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Yay, I Haz made new Holo!!! [ -DG- ]


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Well, while experimenting w/ my Ghost Rare Holo Style, I thought of a new rarity. I decided to call it Rainbow Ghost rare.

Sounds odd, right? Well it is. However, the Ghost rare is now more authentic. I figured out a way to make it more... ghostly and faded, and it worked!!


Anyway, here it is. Also, this is a card for my new set.




And, for comparison of the Image, here is its parallel rare version.




Also, for those of you who want to use the image (Yes, its my new custom image), here is the smaller version. (I'll post the bigger one later.)



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Ghost rare looks pwn.

Parallel rare has some work to do. In the real version, the lines going sideways should be thicker. Also, the card image should be like an ultra rare. Otherwise it's awesome. How do you get that glowing effect in places? I would really like to know.


Btw, your duel terminal holos are epic.

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