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The Will V. Loser to be Determined. [On Archetypes - Votre Now!]


Who Won't Lose?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who Won't Lose?

    • The Will. (Obviously.)
    • Whoever. (No. Really.)

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Well, here am I again, in my intrepid quest fer a measure of recognition in these floorboards, at the same time flouting my penchant fer cockiness.


Well, to whoever to likes to lose to me, here's the thing: to lose to me, you'd have to make an archetype that must bear no resemblance to any archetype in the annals of YGO, and that really REALLY SUCKS (the better fer me, since you just showed to me how brilliant I really am).


All YCM rules apply.


Anyone with the cajones fer the job can enter this contest o' mine, provided that they pay me respects by sending in some 500 points. The first loser to post will be my plaything fer the next fifteen days ending February 14 (Manila time).


Both sides can post at least 10 cards of the same archetype. Whether adorned with pornopics or not - don't care sheet. To the votres: decide on the merits of the effects alone, since I don't do realistics.


I who will surely win will also get the most votes (which will close on Valentine's).


Of course, the winner - which would be me, thank ye - will recieve +3 reps from whoever gets stuck with the role of sparrin' pardner. The loser, meanwhile, will get -3 reps from The Willer.


That would be all.











(And, please, the language here is a joke. Don't be an onion.)

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