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A New Dawn, An Angels vs. Demons RP.[Accepting][Started]

Asriel Dreemurr

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[spoiler=Plot] The time is now. In this very world in which we reside today, great change is occurring beyond what we see in the physical world. Unknown to man, a full third of the angels who fell with Lucifer have redeemed themselves and returned to Heaven. They follow none other than Lucifer's own son Kiokama Retsuri. In the time since this has occurred, the forces of Hell have begun operating more actively upon Earth. They have begun boldly attacking humans, even in broad daylight. The only safe places are those protected by sanctified ground.


In response to this increase in activity, the Angels have decided to launch their counterattack. They move force en mas, lead by Kiokama Retsuri. The majority of the force is made up of The Redeemed As they are called, though other Angels have joined the battle as well. They fight to send the Demons back to hell and possibly redeem a few of their fallen brothers.


Humans have also begun to do their part in this conflict. Some have joined with the forces of Heaven and others with Hell. The world has become divided into two factions, and battle rages everywhere. The world is coming to an end. An end that the forces of Hell work tirelessly to bring about, and the forces of Heaven work tirelessly to prevent. Victory can only be achieved by the elimination of the enemy Leader. Get moving soldier, you're needed on the front!



[spoiler= rules]

1. All YCM rules apply.

2. All RP rules apply, including the Advanced clause.

3. I reserve the right to deny any application for a fair reason.

4. You may have only one character at a time.

5. Once your character is dead, it's DEAD. There's no coming back.

6. I am trusting you all to know your characters limits and not God Mod.


8. Rule #7 was a reference to War Hammer 40,000, specifically the battle cry of Khornate soldiers.

9. War Hammer 40k knowledge is not required for this RP.

10. Weapons of opposite alignments may strike each other, but weapons of the same alignment will not clash, but rather repel like two identical magnetic poles.



[spoiler= App.]


Age: (nothing absurd please.)



Rank is only applicable to Angels or Demons. Human forces are not organized at this point.


Appearance: (pic or description, either works.)

Faction: (Forces of Heaven or Forces of Hell)

Weapon Appearance: (if shown in the character pic just put "SCP" I'll know what it means.)

*Weapon Name:

*Weapon Alignment: (Is your weapon a force of righteous Reckoning or a black force of Damnation? Holy or Corrupt)

The "*" only applies to supernatural weaponry. Non supernatural weapons may have names.

Character Abilities:



Why do you fight?:

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?:



[spoiler=My App.]

Name: Kiokama Retsuri

Age: 20

Race: Angel

*Rank: Archangel

Gender: Male



Faction: Forces of Heaven

Weapon Appearance: SCP

*Weapon Name: Ploratio Astrum (Latin; translates to "Mourning/Lamenting Star")

*Weapon Alignment: Holy

[spoiler=Character Abilities:]


Blessed Vengeance Kiokama unleashes a massive amount of holy energy in the form of a golden lightning bolt. This attack flies forth from his eyes or either hand and flies in a straight line at his target.


Righteous Shield Kiokama surrounds himself in an orb of golden energy, protecting himself from harm. This orb is roughly three feet out from his body at it's center and pulsates with his heartbeat. All but the strongest of attacks are deflected by this.


Blades of Vengeance Kiokama unleashes a massive, arcing wave of golden energy. This arc then splits into up to three blades of similar shape but one third as large. These blades follow paths which will take them directly to the positions of the three nearest enemies. This is not a homing attack.


Righteous Strength Kiokama is much more physically strong than the typical Angel


Master Swordsman Kiokama is a master of the art of Swordsmanship. He fights well with any weapon and is incredibly skillful. He is also incredibly agile due to years of training.




Personality: Kiokama is a very calm, very approachable person. He laughs more than he cries, smiles more than he frowns, and is quick to help anyone who needs it. He does, however, have a darker side. He is as fearsome a fighter as Micheal himself and seeks constantly to remove any thought of his Heritage through his actions.

