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Me vs. Tomtekorv

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My Card:



This card can be Special Summoned by Removing 2 level 3 or higher Dark Type Fairies from your deck.If this card is Special Summoned by that way,you can choose one of the following effects:

*Gain 200 ATK for every Dark Attribute monster is sent to the Graveyard by a card effect.

*Remove 1 or 2 Monster,Spell.or Trap card from your opponents Graveyard.


Tomtekorv's Card:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster with an ATK higher than this card's ATK. This card gains ATK equal to half of the ATK of the Tributed monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battle when battling a WIND monster.

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