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Light of Destruction

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This Light of destruction set is after phantom Darkness but I dont know if its real also the cards are shown in sartorius's deck.

I found 2 cards of it.

Here it is:


The Efect says f this card is face-up on the field, you can return this card to it's owner's hand during your Main Phase. Also, during the Damage Step of either player's turn when a face-up LIGHT monster you control battles, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to have that monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster until the End Phase.

The stars are 4


The other one



4 stars


When this card is Summoned toss a coin. Depending on the result this card gains the following effect.

● Heads: If you Tribute Summon an "Arcana Force" monster, you can treat this 1 monster as 2 Tribute Monsters.

● Tails: You cannot Tribute Summon "Arcana Force" monsters.

And there is a cloudian set

Some Pictures


Post some new sneek peeks and post em here

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Okey' date=' I am lost, what is DMAR? I haven't heard of that abbreviation before.



Duel Monsters Advanced 'R'

its an online Yugioh Game on Byond XD


Thanks, now I at least know where you were talking about. However, I never played that game, so it is obvious I never played with Arcana`s as well.

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This set is ANOTHER LOD? Lol


Wow. I didn't notice that.


Like Azuh said' date=' it will probably be something like "LIOD" or maybe "LTOD" or "LODN" or something like that. Probably LOID.



omg... you were so close


its going to be LODT (well thats what it says on the wikia anyways)

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This set is ANOTHER LOD? Lol


Wow. I didn't notice that.


Like Azuh said' date=' it will probably be something like "LIOD" or maybe "LTOD" or "LODN" or something like that. Probably [b']LOID[/b].




LOID? Lloyd from Tales. That man required common sense. xD

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* LODT-JP001 Honest 「オネスト」

* LODT-JP002

* LODT-JP003

* LODT-JP004

* LODT-JP005

* LODT-JP006

* LODT-JP007

* LODT-JP008

* LODT-JP009

* LODT-JP010

* LODT-JP011

* LODT-JP012 Arcana Force VI - THE LOVERS 「アルカナフォースVI_THE LOVERS」

* LODT-JP013

* LODT-JP014

* LODT-JP015

* LODT-JP016


* LODT-JP0?? Android - Psycho Returner 「人造人間−サイコ・リターナー」

* LODT-JP0?? Android - Psycho Lord 「人造人間−サイコ・ロード」

* LODT-JP0?? Arcana Force III - THE EMPRESS 「アルカナフォースIII(スリー) - THE EMPRESS(ザ・エンプレス)」

* LODT-JP0?? Arcana Force XXI - THE WORLD 「アルカナフォースXXI(トゥウェンティーワン) - THE WORLD(ザ・ワールド)」

* LODT-JP0?? Cup of Ace 「カップ・オブ・エース」

* LODT-JP0?? Arcana Call 「アルカナコール」

* LODT-JP0??

* LODT-JP0??

* LODT-JP0??

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* LODT-JP0??

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New ones


This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard you can Special Summon 1 "Jinzo" from your Graveyard.


Some other ones


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Jinzo". Trap Cards cannot be activated and the effects of all face-up Trap Cards are negated. Once per turn, you can look at 1 card in your opponent's hand or Spell & Trap Card Zones. If it is a Trap Card, destroy it and inflict 300 damage to your opponent.




Toss a coin when this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned successfully. This card will gain 1 of the following effects according to the result of the coin:


* Heads: Each time your opponent Normal Summons a monster, you may Special Summon 1 monster from your hand with "Arcana Force" in its card name. If the Special Summoned monster requires Tributes, you must offer the Tributes to Special Summon it.

* Tails: Each time your opponent Normal Summons a monster, discard 1 card from your hand



Toss a coin when this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned successfully. This card will gain 1 of the following effects according to the result of the coin:


* Heads: By sending 2 monsters on your side of the field to the Graveyard during your End Phase, your opponent must skip 1 turn.

* Tails: Your opponent adds the top card of your opponent's Graveyard and adds it to his/her hand during your opponent's Draw Phase on his/her turn.



Toss 1 coin when this card is activated, and apply 1 of the following effects according to the result:


* Heads: Draw 2 cards from your Deck.

* Tails: Your opponent draws 2 cards from his/her Deck.


Arcana Call

It dosent say anything

and no picture

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