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The Silencers Organisation (Free Avatar When You Join!


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Welcome to the Silencer's Organisation


This club is officially owned by the Silencers, A.K.A. Yami Cookie1145 and me, Azmania2260. We are the Silencers. However, we are going to allow other people to follow up to become Apprentice Silencers.


What does a Silencer do?

Well, nothing special except create Fantasy Cards. That's right, Magicians, Dragons, Fairys, and Warriors and such. We are the masters of making them.


At this organisation, you are put into Groups, then Ranks.


The Silent Magicians (Group A)


LV8 - Azmania2260 (Silent Magician)


LV6 -

LV4 -

LV2 - HMNISGwahahaha


The Silent Swordsmans (Group B)


LV7 - Yami Cookie1145 (Silent Swordsman)


LV5 - (Apprentice Silencer)

LV3 - (Rookie Silencer)

LV1 - (Beginner Silencer)


You are determined in your groups by you CMS. (Card Making Skills) I will ask you to PM me an example, then you will be put into the Group accordingly. You will also get your own avatar, and you MUST have it on at all times.

You are also required to have a Game King Account. If you do not, it's ok, you can sign up: gameking.hudzilla.org


Your rank increases for every Power Point you gain. You get a Power Point for making new cards, loyalty, and duel wins. The more Power Points you have, the more your rank.


All are welcome.




HMNISGwahahaha (LV2 - 0 PP)

Bloodrun (Awaiting application card)

da-clown-of-hell (Awaiting application card)

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