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What Mod Are You?


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No your YankeeIce or Icyfan...

But Yankeehelmet and Crab Fan is still funnier..


Love is Eternal why are you happy that your Roxas..

Because, Roxas is sexy, he loves Bleach, Role Play and he is good friends with Dark Phoenix, he was a member of "Bleach - the thirteen squadrons" aswell, why wouldn't I be =)

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Here are my answers:


1) D.

2) D, perhaps sometimes with C added

3) C is closest, but what's the word "minorly" doing there?

4) These answers all suck and I reject them all. My first administrative action would be to destroy the Strategy section. Seriously, that place sucks. I would replace it with "Crab Helmet's Quite Excellent Actually Forum".

5) D. I would definitely be shocked that someone finally realized that I am a troll with no qualifications to do anything whatsoever, but I wouldn't be worried because, seriously, who cares about locking topics on a card games forum?

6) B, based on my response to Grav and Red leaving.

7) Where's the "laugh about how YCM is full of sheep" option?

8) B or C. I haven't a clue what "spoked out" means, so one or the other.

9) D. A, B, and C are all wrong - I'd just permaban with a one-word explanation - so I guess D is technically correct. After all, I'm a Super Mod, so if I throw the ban myself, I am leaving it for the Supers to deal with. Sort of. Maybe.

10) C. According to this quiz, I am more like Yankeefan than I am like myself. Something's gone horribly wrong.

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1. You see a horribly done Card you have to post:

-A. Encourage the person to try better

-B. Point out all the flaws in a rude but not flaming way

-C. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards.

-D. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards in a humorous way.


2. There is a member flaming alot:

-A. Tell them to stop

-B. Give them a warning

-C. Completely ban him on the spot.

-D. Flame him back


3. There is a Member completely asking stupid questions

-A. Anwser them.

-B. Anwser them and asks why they are doing it.

-C. Insult them minorly and Anwser them.

-D. Insult them and asks why they are doing it.


4. You just been awarded the role of Administor.

-A. Be honored.

-B. Honored but not so happy.

-C. Would give a speech.

-D. Be honored and very very happy.


5. You've just been demoted

-A. Just a bit sad.

-B. Ask why Falling Pizza or YCMaker did it.

-C. Become a little angry and tempted.

-D. Completely shocked but no so worried.


6. You've experienced a friend here leave.

-A. Ask them why they did it and try to stop them.

-B. Be suprised and not so happy

-C. Forget about and say friends come and go.

-D. Tell the to stop and come back!


7. Someone is copying your style.

-A. Curiously ask them why.

-B. Be a little embarresed.

-C. Tell them to stop.

-D. Make him/her your apprentice.


8. Someone is flaming you.

-A. Ignore it and such.

-B. Having a comeback.

-C. Having a really spoked out Comeback.

-D. Get some what angry at them very angry.


9. Someone is impersonating a Mod.

-A. Tell them to stop and give them a warning.

-B. Give him a huge warning and ask them why there doing it.

-C. Ban him on the spot with a huge explanation why.

-D. Meh let the Super Mods do it.


10. Did you like this Thread.

-A. It was ok.

-B. Seems a little immature

-C. This was pretty idiotic in so many ways.

-D. It was funny and cool.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I was mostly B and C, even though none of them would be what I would actually do, most of the time. If I could, I would totally revamp all the answers, in order to get a more accurate representation of the mods you chose to make answers for.

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Guest JoshIcy

I was mostly B and C' date=' even though none of them would be what I would actually do, most of the time. If I could, I would totally revamp all the answers, in order to get a more accurate representation of the mods you chose to make answers for.



Thats cuz in some way, all Mods are friends (outside a working one) xD.

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1. You see a horribly done Card you have to post:

-A. Encourage the person to try better


2. There is a member flaming alot:

-B. Give them a warning


3. There is a Member completely asking stupid questions

-A. Answer them.


4. You just been awarded the role of Administor.

-A. Be honored.


5. You've just been demoted

-B. Ask why Falling Pizza or YCMaker did it.


6. You've experienced a friend here leave.

-D. Tell them to stop and come back!


7. Someone is copying your style.

-C. Tell them to stop.


8. Someone is flaming you.

-B. Having a comeback.


9. Someone is impersonating a Mod.

-A. Tell them to stop and give them a warning.


10. Did you like this Thread.

-B. Seems a little immature


Unsurprisingly, I'm either Roxas or Icy. I'm not surprised considering Icy is my role model as a member and that wouldn't change if I were a Mod.

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So discuss what Mod are you from this chart don't cheat.


NOTE: If mods feel offended don't be because this is just my perspective of you and in my guess what others see.


Lol I'm a former mod on Ogame Forums.


1. You see a horribly done Card you have to post:

-B. Point out all the flaws in a rude but not flaming way

-C. Tell them thoose are very horrible cards.


I don't know. I haven't rated a lot of cards.


2. There is a member flaming alot:

-D. Flame him back


3. There is a Member completely asking stupid questions

-A. Anwser them.

-B. Anwser them and asks why they are doing it.


I ask a lot of stupid questions. Well. I deal with them. Ogame has this annoying ticket system where any mod has to answer atleast n questions. About half of them are the same things.


4. You just been awarded the role of Administor.

-B. Honored but not so happy.


I guess I would' date=' but what's the point of being an admin?


5. You've just been demoted

[b']-C. Become a little angry and tempted.[/b]


How I felt when I got demoted as a mod of Ogame Forums.


6. You've experienced a friend here leave.

-C. Forget about and say friends come and go.


Well they do, no?


7. Someone is copying your style.

-A. Curiously ask them why.


My playing style on Ogame is interesting, but no one wants to copy it...


8. Someone is flaming you?


Where is the ban button? Btw. I call Flaming = Germanspeaking on Ogame forums.


9. Someone is impersonating a Mod.

-C. Ban him on the spot with a huge explanation why.


Ban-able on Ogame forums. I take no exceptions.


10. Did you like this Thread.

-A. It was ok.

-C. This was pretty idiotic in so many ways.


This thread will never be seen on Ogame Forums, there are 80+ mods. So...


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