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Ghost Ryder

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I would run over and pick it up' date=' then simply put it in my pocket, and grab a larger rock, then smash them in the head.


Then I'd start flipping the pebble like a coin and catching it in midair.


What if they duck and dodge? I'd put some small spiky rock in their back pocket (if they had one), then when they sit. I'll watch the fun.

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Alright, what are you guys talking about?

And I made some cards, so what do you think.

It will be part of a small Headless knight Subtype.


[align=center][spoiler=For Cards look here]


"Headless Knight" + 1 Level 6 or higher FIRE monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Any effect that would inflict damage to a player instead increases their Life Points by the same amount. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field, increase this cards ATK by 100 for each card destroyed by this effect. When this card's has 3300 or more ATK, destroy this card.

Pic from Father Wolf.



"Headless Knight" + 1 Level 6 or higher WIND monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, when this card would be destroyed by battle, you can return 1 monster from your side of the field to your hand to negate this cards destruction. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) Once per turn, you can decrease the ATK of all other face-up monsters on the field by 300 until the end of your turn.

Pic also from Father Wolf



"Headless Knight" + 1 Level 6 or higher LIGHT monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all card send from the Deck to the Graveyard are removed from play instead. Once per turn, when this card is in face-up Attack Position, you can remove 1 Field Spell Card on the field from play. This card cannot attack during the turn this card effect was activated.

Pic from Wanderley





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