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Zelda Hero 1 [0] Vs 174302956 [0]

Zelda Hero 1

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Zelda Hero 1 [0] Vs 174302956 [0]


1. must be a water attribute monster.

2. All votes must have a good reason


Prize: 3 REPs

the contest will end when either player gets 5 votes


[spoiler=Zelda Hero 1]


1 "Ice Barrier" Tuner + 3 non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except with a Synchro Summon. This card gets these effects, based on the non-Tuner monsters used for the Synchro Summon of this card. ● Normal: Once per turn, you can negate the activation of a Spell, Trap Card or the effect of an Effect Monster and destroy that card. During the End Phase, if you activated this card's effect you must select 1 non-Tuner monster that was used for the Synchro Summon of this card, treat this card as though the selected monster was not used for the Synchro Summon of this card. ● Effect: This card is treated as a level 5 monster. ● Synchro: While you control another "Ice Barrier" monster, level 6 or higher monsters cannot attack. ● Ritual: Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Set card on the field. ● Fusion: Once per turn, you can remove 1 monster in your Graveyard from play, treat this card as though the removed monster was used for the Synchro Summon of this card, until the End Phase.



[spoiler=174302956's Card]


This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned if you remove from play 2 WATER Atribute monsters. Once per turn, you may destroy two of the opponent's monsters as long as they are not WATER Atribute monsters in Main Phase Two. You may only activate this effect if you have no other monsters on your side of the feild. (If one or more 'Leviathan' monsters is on the feild, your opponent loses 500 life points)



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