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Real Riddles! Riddle 4!


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Ive seen many hard riddles about both pokemon and yugioh. You may now try too solve some actual riddles. You get one rep per answer.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle 1 - Answered[/b]]A woman shoots her husband.

Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.

Finally, she hangs him.

But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.

How can this be?


Answer - She was a photografer (Twig)



[spoiler=[b]Riddle 2 - Answered[/b]]What word still has the same prononsiation when you take away 4 of its 5 letters?


Answere - Queue (Nígh₮ ฬαŁkεЯ™)


[spoiler=[b]Riddle 3 - Answered[/b]]What alwase goes up but never down?


Answer - Your Age (Twig)


[spoiler=[b]Riddle 4[/b]]What do you wright yet noone will ever read?


[spoiler=[b]Those I owe a rep too[/b]]N/A


[spoiler=[b]Hall of Fame[/b]]

1. Twig - 2

2. Nígh₮ ฬαŁkεЯ™ - 1



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