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What Mod Are You?


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Ya know..It's actually a little flattering that I made this list, and am not apparently a horrible guy to be..to some people ^_\\\




1. You see a horribly done Card you have to post:

-A. Encourage the person to try better

-B. Point out all the flaws in a rude but not flaming way

-C. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards.

-D. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards in a humorous way.

I'd actually do a mix of A and D...but I can only choose one


2. There is a member flaming alot:

-A. Tell them to stop

-B. Give them a warning

-C. Completely ban him on the spot.

-D. Flame him back

You know me too well..XD


3. There is a Member completely asking stupid questions

-A. Anwser them.

-B. Anwser them and asks why they are doing it.

-C. Insult them minorly and Anwser them.

-D. Insult them and asks why they are doing it.

I'm not THAT mean


4. You just been awarded the role of Administor.

-A. Be honored.

-B. Honored but not so happy.

-C. Would give a speech.

-D. Be honored and very very happy.



5. You've just been demoted

-A. Just a bit sad.

-B. Ask why Falling Pizza or YCMaker did it.

-C. Become a little angry and tempted.

-D. Completely shocked but no so worried.

I'd be a little sad tho..


6. You've experienced a friend here leave.

-A. Ask them why they did it and try to stop them.

-B. Be suprised and not so happy

-C. Forget about and say friends come and go.

-D. Tell the to stop and come back!

None of the answers fit. I'd simply let them leave, but keep in contact via MSN


7. Someone is copying your style.

-A. Curiously ask them why.

-B. Be a little embarresed.

-C. Tell them to stop.

-D. Make him/her your apprentice.

That would be rather interesting for me..somebody thinking of me well enough for that..^_\\\


8. Someone is flaming you.

-A. Ignore it and such.

-B. Having a comeback.

-C. Having a really spoked out Comeback.

-D. Get some what angry at them very angry.


I don't actually get mad at the flamers, ya know..


9. Someone is impersonating a Mod.

-A. Tell them to stop and give them a warning.

-B. Give him a huge warning and ask them why there doing it.

-C. Ban him on the spot with a huge explanation why.

-D. Meh let the Super Mods do it.

Answer D almost offends me..as it is apparently what "I would do"


10. Did you like this Thread.

-A. It was ok.

-B. Seems a little immature

-C. This was pretty idiotic in so many ways.

-D. It was funny and cool.



..who am I? o.0



Here are my answers:


1) D.

2) D' date=' perhaps sometimes with C added

[b']3)[/b] C is closest, but what's the word "minorly" doing there?

4) These answers all suck and I reject them all. My first administrative action would be to destroy the Strategy section. Seriously, that place sucks. I would replace it with "Crab Helmet's Quite Excellent Actually Forum".

5) D. I would definitely be shocked that someone finally realized that I am a troll with no qualifications to do anything whatsoever, but I wouldn't be worried because, seriously, who cares about locking topics on a card games forum?

6) B, based on my response to Grav and Red leaving.

7) Where's the "laugh about how YCM is full of sheep" option?

8) B or C. I haven't a clue what "spoked out" means, so one or the other.

9) D. A, B, and C are all wrong - I'd just permaban with a one-word explanation - so I guess D is technically correct. After all, I'm a Super Mod, so if I throw the ban myself, I am leaving it for the Supers to deal with. Sort of. Maybe.

10) C. According to this quiz, I am more like Yankeefan than I am like myself. Something's gone horribly wrong.


..Crabs is...Me? o.0

*cries tears of joy*


I'm Yakeefan...

You say that like its a bad thing...

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1. You see a horribly done Card you have to post:

-A. Encourage the person to try better

-B. Point out all the flaws in a rude but not flaming way

-C. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards.

-D. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards in a humorous way.


2. There is a member flaming alot:

-A. Tell them to stop

-B. Give them a warning

-C. Completely ban him on the spot.

-D. Flame him back


3. There is a Member completely asking stupid questions

-A. Anwser them.

-B. Anwser them and asks why they are doing it.

