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A Science Thread

The Borg

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We simply can't make new threads now can we Josh?


Lol what? I don't get why you said that.


Basically we can't make a new thread to discuss science related s*** right' date=' we always have to use one thread? Why not make a thread to post our new cards instead of flooding the CC section?



I said to make a new thread for each science thing that comes up in your head, as it's always been done. You misinterpreted what I said. I enjoy science myself >_>, why would I limit it like that?


You can make new Thread(s). Not A new thread. Hardly limiting.


I think the confusion was that I was venting about how YCM has to turn everything into a debate when it isn't, and I apologize.



This may stop general having so much science threads. A new section would rule. Besides I would like to know how many true geeks play YGO.

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Actually' date=' 18 sections out of the 33 are un-Yugioh. So why not 19?



Because nobody cares about Science in a yugioh forum.


I do care about science. Also it would eliminate the need for a few general topics.:mrgreen:


That's why I give no support. Just make threads. Is it that hard?

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