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[Duel] Going to try some Spirit Support that encourages them to keep their style


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For those who don't know the tag:



|Gifts of the Spirit|

|Continuous Spell Card|

|When a Spirit monster inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can draw 1 card to return that monster to your hand. When this card is destroyed, you can return it to the top of your Deck.|


|Genbu - The Black Warrior of the North|

|Water/Reptile/Spirit/Level 4|

|100 ATK/2100 DEF|

|This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up. When this card is flipped face-up, give control of this card to your opponent to send 1 card on the field to the Graveyard.|


|Raijū the Howling Thunder|

|Light/Thunder/Spirit/Level 2|

|500 ATK/0 DEF|

|This card can only be Special Summoned while your opponent controls a Spirit monster. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn this card is Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is Summoned, you can change 1 monster your opponent controls to Defense Position. All battle damage from battles involving this card is inflicted to your opponent instead.|



|Gifts of the Spirit|0|SPRT|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||When a Spirit monster inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can draw 1 card to return that monster to your hand. When this card is destroyed, you can return it to the top of your Deck.|

|Genbu - The Black Warrior of the North|1|SPRT|Reptile/Spirit|Water|4||100|2100|This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up. When this card is flipped face-up, give control of this card to your opponent to send 1 card on the field to the Graveyard.|

|Ranju the Howling Thunder|2|SPRT|Thunder/Spirit|Light|2||500|0|This card can only be Special Summoned while your opponent controls a Spirit monster. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn this card is Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is Summoned, you can change 1 monster your opponent controls to Defense Position. All battle damage from battles involving this card is inflicted to your opponent instead.|



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Gifts: Something like Begone, Knave! fer Spirits, eh? I like the novel way of drawing. And that's it.


Genbu: I prefer Water Snowman (that Aqua 0/1900 guy) over this - at least you get to have some field presence.


Raiju: While something apporaching Magic Cylinder for Spirits is appreciated, this being a Spirit kinda makes this a rather off-kilter card.

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Gifts of the Spirit


Okay, this makes little sense since he would go back to your hand anyway. I would think up an effect that's a little less redundant and is an actual cost. Also I would make it so you have to discard a card to add it to your Deck just to give the card at least one drawback. Overpowered and redundant, try again please. Oh and it doesn't make your cards look cooler to put them inside those little lines.


Genbu - The Black Warrior of the North


It say a lot about a card creator when the first word in his card is misspelled. Okay first thing I notice is that he is overpowered because you can deal some serious damage to your opponent and destroy any card you want. I suggest putting him in defense when he is given to your opponent and he cannot be returned to your hand otherwise you can reuse him to destroy your opponent's field. Keep trying and maybe one day you can make something that's halfway playable.


Raijū the Howling Thunder


Spirits cannot be Special Summoned! That is the rule of the type that they cannot be Special Summoned and if you really want to make Spirit cards you have to abide by that rule. Even the new Spirit cards can only be Special Summoned through a cost and you have to obey that rule too if you really want to make "realistic" Spirit cards and not just ones you threw out of your head one day. Try again please and put a little more thought into your cards next time.


Overall I was not impressed. They were overpowered and didn't follow the rules of Spirit monsters. Try putting a little more thought and time into your cards.

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Okay for the first card I will give you the Future Vision thing. I still standby giving it a cost to go back to the top of the Deck because it's just so easy to abuse this cards effect using Ultimate Offering and White Rabbit until you have a perfect hand. You are given massive drawing power with this card and having it be reusable continuously without a cost makes it seem very overpowered.


For the second card I wasn't talking about his destroy one card effect I was talking about how when he is sent to the opponent's field you can attack him and do major damage to your opponent. Cards like Lava Golem have high power so you just can't attack them for major damage. That's why I suggest putting him in Defense Mode when he goes to the other players field.


And like I said before you cannot Special Summon a Spirit monster and even if you wanted to the new card says it's only through a cost. It has been in their rules since they were created that they cannot be Special Summoned and when there is one deviation from the rule it's not enough to start making your on deviations from the original rules. Also this card breaks another rule of the Spirit monsters. All spirit monsters have only 1 effect besides their return to the hand and cannot be Special Summoned effect. Your card has 2 so he has broken another rule of the Spirit monsters as well. Maybe you should have picked a different archtype to use because this one has very strict guidelines.

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