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Pokemon Runaway~~~~STARTED/Not accepting/Finished(finally!)


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Monferno hold Charizard's hand,and Charizard pulled him out."I'm sorry for all i've done...i don't know what happened to me,i cound't control myself..."Monferno cried."then for a second I saw Lucario and threw him out,but I was too big to get out,then you came.Thank you...".Monferno was sorry for all he's done.

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"I will try...hey Torterra!!Come on help us.""Do I have to??"Said Torterra."Hey,Where's my food?You said you will give me food.""Yes but only I we WIN!!!We didn't win so you get...nothin?^_^."WHAT???????"Said Torterra,getting angry,an started to help Charizard and the others.Wgen they finished clearing the arena,they started to go home.OH MAN!!!!Goldenrod is too far.Hey Charme-I mean Charizard,do you have a place where I can sleep?"Asked Monferno.

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"hm....well you can sleep in this down under!" charizard replied "its great!"

Charizard went to the place he used to sleep and made it bigger he then scratched a different sign on a different rock saying, 'charizards sleeping spot! do not disturb unless you are a friend or its an emergency! or else!'

Charizard then hollowed a bit of wall next to it and scratched a sign, 'monferno's sleeping spot'

"you can sleep in this spot i just made for the night, its a safe distance from the river over there!" Charizard explained pointing to the cave-flowing river "night.."

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Woken from the faint, he notice it was already night and nobody was around, so, he decide to find a shelter for the night. It was dark and windy but he can hear many small movements among the bush. The wound that was bleeding has froze but the pain still lingers. In the dark he saw 2 shadows moving and think "Doesn't seem like human..." and approaches them. When he arrive he saw 2 pokemons there and asked "Not to disturb but where am I ?"


OOC: Hiya, nice meeting y'all XD

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Lucario lay awake on the cold floor of the arena. He had awoke when he heard a deep voice that reminded him of charmeleon and a voice that was Monferno. But he was stuck in the rubble.


All the air knocked out of him he couldn't talk especially scream for help. This is the end he thought to himself then he closed his eyes.......

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"Shouldn't you answer my question first ? but never mind, about why I'm here , it's because I flee from Team Stealth today and who am I ? as you can see I'm a Glaceon.....am I a hindrance here ?" Glaceon reply as questions were lay on him.


OOC: Ahhhh, Lucario!! We'll come later, don't give up!! XD

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Charizard was awoken,

"who disturbed my sle!-" Charizard roared "who are you? what are you doing here?"

he saw a glaceon, is he new or , is he a spy!?

"anyways om getting to sleep if i can!" he sighed then glared sleepily at monferno and glacen for awakening him and then drifted off to sleep.

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1.Four of us are online,and we can blow the day!!!

2.RP:"What?Who?Where?"Monferno didn't knew what to say,Chqrizard was a little angry,Glaceon was searching for a bed,and Lucario has awaken."Glaceon take my bed,Charizard go to sleep and Lucario you should rest to recover you."Then Monferno said everything to Lucario and Glaceon what happened at the arena.I'm sorry everyone,tomorrow I will leave...

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"heh, what a weird bunch...but that's interesting" Feeling the night is windy today, Glaceon sat not to far from the Ape and the Dragon. He look up to the starry sky and enjoys the crescent moon in the sky for awhile before cuddling to sleep.


OOC: Only 3 of us left =( anyone will say it's morning later ?

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ooc:i am about to start the problem when team stealth find us ok ill start


Lucario woke up in a nice bed.

"where am --"he lost his voice as he visualised his surroundings.

"dont worry your safe"said a voice he recognised. It was Zane.

"NO LEAVE THIS IS A PLACE IS FOR POKEMON YOU IDIOT!!!"lucario exclaimed at Zane.


Then lucario really woke up and realised it was all a dream. He saw charizard wait charizard.

"wow well done big fella"he said at charizard then he saw Monferno and a glaceon "wait who are y-" his sentence interrupted by the sound of a big drill. People who he remembered as Team Stealth stormed into the Down Under their hands filled with special pokeballs.

"NO RUN" lucario screamed charging out of bed he pulled The trio into a alley.

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"team stealth!" charizard growled "who do they think they are!"

Charizard stepped out the alley and used rock throw throwing loads of rocks at team stealth, the then used flamethrower at them, finally he finished off woth smokescreen.

"runrunrun!" charizard yelled as team stealth were blinded, "itl wear off soon!"

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OOC: OK! I thought you off XD lol


While Glaceon was drag, he wake up from his slumber. "Huh ? Yo Fox, what's up and don't you feel cold holding me? " said Glaceon who is still half asleep. He added again " You shouldn't push yourself *yawn* you're still recovering". Glaceon is light, rather than drag, you can say Lucario was taking him with him.

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Glaceon, Monferno and Charizard were with him in the alley way.

"me and charizard have seen these men before" he announced "and those pokeballs are dangerous." Lucario explained his plan which included that Team Stealth would try to capture pokemon and use them for war.


"Quick split up and find as many pokemon as you can, all of you, then meet me back here same time tomorrow so we can kick some Stealth butt!" so they split up in the epic search for soldiers in the war of pokemon vs humans.

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OOC: If Bran or Bruteman doesnt reply we have to wait its not fair going into the battle without them.


It was the day. Lucario had hundreds of pokemon at his command.


"i shall lead us to victory!!!" then he realised that his other members meant to be finding pokemon had not arrived yet might as well wait.


He had;


20 houndooms

5 magmortar

10 electrivire

10 Rhyperior

15 shiny garydos(in the lake)

30 roserade

35 pikachu and lots lots more

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