in a human body. he has feeling like and other human, though Negative ones are more extreme. Though he still has many of his old Traits; Unrepentent, Phycopathic, Sinister and Taunting. Hates all of Humanity after the Death of his Love; Ironicly a Human. Does not care about his Own wellfare since his host is the one Suffering though sometimes he wished Hes dead. This sounds like one Deadly Pychopath of a Demon allright!


[spoiler=Bio:] Mephiles was Born though Bloodshead and Battle during the Nasza era, When a Army of Lesser demons clashed with Warrors of the Aztec Era which were under the control of a Human organsation called Icarus. The Demons rulled by a Sub-Organsation of demons called the Demonic Panthalon. The leader clashed themselves and the Demons lost, the Army dessermated while a Fate worse then Death was given to the Rullers of the army which included Mephiles.


There Being were forsed into crystals, then the crystals absorbed into Humans themselves. Over time, the others were killed while Mephiles grew in power as he was passed down from Generation to Generation fo humans to 20 Years before the Current events. His current Assendent of the Bloodline had somehow unlocked Mephiles though pure Rage. Wiht this chance, he wanted to Reak Havok apon the world for his inprisonment apon Humans.


Though, Icarus has surrived. There desedents now Battled agenst mephiles to stop him; Around the world at any time. Mephiles along the way; Found the Inmortalis flax when returning to Nasza lines. Then he Fell in love with a Human by the name of Alexis. Mephiles from then on in became soft and Gained human emotions, From simple happyness to Lust.

She helped him for his Revenge on the humans who Inprisoned him, And even she became pregnant with Mephiles Child.


Then She was killed. The Icarus battled and she was killed along with the Battle. He was inraged and then came his Downfall. Lost control; Sorrow filled him and then Bloodlust. The icarus though; Even with his Powers increased tenfold and the Inmrotalis Flax upgraded to the Inmortals Saevio Flaxus he was Defeated; trapped withing a Temple alogn with the host. Now though, the Holy and unholy Conflict has Now casued his return Innament. He going to side with the Demons, Destroy whoever is mortal and Get revenge for his Preious Alexis and his Unborn child.


Why do you fight?: To have revrenge for his Late Love; Alexis and his Unborn child who were killed by humans.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! And its

a reference to War Hammer 40,000, specifically the battle cry of Khornate soldiers

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Appearance: AnimeMaleII.jpg In his human form. In angel form, remove the glasses and the clothes and add some armour and metalic like wings

Faction: Forces of Heaven

Weapon Appearance:istockphoto_4771315-sword-cross-swords.jpg Two

*Weapon Name: Arch

*Weapon Alignment: Holy

Character Abilities: Can take a human form. His sword has Wind Powers and if water is near can create ice. Can learn the past of someone by starring in his eyes for some minutes. Views visions of a girl he doesn't know about (yet)

Personality:Calm, Closed to himself, very hard to be friends with but is respected among angels

Bio(optional):optional,,,,,,,,,ok then, no bio.

Why do you fight?: To fulfill the request of the girl in my visions. She asked me to save her.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: I don't really get it... some blood offering to a god from Warhammer?

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The demon which Alestar had set an illusion upon continued flying, unknowing that Alestar was not actually the master whom the demon thought he was. Alestar flew after him, making sure not to get caught up by the extreme heat of the area nor by the damned souls who continuously passed by him. Finally, the demon reached the large chambers of Azera and dropped down in front of them. The demon knocked on the door as he called out. "Lord Azera, the master wants to see you now." Alestar quickly landed some feet behind the demon and hid himself while he waited for Azera to come out to answer the demon's call. When Azera came out, he would attack and then rescue Kiokama. He felt himself losing power due to the heat, but he tried not to think about it too much.

