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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds: Shadow Droid Army [Advance]


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((Tara's INSANE but she's Hannibal Lector insane, not Glenn Beck insane, she runs a fairly straightforward RFP/ Synchro Beatdown deck, so of course she's gonna get focus on 2 things: 1. Getting cards Removed from Play and 2. Getting her Synchros out so she can destroy the opponents with extreme prejudice. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw AG Flamvell, so I gave her a lot of RFP/ATK boosting/Piercing cards to take advantage of his effect. I'm especially proud of my Contingency Fee/AG combo since even if you do survive his massive ATK strength, she's still got a ton of LP))



The massive flaming laser blast ripped through Vayu and hit an invisible wall of energy in front of James, forming a dome around him hot enough to make it feel like his skin was about to sublimate right then and there. When the fire finally dissipated, Tara, Mark, the ring of fire, and all their monsters were completely gone, leaving James, Rayos, Eris, and the mysterious Red-Eyes Duelist surrounded by a few hundred thousand dollars worth of destroyed property from the ensuing Duels of Darkness.


"You always were a coward..." Red-Eyes muttered under his breath, removing his deck from his Duel Disk and discarding the half melted hunk of metal. "What, so she kills one Signer, almost kills another, and then leaves without trying for the hat trick?" He shook his head "I don't get it. She had a ridiculous amount of Life Points and could have taken me out on her next turn, easily"

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ooc: still, i was going to use that BW that prevents destruction by discarding it, Crow used it in 95(? When he used BFD) And please tell YRPO so he doesn't OCG only post again...

IC"Well, thats the way it works sometimes. So who are you? I don't believe we've met and you seem to know Tara well."


"James!" Jasmine came on a new d-wheel with a crappy paint job and no extra features. "What happened to the duel?" She skided out, almost crashing into James, but it stopped right in front of him.


"She almost won, but ran away for some reason." He looked at the d-wheel. "Where did that come from?"


"Bought it during your duel. Cost an arm and a leg."


"Well, it's not worth that much." he laughed looking at the junky d-wheel.


"So i bought a hunk of junk?"


"Yeah, but you could always work on it." He turned back to the other person. "Now could you answer my question? WHo are you?"

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"Yes, I could answer your question. But, no, I won't." Red-Eyes said, taking a pen and a slip of paper the exact dimensions of a Duel Monsters card out of his pocket. He wrote a strand of binary code on the card and threw it at Jasmine's Duel Runner, where it landed exactly in one of her Monster card zones "You see the red blip? Drive your Duel Runner there and wait for me to show up. I'll see if I can salvage that worthless scrap heap." He kicked his melted Duel Disk a few feet and pressed a button on his Wrist Dealer, causing an engine to rev somewhere nearby. After a few moments, the revving got louder and a pitch black Duel Runner drove up to the group, parking right next to Red-Eyes.

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"Do you have an endless suply of those things?!" James said, shocked that it came from no where right after his other one was eliminted. James' was still in one, whole, nonmelted, piece over to the side. He hopped on it, and hooked up his duel disk, after taking out his deck. "Alright Jasmine, lead the way."


She drove off followed by James.

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((Red-Eyes' Duel Disks aren't hybrids so they're completely separate from his Duel Runner))


"The perils of using such an evil card I guess." Red-Eyes shrugged "You should see what my Field Spell can do." He picked up a card on the ground and slipped it into his Extra Deck before mounting his Duel Runner and heading off to the coordinates he put in Jasmine's Duel Runner, driving away from the two of them first and then getting back on the right roads. He didn't go within fifteen miles of the speed limit, and thus managed to get to the building, a dirty but well maintained auto garage, at least ten minutes before the others.

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Jasmine's d-wheel almost right by the building. James helped her push it to the building the mysterious guy talked about, then went back to get his d-wheel. "So, you said you would explain more to me about yourself, like... YOUR NAME!"


"You have done well Tara, bringing me one of the signers." He hooked Mark to the Droid creating machine and pressed a button. "Now, all of his memories will be copied to my computer where i can turn people from his past into Droids, as you already know Tara."

