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NEED RED & BLUE TEAM...Capture The Flag: Red vs. Blue


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[align=center]Ξ CAPTURE THE FLAG Ξ

● ROUND 1 ●[/align]


[align=center][spoiler= [b]The RED Flag[/b]]


Image Code: [img*]http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/tn1264812496043217300.jpg[/img]

W/o the *




[align=center][spoiler= [b] The BLUE Flag[/b]]


Image Code: [img*]http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/tn1264811357010218500.jpg[/img]

W/o the *





[align=left]Rules and Objectives:

Here I have posted 2 cards, one RED Flag and one BLUE Flag. Each the RED Team and the BLUE Team can only have 5 Members each! Capturing the other teams flag 5 times will result in a NEW ROUND.


Capturing Flag:

Each team's members will be in control of 1 Flag. He/She must add the thumbnail image of the Flag on his/her Signature. For the opposing team to capture a Flag, he/she must send the opposing player a Private Message saying: "I HAVE YOUR FLAG +1 FOR (insert Team Color here)." Once the message has been recieved, either the team member who captured the flag OR whomever recieved the message must report it to me in a Private Message saying: "I have captured the (Insert Team Color here) from (Insert Opposing Member's Name)" OR "(Insert Opposing Member's Name) has captured the (Insert Team Color here) Flag", OR ELSE IT WILL NOT COUNT![/align]




RED Team Members

1. Ø

2. Ø

3. Ø

4. Ø

5. Ø

Flags Captured: ___


BLUE Team Members

1. Ø

2. Ø

3. Ø

4. Ø

5. Ø

Flags Captured: ___

no one post plz...bc im waiting for this to be switched to GAMES

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