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Ice Pokemon - Glaciers Reborn!!!!! Now taking requests!


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Recolor your Borders: Around the edges of the recolors you have an issue I find very annoying. You have a border color that does not match what it surrounds. For example, a dark blue color does not work as a border for something that is orange. Chances are you most likely didn't change the old color. You have to make sure you change things like borders. A full recolor is required for the proper effect.


Also if you ripped the palette from a Pokemon, I hardly think you can actually sell the palette, it isn't your own. Selling another person's goods is frowned upon the last time I checked.

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No offence, but these recolours are quite bad.


The black on Growlithe looks terrible. Atleast make the orangey-black a bit grayer. And you have the orange border still.


Haunter has a purple border still. And both hands look like they have bad shading. Did you spill your paint on it? o_O


Charmander is the best, can't really find anything to wrong about it.


Fix up your colours. Like, Shading & Borders.

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No offence' date=' but these recolours are quite bad.


The black on Growlithe looks terrible. Atleast make the orangey-black a bit grayer. And you have the orange border still.


Haunter has a purple border still. And both hands look like they have bad shading. Did you spill your paint on it? o_O


Charmander is the best, can't really find anything to wrong about it.


Fix up your colours. Like, Shading & Borders.



O_o MY friend did charmander, credit to him.

He's never spliced or recolored before, and he was telling me to do the borders O_o

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No offence' date=' but these recolours are quite bad.


The black on Growlithe looks terrible. Atleast make the orangey-black a bit grayer. And you have the orange border still.


Haunter has a purple border still. And both hands look like they have bad shading. Did you spill your paint on it? o_O


Charmander is the best, can't really find anything to wrong about it.


Fix up your colours. Like, Shading & Borders.



O_o MY friend did charmander, credit to him.

He's never spliced or recolored before, and he was telling me to do the borders O_o


Lol. Thasts funny because, that one looks the best, imo.

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No offence' date=' but these recolours are quite bad.


The black on Growlithe looks terrible. Atleast make the orangey-black a bit grayer. And you have the orange border still.


Haunter has a purple border still. And both hands look like they have bad shading. Did you spill your paint on it? o_O


Charmander is the best, can't really find anything to wrong about it.


Fix up your colours. Like, Shading & Borders.



O_o MY friend did charmander, credit to him.

He's never spliced or recolored before, and he was telling me to do the borders O_o


Lol. Thasts funny because, that one looks the best, imo.


That is quite funny.


But yea, borders and may look better.


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