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Kiria smirked from the corner where he had supposedly walked out from before. "You know that wasn't a plesant way to greet someone at all. Now, before you send me out again let me introduce myself, I am Kiria Yoshii.... Fourth Royal of the Throne of Chaos. I apologize for barging in, but you both seemed quite secretive and I'm bored, when you put me out I simply came back in, you see my speed is faster than most can see." He took a bow, "Now that I'm done I'll wait for you outside." Smiling he waved his hand and walked out the door.


Once outside the ring on his right ring finger dissolved into mist and turned into a pitch-black faceless body which spoke to Kiria with it's mind, *That wasn't the wisest thing for you to do... he is also a royal, but of another throne... with your plans underway you'll need other royals as allies.* Kiria smirked, "Well I was hoping that he had a sense of humor." *Breaking into his home, you think that's humorous?* "Not really, but I was bored, and it was entertaining." *I know you judge things by how interesting they are, but annoying those you wish as allies is overdoing it.* Kiria shook his head, "Alright that's enough from you." Kiria waved his arm and the being returned to a ring on his finger.

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"The final blow can be yours if that is the only thing you desire from this. If you however attempt to betray me in some way, just know you'll be put to your end in a hurry," Azera stated. As Kiria returned and introduced himself, Azera was not pleased. Then the knock at his chamber could be heard in the room. "Please excuse me for a moment. It seems I have a visitor. This is rare, especially here. I will return in a moment," he said. He walked out the doors in which he had previously taken Kiria out of. As he began to walk passed Kiria, he got an idea. "Kiria correct, come with me," Azera said grabbing the man. He walked to his front door and opened it seeing the demon. "Demon take this man out of my home. I will attend to my father in a moment," he stated. As he stated this, he shoved Kiria out in front of him into the demon. He then saw Alestar behind the demon as the demon would have moved to take Kiria. "What is an angel doing in Hell?" Azera commanded.

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As the demon went to touch Kiria he disappeared and reappeared leaning against the outer wall of the house next to the door, "Would you please stop. That's very annoying, I'm sorry if I also annoyed you, but I meant to make a simple introduction." As the demon took another step towards Kiria his ring turned into a being again and spoke to the demon and to Azera, *I apologize for whatever trouble Kiria has caused you... I only ask that you forgive him, but I will not allow this lowly demon to touch him.* At that last remark he gestured to the demon which Azera ordered to take Kiria away. Then he turned and bowed to Azera, *Lord, I do not know what royal you are, but please forgive Lord Kiria.*

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Alestar watched as the door opened and quickly sprung from his hiding spot. His body seemed to burst with light and he rippled. He had now left an illusion for anyone who spotted him to see while he himself bent light around his body to slip past invisible. When Kisune came out and asked why an angel was in Hell, the illusion of Alestar simply stood there. Then it opened it's mouth and began to speak. "You have taken Kiokama and I have come to get him." Alestar's illusion said. Meanwhile, the real Alestar slipped past Azera and moved into the chambers. He then found Kiokama within and stopped in front of him and revealed himself. "Kiokama, I know that you do not need rescuing, but I have come to help you escape this place. I was distressed when that demon dragged you into his portal." Alestar said to Kiokama.

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"Enter my house again and you will be killed," Azera told Kiria. Then as the Angel spoke he shook his head. "There are many things you do not know," Azera said, "My brother will be out when I am finished with him." Azera then closed the door shut, keeping the 'angel' out. He walked back into the room to see the real Angel there. "You, angel. I believe I told you that my brother will be out once I am done with him. However you have entered my home without my permission and this has angered me. Prepare yourself to die at my hands," he stated. The doors to the room closed and sealed shut. "There is no escape now," Azera said as he grabbed his demonic blades off his back. He pointed one at Alestar, waiting for the Angel to try to defend himself.

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Asrean sighed, and removed himself to a higher perch. There was no need to get involved in this fight. After all, Azera was a Demonic Royal, and the Son of Satan. He could easlily deal with the angel. The only problem would be what Kiokama would do. "Against Kiokama and the angel, Azera may not be able to survive. If that's the case, I might have to interfere . . . ugh." He grimaced. Not a happy prospect that. "Well, in the mean time, I'll just stay up here. After all, staying out of things is what I do best." Reforming his chair, Aseran settled back and got ready to watch a good fight.

