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Darklink401 vs. Aqua Girl (vote nowz!)


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1. 1 Water monster

2. Level 7 or lower

3. Winner gets 2 reps

4. Contest will end at 5 votes


Darklink401's card


[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be destroyed by battle if there is another face-up WATER monster on the field. When this card is selected as an attack target, you can discard 1 card from your hand to change the Attribute of 1 monster on the field to WATER. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove it from play to Special Summon 1 level 3 or lower WATER monster from your hand.




Aqua Girl's card


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Linky-chan has my vote.


Honestly, that card = Super Synchro material spammer...which is more balanced than say, a 6-star heavy storm with 2300 ATK...


Tho...the pic on aquas is better, and i did sorta expect more from you Linky...but simplicity isn't always best, although at times it can be...just not in the form of Dark Hole for S/T and a buttload of ATK. Cost Down anyone? at least it wasn't level 5...then it'd really be mean.

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