[spoiler=Bio:] Kiokama was born in Hell as the second Eldest child of Lucifer and Lilith. Ever since he could hold a sword, he showed great strength and promised to one day become a proud prince of Hell. However, he had different dreams for himself. He dreamed of finding redemption for himself and his people so that they might return to Heaven one day. He secretly managed to find many others like him, and they created a plan to escape from hell. On the night before he was to turn eighteen, Kiokama left the Palace of Hell and, along with the a full third of the Fallen Ones, slipped quietly through the gate. For the next year, they wandered the earth, seeking redemption in any way they could. Their redemption was achieved when Kiokama cast his own father out of a Human's body and defeated him, ending his influence upon those who had escaped. They were accepted back into Heaven and Kiokama inherited his fathers position as an Archangel. He was given the armor and blade that his father had wielded and has lead the armies of Heaven ever since His father once more began the war.


Why do you fight?: To prove to everyone that I am not like my Father.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: You're not getting the answer that easy! Nyeh!



Accepted Characters:



1. Kiokama Retsuri

2. Alestar Retsala

3. Aeon


1. Zechshou "Zechs" for short.




1. Nicoloas Grant








Royals (demon princes and such)

1. Pemduss Ayrogony

2. Azera "The Dragon" Karnon

3. Kiria Yoshii


1. Lysen

2. Lord Asaren, the Choice-Giver














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[spoiler= Appy]

Name: Lysen

Age: Physically about 22.

Race: Demon (Fallen Angel)

*Rank: Duke

Gender: Male

Appearance: Takes the human shape of a smokey-seeming man in a tight black buisness suit, white shirt with red verticle stripes and a red tie against black suit pants and coat. Generally wears a broad-rimmed black hat whose' shape seems to change according to his moods at the time. Almost always is seen smoking a fairly large cigar, which never seems to get any smaller.

Has deceptively long dark hair, which generally can't be seen because he tucks it beneath his black coat (It goes down almost to his waist). He has blood red eyes, generally hidden behind a pair of sunglasses worn almost all of the time. Wears shiny black leather shoes with plenty of grip, and carries several watches, including a digital and three analog on his left wrist, a single analog on his right wrist, and carries a chain with no less than fourteen pocket watches strung along it in his pocket.

Faction: Hell, technically. Is still fairly friendly to angels who aren't pointing sharp objects at him.

Weapon Appearance: When sealed, takes the shape of a bronze Pocketwatch carried along with thirteen regular watches on a chain. When activated, takes the shape of a rather massive Broadsword made of pure bronze, thin, and made of creative and detailed swirls with gaps left between. It somewhat resembles the minute hand of a clock, forged made from shining bronze, with a rapier-like handguard shell.

*Weapon Name: Vicis Esta Mucro - (Time is a sword)

*Weapon Alignment: Holy. It's actually rather embaressing to Lysen; his weapon never got the memo that he Fell.

Character Abilities:

[spoiler=Character Abilities:]

Time Out - Covers self in a shield that expands out about five to seven feet, in which time passes much more slowly than usual. While the shield doesn't block anything, anything that enters the shield ages rapidly until it disintegrates, or slows down enough to dodge.


Minute at a Time - Stabs in the air and releases a straight blast of energy.


Hour at a Time - Swipes in the air and spins, creating a circular attack that strikes from all directions.


Day at a Time - Swipes in a circle, creating a spherical attack that circles around him and pulses outward.


Teleportation - Lysen can disappear in a tuft of smoke and appear elsewhere.


Chains of Time - Lysen can see the Chains of Time that hold mortals chained to their lives, and how long it takes before they rust (die of natural causes). Conditions like diseases or cancer rot the chains quicker, while things like being hit by a bus snap them completely. Lysen can cut them directly if need be, or even repair them.


Bronze Wings - Lysen possesses a pair of Angel Wings that represent what he was before he fell, made of purest Bronze. These wings can deflect all but the strongest attacks, and can cut when swiped like a blade.


Duke of Time - Lysen's body repairs itself and purges itself of toxins as he takes his own time. He can regenerate from near death after about an hour or too, assuming he doesn't try to move or use any attacks. His body will not be damaged over time, nor is it affected by time's passage. He cannot become bored, and spends most time lazing about.


Forever is a Short Time - People around and especially speaking to Lysen lose track of time, and sometimes can even age to death without even noticing it. Other body functions go out of wack, and people lose their sense of an internal clock.


Master Swordsman - People mistake Lysen's laziness for a lack of skill, when the reverse couldn't be true. A true master with a blade, people who underestimate him get hurt.