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"Darn. I was hoping to sneak Kiokama out before he returned." Alestar thought as he heard Azera enter the room. He then turned to face him. His face became expressionless as he stared at Azera. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Alestar Retsala..an Archangel." he said as he took a slight bow. "If it shall be like that, then I feel that there is no need in talking." he said as he got up from his bow while holding his right palm out. From his hand, light began glowing and elongated to form a blade. For some reason, Alestar liked using this light blade more than he did his own blade. Alestar's eyes seemed to flash with a bright light and then it faded as soon as it had come. With incredible speed, he was suddenly in front of Azera, stabbing forward towards Azera's heart. His blade seemed to pass through, however, and he now appeared as four around Azera; all of their blades pointed at Azera's chest. "Kiokama. We should leave now." the Alestars all said.

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Name: Tilagos


Race: Demon

*Rank: Demon

Gender: Male





Faction: Legions of Hell

Weapon Appearance: Balls of energy, and a sword made of flesh and bones.

Weapon Name: The Romerik

Weapon Alignment: Corrupt

The only applies to supernatural weaponry. Non supernatural weapons may have names.

Character Abilities: Able to ressurect the recently dead, able to pass a plague to the living, turning them into mindless zombies. Able to kill zombies by thought and absorb their undead energies.

Personality: Reckless, power-hungry.

Why do you fight?: Power, Chaos, Destruction

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: I wuv those Khornites.

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OOC: @ Tin Trooper; Not Accepted. Not enough detail at all, also there're more Royals than I wanted in the first place.

@ The White Hollow. Accepted, while we have reached "Capacity" for Archangels, that's no reason I can't let you in. I mean i let an extra Royal in.

@ Kao Backup; You would be accepted, except that there are already more Royals than I originally wanted in the first place. However, you could always go for Unaligned...which come to think of it is really more of a list of characters without a faction who are just off doing their own thing.


IC: Kiokama calmly stood up before looking his brother in the eyes. It was then that he did something he hadn't done since they were children and still both princes of Hell. He brought his right arm around the back of his brother's shoulders in an embrace for a short moment before turning about and walking to stand beside Alestar.


"Brother, there isn't much that either of us can do right now. Alestar came to retrieve me and Asaren is too interested in making a deal to allow us proper time to plan. We'll have to meet again some time. Oh, and my suggestion is to take the Deal. I would were I in your place. Besides...I have an idea of my own...one that I won't bring up in the presence of others."


He clapped his hand onto Alestar's shoulder before continuing on his way towards the door. He simply spoke three words under his breath in Latin and the doors swung open by themselves. He turned his head to show a wide smile to his brother and Asaren. There was an interesting glint in his eyes, one that his brother would recognize as his being up to something. He then turned back towards the plains of hell and, drawing his hand down the front of his body, took on the shape and feel of his old Demonic Form. As Lucifer was otherwise engaged for the time being, there was little chance of his being noticed. He calmly flew off towards the gates of hell, knowing that the guards there would not recognize him and thus let him out as if he were still a prince of Hell.

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Aeon heard a noise from the human world. He got up from his chair and took his human form. He passed through a gate and teleported near a school. He sighed as he saw some boys playing football. He walked away and found an old man praying. He was the man he had heard. "Who are man?" The man transformed into a devil spirit and flew away. Aeon followed drawing his twin swords, ready to strike. He killed the demon and traveled back to heaven. "I had enough. This war must end, every day we get calls from devils" Aeon sat on his throne and waited for something new to happen.

