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The Tournament of the Elements [ Finished]: Plz LOCK.


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This is a contest for anybody and everybody.

The rules are simple.

- Make a card, any Attribute, any type, any power level, any stars, Ect.

- Must be with in reason( Make it something that could be real.)

- You must Have Fun in the Process ;-P.



-Entry fee is only 20 points,

Reward is 100 points and 3 rep points to first place

50 points and 2 rep points to second place

and 25 points and 1 rep point to third place.



I need atleast 10 people to enter. Contest will begin accordingly and will end 2 days after it start. If you want to enter plz PM me your entering and ill post it up on this thread.


1. were-vasto



4. Scyire

5. Sephiroth_The_Legend

6. DigiMaster Ragnarok

7. Okan Birbinay




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We just post the card, right?


[spoiler=My Card]


This card is also treated as a Fiend-Type monster. While this card is on the field, negate the effects of all Continuous Spell and Trap Cards on the field. Once per Duel, you can pay 2000 Life Points to remove from play all cards in both players Graveyards. After activating this effect, while this card is on the field, all cards that would be sent to the Graveyard are removed from play instead. During each of your Standby Phases, pay 500 Life Points. If you do not, this card is destroyed.


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Points being sent now..


Here's my card.





This card cannot Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 "Allure Queen Lv7" you control from play. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls and equip it to this card. (Only 1 card at a time can be equipped to this card with this effect.) During your Main Phase 1, you can send 1 monster that is equipped to this card to inflict damage to your opponent equal to the original ATK of the monster. If this card would be destroyed, you can remove 1 "Allure Queen" from your Graveyard from play instead.


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You can count me in!!!


Here's my card:

[spoiler=Mah Card]



Lore: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card may only be special summoned by removing exactly 3 dragon-type monsters on your side of the field from play. This card then gains the attributes of all the removed monsters. Based on the attribute of the removed monsters this card gains the following effects: • FIRE: When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK. • Water: Once per turn, during your main phase, you may halve this cards ATK until the end of the turn to allow it to attack your opponent directly. • Wind: Once per turn, during your main phase, you may destroy 1 spell or trap card on your opponent’s side of the field. • Earth: This card cannot be destroyed in battle (damage calculation is still applied normally). • Light: During your standby phase, increase your life points by 500. • Dark: During your opponent’s standby phase, he/she must discard 1 card.




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All Right! I've sent you my entry, but as I can see, you now are accepting them by post so here it is:




[spoiler=[color=#9370DB]Weros Card[/color]]







This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 Fiend-Type monsters from your Graveyard or you control. You can Special Summon this monster during your opponent's turn. When this card is Summoned all monsters are changed to face-up Attack Position (Flip Effects are not activated at this time) and the player must declare a battle with all the monsters he/she controls immediately (The player in turn enters immediately to the Battle Phase). Monsters on the field cannot change it's battle position. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sent it to the Graveyard, you can remove that monster to increase the ATK of this card by 200. While this card is in face-up attack position, you opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target and you must attack with this card if it's possible. During your opponent's Draw Phase, you can remove 2 Fiend-Type monster in your Graveyard to make your opponent enter to it's Battle Phase immediately.






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