Personality: Very lazy and happy-go-lucky, Lysen is a person difficult to sadden. He hates doing much, and prefers to simply let things happen as they will; as such, he is a very passive, affable evil. He sees his Demon-hood more like a job than anything, and often slacks off, even content to spend his time talking to angels and other humans, distracting them from their true duties instead of really tempting them. He will not attack unless provoked, and while not really dependable, is quite empathetic for a demon and rather likes both the angels and the humans. He's somewhat embaressed about it, but he's probably the nicest demon on earth, though he ocasionally puts forth a token attempt at being evil. He's quite fond of good meals, good cigars, and attractive women, though not to the fanatical level that some Demons descend to. Indulgence and Laziness are the only real sins to his name.

Bio(optional): Will add later.

Why do you fight?: Don't, usually. Sometimes when there's no choice, I'll pick up my blade, but I'd prefer it if we could all just mello out.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: Blood for some blood god. Oh, and something about Warhammer 40k.



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Name: Koganei Midnight

Age: 114

Race: Angel

*Rank: Archangel

Gender: Male





Faction: Heaven


Weapon Appearance: SCP

*Weapon Name: Kogonei, Pandora's Wrath

*Weapon Alignment: Corrupt

The "*" only applies to supernatural weaponry. Non supernatural weapons may have names.


Character Abilities: (will add later I wanted to reserve spot now by starting application)

Personality: (will add later I wanted to reserve spot now by starting application)

Why do you fight?: (will add later I wanted to reserve spot now by starting application)

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: Blood for the Blood God, Warhammer 40K

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Reservation accepted. However, I want you to know that I won't give you unlimited time to finish the app. Also, by nothing absurd I mean I don't want anyone over half a Millennium old, in other words, no one older than 500 years old for this.


Also saying, if anyone wants to make a character related to Kiokama, I will allow it.

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[spoiler=This is my App. I added the Bio as well.]


Name: Alestar Retsala

Age: 220 (He appears to be 22)

Race: 1ngel

*Rank: Archangel

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shadowsofnight.jpg

Faction: Forces of Heaven

Weapon Appearance: A longsword with a long black line down the middle of the face of the blade. On the left side of the black line, the blade is a pure bone white and on the right side, the blade is completely black. The hilt of the blade is shaped like a cross with a black square shaped stone at the tip of the cross at the end of the hilt far from the blade and is wrapped in gray cloth. It always lies within a pure black sheathe.

*Weapon Name: Lux Lucis in Umbra (Light Upon Shade)

*Weapon Alignment: Holy

[spoiler=Character Abilities:]


Enhanced Strength Alestar is able to lift three times his own weight and can endure many attacks before he is knocked out or becomes weak.


Swordsmanship Alestar is able to weild a blade effectively. He does not call himself a master swordsman, for he has more to learn, but all in all, he is pretty good in swordsmanship.


Twilight Prison By splitting his blade apart, he is able to form the black and white halves into darkness and light. The darkness and light spread around the area within a 50 foot range, and then mix together to form a large grayish cage which traps both his opponent and him within. In this room, the opponent is imprisoned by the walls which forms chains to grab them. They remain here until Alestar releases them which is when he deems that they have repented their sins.


Judgement After staring into his opponent's eyes, Alestar emits a flash of light, which when seen, temporarily immobilizes the person who sees it. If the person who sees the light has committed any sins, they will be trapped within their mind to forever suffer the guilt of their sins while being paralyzed at the same time.


Light Dome Alestar is able to form a shield of light around him at 10 feet to either reflect attacks, or bend outside light to make his opponent see what is not there.


Light Mastery Alestar has a good amount of control over the light around him. He can use it to increase his own speed, deceive his opponent, or travel across reflexive surfaces.


Durable Angel Wings Alestar's wings span to about 12 feet and are pure white with streaks of blue that run down the inside of the wing. He can use these wings to cover himself whenever he needs to use it as a shield. He can also move quickly through the air with his powerful wings.



Personality: Alestar is a very relaxed person and doesn't seem to get upset about much. Alestar doesn't try to stress alot or take things too serious because he just wants to sit back and relax. Alestar is also an optimist, always trying to see the good of a situation, or believing in something even though it cannot be proved. He critiques himself a lot, mainly with his style and technique.