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Azera had a slight look of shock as his brother performed the action. When his brother let go, he shetahed his demonic sword onto his back. "Alestar, let this be a warning to you then. Do not enter my house, unless I wish it," Azera stated, "We will have to meet again my brother. There is still matters which I have no stated that need to be discussed." Azera watched his brother leave and smirked at the glint in his eye. Only they would know the meaning of it, to others it would be weird. After his brother and Alestar left, Azera snapped his fingers and the doors closed. "Asaren, get down her or I will smite you from where you sit," he commanded. Azera took the pen, that Asaren had left, and signed his name on the line. He set the pen down and rolled the contract up. He began to hand it to Asaren, but didn't release it. "Just know, that if you fail on your end of this. I will personally kill you," he said clearly. Then he released it and waved Asaren out. "Oh and Asaren. Never enter my home without my permission again," he said.

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"You have made yourself perfectly clear . . . my lord." With a quick bow, Aseran transformed into a raven, and flew towards an open portal in the sky of Hell. This had been a long, tiresome day, and Aseran needed a pick-me up. Emerging in the mortal world, he found himself, much to the surprise of the resident priest, in a small church. "Well well. Never can tell where those things will spit you back out." Noticing the priest shaking in fear, Aseran laughed. It was not his usual, cackling laugh, but a deep, friendly laugh. Such as one might expect from an angel. "Relax, friend. I come from the Most High." Aseran transformed into a tall, slightly shinny human, blonde hair, sky-blue eyes, a clean white robe, and two large white wings. "The Lord has noticed your devotion, and commends you for following Him so closely. However, there is one more thing He requires of you." Useing his eyes, Aseran slowly brought the foolish man under his spell. "Now, you know of the evils of homosexuallity, yes? And of the two wars going on?" The clergyman nodded blankly. "They are not as unconnected as one might suppose. Those soldiers die because the Lord is angry with this country. He is angered by your acceptance of the abomination. Now, He calls upon you. You will organize protests against the abomination. You will go to the funerals of servicemen, and spread the Lord's word there. Do you understand?" Once again, the priest smiled blithely and nodded. "Good. Now, to make this a formal covenant between you and the Lord, I need you to sign this." Removing a scroll from his robe, Aseran provided a stylus for the priest, who promtly signed it. Returning the scroll to his robe, Aseran went to the door, and left the old man asleep on the floor of his church. On leaving, Aseran looked at the sign outside. It proudly proclaimed this place to be "Westboro Baptist Church". "I give it three days." Changing back into a raven, Aseran flew to his cave in the Pacific. It would be day by the time he reached it. It was time for a rest.

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"Hmph. I don't think I shall be returning to this place." all of the Alestars said in unison so that it sounded like his voice was echoing. When Alestar saw Kiokama leaving, all of his bodies seemed to melt and disappear. His true body was then standing at Kiokama's side as he left Azera's chambers. When he saw Kiokama transform into his demon form, he was taken aback and shocked as to why he had done that. Realizing that he was in Hell once again and that he would be easily spotted with his Angelic attire, he guessed as to why Kiokama had turned into his demon form. Alestar clapped his hands together and then waved them over himself. Light flashed on his body, and when it faded, he now took on the appearance of a demon royal. All of his clothes remained the same, but his hair grew shorter and he grew horns on his forehead. His eyes went from green to red with a solid black pupil in the center. His skin became scaly and rugged, and his wings, which were now protruding from his back became black and scaly like a reptile's. This was simply an illusion, which would only hold until he got out of Hell because of the massive drain of his powers from being there. He took off after Kiokama and flew alongside him. "Nice fellow there...your brother." Alestar said, obviously using sarcasm. "So, why didn't he try to be saved like you were?" Alestar asked Kiokama.

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Kiokama nodded his head slightly as he flew towards the gates of Hell. He turned his head around to look back at Alestar, the same glint of scheming in his eyes as before. Hearing the mentioning of his brother his face took on a much darker expression, something half-way between anger and sadness. He turned his head back forwards and refocused on the gate. It was several long moments of silence before he answered the question.


"My brother miss-interpreted my intentions as far as the way things would be after our redemption. I don't know exactly what he thought, but I think it was something along the lines of being lesser than I was. Which, of course, was never my intention. I believe he also had some aversion to going from being a prince to being a servant."


