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~ Wolverine Tag ~


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[align=center]Yeah this one took me a while though I know it sucks. I posted it here because I NEED Cnc, so please, dont just say it sucks. Thanks =]


[spoiler= Wolverine V.1]



Oh and I really don't know anything about borders so Im pretty sure I did it wrong, so If you could teach me or have a good tut, that would be much appreciated ( and will be repped)



[spoiler= Wolverine V.2]



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Text is to far from the focal causing distraction.


And depth is messed w/ because of the translucency of the render, imo. I may not a have a clue what I'm talking about. ^_^'


Plus try to fill up more of the tag it's looking a bit empty.


You are getting better though.

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