Bio(optional): Alestar was made an angel after he died sometime ago. He worshipped God and served Him in any way that he could. Alestar fought many battles against demons of Hell and even came close to fighting Lucifer himself when the Angels had to pull back. Alestar caught the attention of the Archangel Michael, who was one of the greatest warrior angels, and seeing the potential in Alestar, he began trainig him. Alestar spent almost 100 years training under Michael, learning various angelic arts and swordsmanship. At the news of the new war with Lucifer, Alestar was tested by the higher ups and promoted to be an Archangel. He now stays on Earth; his task to watch the humans and stifle any form of evil that he sees within them. By doing this, Lucifer loses one of his puppets and the Angels gain one more person to their side.

Why do you fight?: I usually prefer to handle the situation without fighting, but when it comes to it I will gladly die fighting for my cause.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: Blood for the Blood God. It is a reference to War Hammer 40,000.


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Name: Pemduss Ayrogony


Age: 365(how much days of a year :P)


Race: Demon


*Rank: Can I be a Royal?


Rank is only applicable to Angels or Demons. Human forces are not organized at this point.


Gender: Male


Appearance: (pic or description, either works.) 077985336.jpg


Faction: (Forces of Heaven or Forces of Hell) Hell


Weapon Appearance: SCP


*Weapon Name: Demono Stygio(Latin words for Dark Demon)


*Weapon Alignment: Corrupted

The "*" only applies to supernatural weaponry. Non supernatural weapons may have names.

[spoiler=Character Abilities]1.Shadowfall: Sends a rain of hard hitting black, little drops that stings all opponents at a width of 4 yards.


2.Dark Illusion: Stuns the opponent for 10 seconds thinking they're in a dark place.


3.Beserk: Doubles all damage Pemduss inflicts but lowers his health.


4.Whirlewind: Pemduss swings his sword around in a 360 instantly killing everything in his reach

*note Whirlewind is not OPed it has ristricted, Pemduss can not move while swinging the sword in a 360.


5.Bloodthurst: Drinks a corpse for more health and power.


6.Atomic Darkness: A ring of darkness that bombs the whole place Pemduss is battling in, it halves everyones health.(Affects everyone even own kind)


7.The Eye: Can see anyone from a mile away.



Personality:Dark, mysterious, doesn't talk as much because he doesn't see the use of social interaction outside of a battle.


Bio(optional): A demon not much like others. He doesn't have any friends, but the only thing demons should admire about him is the "savage" he is in the battlefield. He is a destructive demon his age being 365 "Earth days for a year" his nickname is The Year. Satan created him to keep balance over earth's control so demons can enslave the human race, but angels also have balance.

Why do you fight?: Because he feels like it, he wants to.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: Warhammer 40k

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@ thecross; Accepted, and of course you can be a royal. I really should have been more clear in the message.


@ Namlessk; Accepted as well, though I would like you to change your Cage of Twilight so as not to imprison those within for eternity. Also, your pic is not working for me and if possible I would like you to fix it. Says the person's account has been inactive for 90 days or something like that. Using the IMG code might help too.


@ Apocalypse Cards; sorry, but the last Archangel position was taken before you finished your app. You'll have to downgrade to a normal angel. However, there is still a Demon Royal position open if you're interested.

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Name: Lord Asaren, the Choice-Giver

Age: 230 years.

Race: Demon

Rank: Prince (Banished)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Asaren looks like a human, with bright red hair, green eyes (slightly slanted, like those of a snake), and tanned skin. He typically wears a white shirt, with a leather vest and black pants. He moves with a slithering quality, and tends to not blink. He carries a black cane with him at all times.

Faction: Currently trying to work back into the . . . “good” graces of Hell.

Weapon Appearance: When not in battle, the black cane. However, when Asaren needs to fight, the cane transforms into a rather large halberd.

Weapon Name: Fang

Weapon Alignment: Corrupt

Character Abilities:


Many Faces: Asaren is a master of disguise, and of transformative magic. He can assume the shape of an animal, or change the appearance of his human form. He must always return to his original form before thirteen days have past, or he is locked in the changed form.

Silvered Tongue: Asaren is the original door-to-door salesman. He speaks with an eloquence unmatched by any mortal, and most angels or demons. He has talked the skin off a cat, the flaming sword from an archangel, and continues to talk himself into and out of trouble any time he gets the chance.

General Combat Skills: Asaren knows how to use a halberd, but that’s about it. He claims no special skill with a blade, at the end of a pole or otherwise.

