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!! >> Zauberei, The Mystical Leaf Dragon << !!

Junk Raver

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Cool...there is one grammar error...you said "if" instead of "of' date='" but this card is very nice.



That isnt a gramar error, its called you not been able to spell correctly.


which of these makes more sense...




'During your Standby Phase, IF this cards ATK is 2000 points or less'


'During your Standby Phase, OF this cards ATK is 2000 points or less'




Or if you were refering to the other If...



'IF this card is destroyed by its own effect'


'OF this card is destroyed by its own effect'





read more carefully next time please before you make yourself look foolish.

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Cool...there is one grammar error...you said "if" instead of "of' date='" but this card is very nice.



That isnt a gramar error, its called you not been able to spell correctly.


which of these makes more sense...




'During your Standby Phase, IF this cards ATK is 2000 points of less'


'During your Standby Phase, OF this cards ATK is 2000 points of less'




Or if you were refering to the other If...



'IF this card is destroyed by its own effect'


'OF this card is destroyed by its own effect'





read more carefully next time please before you make yourself look foolish.


To clarify you said "if this card's ATK is 2000 points "of" less" you should have said "or less" here. I didn't mean the other times. Sorry for not being clear the first time.

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He spelled "phantom" wrong. WOW DJ. I am very impressed. Amazing cards-your very best yet! Glad we are buddies!!! No, really, fantastic job. Your holographic effects are stunning. The card is fair, and great way to lose those ugly Spells in your opponent's Deck, or a way to knock out those nasty Monarchs! If you don't mind, maybe you could make me a fantastic holo card like you've done here? Anyways, 10/10. And I don't say that lightly-you really deserve it. Please keep up the stunning work!

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