-C. Insult them minorly and Anwser them.

-D. Insult them and asks why they are doing it.


4. You just been awarded the role of Administor.

-A. Be honored.

-B. Honored but not so happy.

-C. Would give a speech.

-D. Be honored and very very happy.


5. You've just been demoted

-A. Just a bit sad.

-B. Ask why Falling Pizza or YCMaker did it.

-C. Become a little angry and tempted.

-D. Completely shocked but no so worried.


6. You've experienced a friend here leave.

-A. Ask them why they did it and try to stop them.

-B. Be suprised and not so happy

-C. Forget about and say friends come and go.


mostly a. awesome im fine with being phantom roxas

-D. Tell the to stop and come back!


7. Someone is copying your style.

-A. Curiously ask them why.

-B. Be a little embarresed.

-C. Tell them to stop.

-D. Make him/her your apprentice.


8. Someone is flaming you.

-A. Ignore it and such.

-B. Having a comeback.

-C. Having a really spoked out Comeback.

-D. Get some what angry at them very angry.


9. Someone is impersonating a Mod.

-A. Tell them to stop and give them a warning.

-B. Give him a huge warning and ask them why there doing it.

-C. Ban him on the spot with a huge explanation why.

-D. Meh let the Super Mods do it.


10. Did you like this Thread.

-A. It was ok.

-B. Seems a little immature

-C. This was pretty idiotic in so many ways.

-D. It was funny and cool.

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Let's see:


My answers are:


1) A (I rather not flame people and I think everyone can do their best if they try)

2) B

3) B (I'll answer them, but if the people asking are new, then I don't see it as stupid)

4) D

5) C

6) A (I've seen a few of mine left)

7) D (To be honest, I'd be amazed if they did)

8) A (Honestly, I'd tell them to stop and warn them)

9) B

10) B


So, that makes 3 A's, 4 B's, 1 C's and 2 D's.


According to the results, I'm more like Icy. Wow!

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1. You see a horribly done Card you have to post:

-A. Encourage the person to try better

-B. Point out all the flaws in a rude but not flaming way

-C. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards.

-D. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards in a humorous way.


2. There is a member flaming alot:

-A. Tell them to stop

-B. Give them a warning

-C. Completely ban him on the spot.

-D. Flame him back


3. There is a Member completely asking stupid questions

-A. Anwser them.

-B. Anwser them and asks why they are doing it.

-C. Insult them minorly and Anwser them.

-D. Insult them and asks why they are doing it.


4. You just been awarded the role of Administor.

-A. Be honored.

-B. Honored but not so happy.

-C. Would give a speech.

-D. Be honored and very very happy.


5. You've just been demoted

-A. Just a bit sad.

-B. Ask why Falling Pizza or YCMaker did it.

-C. Become a little angry and tempted.

-D. Completely shocked but no so worried.


6. You've experienced a friend here leave.

-A. Ask them why they did it and try to stop them.

-B. Be suprised and not so happy

-C. Forget about and say friends come and go.

-D. Tell the to stop and come back!


7. Someone is copying your style.

-A. Curiously ask them why.

-B. Be a little embarresed.

-C. Tell them to stop.

-D. Make him/her your apprentice.


8. Someone is flaming you.

-A. Ignore it and such.

-B. Having a comeback.

-C. Having a really spoked out Comeback.

-D. Get some what angry at them very angry.


9. Someone is impersonating a Mod.

-A. Tell them to stop and give them a warning.

-B. Give him a huge warning and ask them why there doing it.

-C. Ban him on the spot with a huge explanation why.

-D. Meh let the Super Mods do it.


10. Did you like this Thread.

-A. It was ok.

-B. Seems a little immature

-C. This was pretty idiotic in so many ways.

-D. It was funny and cool.


I dk what I am.

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I'm highly ignoring what you just said walugi, I got some of the anwsers right, I foreshadowed what they would think about this. I've seen there posts threads for the last 2 years and what? You just joined today? Seriously I laugh at the fact of New Members thinking they know everything and tell me what to do..

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