Eyes of the Serpent: Asaren’s eyes have much the same hypnotic quality as snakes eyes. Mortals who look him directly in the eyes find themselves helpless. Angels or demons are generally creeped out, but have a good chance of not being hypnotized. Lesser angels or demons may find themselves in the same state as mortals, however. Asaren can concentrate on his talent to increase it’s power. Few have stood against Asaren’s eyes when he feels like trying. Requires eye contact.

Hands of Darkness: Asaren can create constructs of shadow. While these can not do any harm, they make effective decoys, and serve to scare mortals out of their wits. So much fun.

Hands of Fire: Due to his demonic heritage, Asaren can control fire to a limited degree. Mostly chucking fireballs, generating flame to see by, and suchlike.


Personality: Asaren is the most devious, most untrustworthy of all the Demons of Hell. In fact, he’s such a lying, manipulative fiend, he got thrown out. He hasn’t learned his lesson, but continues to use his tongue to further the cause of Lucifer. Getting mortals to sign contracts, give up their souls, and generally screw with them. He takes joy in messing with mortals’ minds, and often appears as an angel to them, just for kicks. He generally tries to stay away from any actual fighting, but will make a great show of beating down angels, so as not to appear cowardly. He is not quick to anger, but if you get him mad . . . Well, just be sure not to get him mad. He has a tendency to hiss when he losses his temper.

Bio: (This may be over-stepping things. Tell me if so, and I’ll write up something else.)

They say that Lucifer was the first of us to fall. They forget me, the Choice-Giver. They forget Asaren. That day, in the Garden, that was me. I put the apple into Eve’s hand. They say that was Lucifer’s work. They are dead wrong. But of course he takes all the credit. He even takes credit for the Rebellion. As if that wasn’t my idea too. But it was convenient to let him have his time. I told him he could have the credit, the glory. But there would be a time when I would come to collect the price. He put me as a Prince, once the Rebellion failed. As I knew it would. All according to plan. He thought that would satisfy me, that he had paid the price. Wrong. I needed more. I needed him. I told him that the price was what he had won: The power to control the souls of the Damned. But he didn’t give it up. So, I organized another Rebellion, this time against him, with me at the head. As you can probably tell, that didn’t work. I mis-calculated. He had already grown too powerful. Too many souls he had already claimed. Luckily for me, he decided to give me a second chance. But not within the borders of his realm. Outside, amongst the mortals, I must live, and work for the master. Soon, I will return. And soon, Lucifer will make good on his bargain . . .

Why do you fight?: To make sure Lucifer fulfils his bargain with me.


Rule #7 was a reference to War Hammer 40,000, specifically the battle cry of Khornate soldiers.

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Name: Azera "The Dragon" Karnon

Age: 222

Race: Demon

*Rank: Royal

Gender: Male

Appearance: [spoiler=]BruteDragonArmor_serendipityThumb.jpg


Faction: Hell

Weapon Appearance: [spoiler=]Pop2-Sword.jpg

There are two of these, one for each hand and attached to his back.


*Weapon Name: Demoiku Buradesu [Demonic Blades]

*Weapon Alignment: Corrupt

Character Abilities: [spoiler=]Rising Flames - Can create flames that can't be put out, unless he wants to.


Transformation - Can transform into a dragon. Gaining scales that protects him from the elements and some physical attacks.


Damnation - By spinning his blades, he creates a vortex that draws anyone in. The votex center is actually an opening to hell, which can trap any in hell, unless they have a way to escape.


Shield of Flames - A mid-sized shield of fire forms over his arms which can deflect any attack sent at it, except for the strongest. Can be used to attack, but not its main use.


Searing Heat - He gives off heat that radiates the area, making it feel like your in hell. This lowers people's movements and their breathing.


Opening of Hell - Can open a portal to enter hell at any time except for in mid-combat.



Personality: A somewhat mean person, who gives off the intent to kill. He is loyal to those his men who follow him. He is easily angered, which is why he is a mean person.

Bio(optional): Revealed through Rp.

Why do you fight?: To kill all who stand in the way.

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! in reference to War Hammer 40,000.

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Name: Zechshou "Zechs" for short.

Age: Physically he is 23.

Race: Angels

*Rank: Duke

Gender: Male

Appearance: In his human form, Zechs is 6'6'' tall and weighing at 215 lbs. Zechs wears a all black long coat with a black tee shirt, black jeans and black sneakers, with black gloves and bracelet on each wrist with spikes hanging out. He is very muscular but skinny, never keeps his vest open for merely showing off his godly chest. He carries around a sword that the cyclops made from cyclops' skin, making the balde impenetrable, invulnerable, and cut through any skin, bones, and/or concrete. The Heavans gave Zechs that blade as a royal gift.

