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Atman & Overflame's GFX Shop! [Temporarily Closed for teh Editz]


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[spoiler=[color=purple]Basics[/color]]Ok, so basically, this shop, owned by myself and Overflame, is dedicated to most kinds of GFX.


Before anything I just want to say, we will not add holos. Truth is, we've never learned how to add holos. So no holos! Sorry. :D



[spoiler=[color=green]Products & Prices[/color]]Ok so these are the basic kind of thing we can do for you.


-Card Language Changing- Speaks for itself, I'll change the card text to absolutely ANY REAL language for only 10 Points per card


-Card Color Changing- Again, speaks for itself. hei i gawts me an infra cawd buht der aint nou rehd cawds ownli yelo an oranj an whyt an prpl an blu an blu-gren. Well it's ok! I'll change the color for you for only 5 Points per card.


-Card Editing-Anyone know Deustodo? You know how his own member cards usually have some wierd level star organization like 20 stars on each side and one slightly larger one in the middle. Well I can do that kind of stuff (obviously, more than stars :D), although, I can't think of a better use for this tool than stars, except for maybe the image. Anyways, this costs 10 Points per card. I know this isn't too well thought out of an idea. I just want to see how well this will work out. And if it doesn't....


-Rendering-Third time I say this, but, speaks for itself. Bye-bye card, hello pic! For 10 Points per pic


-Sprites-aww deir soh kiut! AAAAHH! Atak ov da spraits! RUHN!!!!!!1!1 Anyways, any kind of sprite changes, i.e. morphing, color change, etc., is yours for only 5 Points per sprite




[spoiler=[color=#1E90FF]Examples[/color]]Language Change (Japanese):



Color Change (Green):



Editing (Stars):



Render (Dark Magician):



Sprite (Ho-Oh+Charizard=Ho-izard):






[spoiler=[size=xx-large]Employees[/size]]CURRENTLY NOT HIRING

  • Atman (co-owner)
  • Overflame (co-owner)
  • cedar99 (advertiser/random job guy)




[spoiler=[color=gold]Forms (they're pretty short)[/color]]

[spoiler=Card Language Change]-Card URL:

-Card Lore:

-Target Language:


[spoiler=Card Color Change]-Card URL:

-Target Color(name or hexadecimal):


[spoiler=Card Editing]-Card URL:

-Target Card Appearence(be descriptive, examples accepted):


[spoiler=Render]-Picture or Card URL:

-What to render:


[spoiler=Sprites][spoiler=Color Change]-Sprite URL:

-Color(s) to change to (if multiple, list corresponding parts):

[spoiler=Morph/Splice]-Sprite 1 URL:

-Sprite 2 URL:

-Sprite 3 (if any) URL:

-What parts to splice:

and so on...






[spoiler=[color=red]Ban List[/color]]Let's keep it this empty, please!


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