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Eclipse VS Mako


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Winner gets 3 reps and 10 points.


First to 5 wins.


Card must be Spellcaster Type, have less than a total 4000 points (ATK and DEF), and have no effect.

[spoiler= MAKO'S CARD]






[spoiler= ECLIPSE'S CARD]


Lore: Subaru Nakajima is a talented user of magic, ranked as one of the most powerful sorceresses in the world. This has strength allows her to negate the effects of magic below her abilities, as well as making her a worthy opponent in battle. When angered, she can user her energy to create a powerful beam, and it is this very attack that has given her the legendary title "Divine Buster"



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i vote for eclispe, Why:

1. More Desriptive

2. Creative

3. Kool Overall



1. Not how you spell spellcaster

2. Not as creative or descriptive


the word effect means something that happens due to another thing happening. so when she gets mad she can user her energy to create a powerful beam 1 thing triggers another thing and thats the effect


srry about caps

and effect by like' date=' umm never mind

eclsipe already explained it so

the word effect means something that happens due to another thing happening. so when she gets mad she can user her energy to create a powerful beam 1 thing triggers another thing and thats the effect

Btw not to be mean but dont be a smartass, this is "YUGIOH" not a science fair or something or Vocabulary or something
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