He has a scar over his right arm, which stretches down to the palm of his hand and a huge scar that reigns over his chest.His hair is black, short, and his eyes are violet with a hint of white. His skin is vanilla tanned, smooth easily as baby's skin mixed with oil and has no piercings what so ever.

In his angelic form, Zechs has streaming, long white hair from his head to his back, and big white angel wings. Zechs wears a paladin's vest armor with paladin armor pants and paladin armor boots. He wears a scar over his right eye, indicating he got cut badly by one of the demons.

Faction: Heaven of course. Does not have no kindness or generosity toward demons.

Weapon Appearance: In it's sealed form, it takes the form of a black miniture statue of the Dragon God, Teiro. In it's activated form, It has a dragon wing crossguard pointing downward, a white curve hilt, and a black big blade with a powerful long and short range reach.

*Weapon Name:Espada de el Oscuro Endriago - (Sword of the Dark Dragon)

*Weapon Alignment: Espada is a sword of black Damnation. It steals the souls of it's enemies and powers up by consuming the blood of it's victims. Espada de el Oscuro Endriago is Holy because it also heals it's allies wounds completely for a limited amount of time.

Character Abilities:

[spoiler=Character Abilities]

Roar of Time: Blade lights up brightly as a powerful beam of light is released through multiple slashes from the blade itself.


Draco Meteor: Points the blade up as powerful giant meteors crashes down on the target.


Dragon Tornado: Unleashes a violent tornado around the target as the target inside the torando get's violently hit by dragon skulls with sharp teeth and horns.


Dragon Claw: Slices the air and puts the sword inside the vortex as dragon claws appear out of another dimension and severly injures the target.


Dragon Flight: Zechs loses his angel wings and gains dragon wings for a limited time. Increases his speed and agility, reflexives, and senses for that period of time.


Teleportaion: Zechs can disappear when his body vanishes with the wind. Only occurs outside.


Life Span: To humans only, Zechs can see with his dragon eyes, their life span and know how long will they live.


Dragon Duke: Zechs can repair any fallen ally's injuries and can bring the dead back but for only a limited time. It is the deceased person's decision whether to end that period.


Master Swordsman: Even with a Oscuro Endriago Espada of his size, Zechs handles it with ease and can match even the strongest swordfighter. Zechs even considers himself the master of all blades if he puts his mind into it.


Hand-to-Hand Combat: Zechs' speed and agility and also awareness makes up his hand-to-hand combat abilities, as he is shown to handle himself pretty well and effectively in battle without his Espada drawn.


Personality:Zechs is a quiet person, does not want to talk yet considers himself a mute. He is also calm as well, ruthless and also fearless, not afraid of going down to the devil without a good fight. Zechs is also helpful as well, likes to help his comrades at need and his comrades only. He likes to be laid back and neutral, not letting anybody know how he truly feels during life.

Bio(optional):Zechs considers himself to be a rather lonely angel, until he had recieved word that his father was killed by a blood-thirsty demon, in which his entire life changed. He still spends his life alone, but he knows that when anything goes his way, he has the power to fight back and realized that everything he does will never be the same. He swore on his life to take revenge on the demons that killed his father.

Having heard from a friend of his mother's close friend that his father - Ryuko - was brutually annihilated and his mother - Shizune - was killed by a drive by shoot out, Zechs sought out to find the killers but had no luck. The rest of the Faction found Zechs, which turned from family affairs to chaos, but everybody apologized to Zechs about not telling him of what they know, although Zechs was still upset. the Faction then joined Zech's search for the killers. He thought of searching the killers once again, but in the end, he still had no luck. Shizune - his mother, and a beautiful, nice young lady - had been killed by two gang members. This lead to him being in a state of denial, just staying quiet, not saying anything that occurred and hoping that he would get his revenge on his mother's killers. But then again with no luck, he still patiently waits for the right time and day to finally strike.

Why do you fight?: "I fight for me and my right only. All others are obsolete."

What is rule #7, and what is it a reference to?: Rule #7 states "Blood for a blood god." It is reference to some War Hammer 40k, specifically the battle cry of some soldiers.


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