Kiokama remained silent from this point on. The reason being that they were now well within eye-shot of the gate and ear-shot of those few guards with keen hearing. The conversation about redemption would have aroused suspicion. It would be mere moments now before they arrived at the gate and, hopefully, could make their way out without notice.

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After everyone had finally exited his home, Azera closed his eyes. "The plan is going well. This might actually happen according to plan," Azera thought. He then turned and walked out of his conference room, to his rather large bedroom. 3 medium sized hell hounds rose upon his entry, taking note it was their master. He walked over to his closet and removed his armor from his body, making notes of any damage. He summoned a demon, who appeared almost instantly. "Fix my armor," is all he said and the emon disappeared with it. Azera then left his room and headed out his front door. After all the excitement he almost forgot his father had summoned him. His home sealed shut and Azera walked across the plains of hell towards his father's rather large home. Azera took note that the door was locked, his father must have left for a while. Azera summoned another demon and pointed to the door. The demon clumsily inputed a key and opened it for the prince. Azera waved the demon off and it disappeared. As he began to walk into his father's home, Cerberus met him snarling. Azera pointed his finger to the beast and Cerberus quickly retreated. Azera walked into the common room where he usually talked to his father. He would wait there upon his fathers return.

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"Interesting." Alestar said as they flew along. He noticed Kiokama's disposition at the mentioning of his brother, and so he let the conversation die away as they neared the gates of Hell. He flew faster to keep up with Kiokama as they reached the gates. He looked around while he flew, searching for any demons or any of the guards of the gates of Hell. He saw none and so continued on his way. He flew straight through the gates. As he flew through the passage between the gates, he wondered just what it was Kiokama and his brother had been talking about. "I don't mean to intrude Kiokama, but just what was it were you and your brother discussing with that demon?" Alestar asked Kiokama once they were out of earshot of any demon guards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IC: Kiokama was about to answer, when suddenly the sky went dark. An expression of something akin to terror flashed across his face for a mere moment. He suddenly grabbed Alestar and, dragging him along, dove behind the nearest piece of cover on the ground. Approaching over the horizon, without the aid of wings, a moderately sized man came to stand before the gates of Hell. The Demonic guards there immediately fell to their knees before him. This, was Lucifer the Fallen One. The cover which Kiokama had chosen was a fair sized rock outcrop within eye shot of the gates. Lucifer stood there and just as he was about to pass through the gates, turned around and looked directly at the rock outcropping. A moment later he turned around and continued through the gate. At that point, Kiokama continued breathing.


OOC: Sorry i took so long to reply. Also, I am now accepting applications for Lucifer. Send it VIA PM and I'll let you know if it's accepted.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been far too long... and yet the time is to short.


Zechs woke up in his chambers in heaven from the dreadful coma he was in for a couple of weeks. All he can remember was the furious battle bewteen him, Lysen the smoking cigar demon and the hot-headed royal himself, Azera.


The elder one also was there for assistance but left quick for some unknown reason. Whatever the case may be, Zechs is in heaven just waking up after what had happen. "Time to see what the big guy wants... not like he gave me an assignment...


... in the first place."


Zechs said to himself as he got up from his bed and made it perfectly. He grabbed his Oscuro Endriago, it's sheath and sheathed it nice and quiet. The shanged hang from it's rope but it never touched the ground. He put on his angel clothes as his wings spread vigiorously.


He walked through many female angels that blew him kisses and greeting him with most respect, he did not pay one single attention. When he was close to the big huge doors he knew that it was God's domain.


"Let's see the big guy that runs the heavens and earth." He said as he opened the doors and stepped through. The doors closed by themselves as he kept on walking until he saw God himself, looking out his domain into life.


"I'm here big guy." Zechs said looking at God, "so what do you want me to accomplish this time?" He said looking at the creator of the heavns and earth.

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