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"Master, I don't ask you for much, but would you mind not making Droids of Ilana and me?" The human girl asked, bowing respectfully to her Master. "And, if by chance, you would do me the honor of taking his Signer Dragon, I'd greatly appreciate it."


"No." He said again, his face still hidden by the shadows cast from his hooded sweatshirt "I don't have to tell you a damn thing, James. I'm just here to pay off a debt and then I'm gone. That debt currently involves keeping you alive." He tossed a bound volume of Duel Runner pictures at Jasmine, each page containing a single Duel Runner as viewed from six different angles, top, bottom, front, back, and both sides "Pick one you like, we'll negotiate a price later."

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"That is fine. I don't need a droid of you if you are at my side, and this Ilana girl, i don't need her right now, i can take anyone else he's met." The machne started to spark. "As for the dragon, i really don't care. Keep it as something to remember him by."


"A dept with who? You said if i came after you, you would tell me more." Maybe it has to do with Mark, or Tara, or both...


Jasmine looked at the cards. She was having trouble deciding which one to go with. She finally pciked one. "Here." She handed him the picture. "So why are you helping me with my d-wheel, and what does it have to do with your dept?"

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"It's not here..." Tara said, rummaging through Mark's pockets and Duel Disk "It's not here!" She said louder, kicking her brother in the ribs.


"A debt with someone that means enough to force me to pay that debt off." Red-Eyes said, flipping his hood down to reveal his pitch black hair, before slipping on a welding mask before either of the two could get a look at his face. "And I said that if you came here I would make her Duel Runner worth driving because, as a mechanic and a Turbo Duelist, I can't let myself be seen with someone driving that hunk of scrap. It's not about my debt, it's about my professional pride." As he was speaking, he tugged off his sweatshirt, revealing a short sleeved shirt, muscled arms, and enough scars to make people wince in sympathetic pain. On his left arm was a long snaking mark that resembled a scar in appearance but was an unnatural shade of red. There was still blood dripping slowly from it, in fact. Ignoring the pain that he obviously felt but didn't even think about showing, and moving with deliberate motions, he started taking apart Jasmine's hunk of scrap, breaking off bits and pieces here only to weld them back on there. He moved with a purpose, taking one piece from one side, then another from somewhere else, then another again, then replacing the second, taking a fourth, replacing the third, taking a fifth, sixth, seventh, replacing the first, etc.. It was like a game of Jenga, always pushing the structural integrity of the Runner and then moving to another place, then restoring it once he took off the needed parts. "Pick out a color from the left wall." He said, welding what once was part of the front axle into the main chassis just between the seat and the dashboard. He motioned absentmindedly with his free hand to a row of paint cans and samples arranged haphazardly, like a box of crayolas threw up.

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Jasmine stared at the colors. So many to choose from. Finally she picked one. "How about this dark green?"


"Guess it looks good." He turned back to the mystery guy. "I don't know who this guy is who you have a dept is, or why your dept involves me, but thanks for doing it. I would have been toast in that match back there if you were not with me. There has to be a way to pay you back for this, dept or not."


"Yeh, and i owe you for the work on my d-wheel. Is there anything we can do it help?"

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"James, I kept you alive because if you died, there'd be no way for me to repay my debt. Jasmine, you aren't even remotely involved in me repaying my debt, so you're paying for this." He said, finishing up reshaping the chassis to match the one Jasmine picked out. He took off his welding mask and, his back to Jasmine and James, put his sweatshirt back on, flipping the hood up and again completely shrouding his features. He pressed a button on a device on his belt and the floor beneath the Duel Runner, which turned out to be a conveyor belt, moved forward until the Duel Runner almost hit the wall. Wordlessly, he started reattaching the Duel Runner's external covering, drawing lines on it in places that didn't quite mesh with the intended look. Several pieces refused to be attached with their current shape, so he marked off the offending bits there as well and set them on a pile on the ground. "So, wanna discuss payment now or later?"

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OK, now this guy is just getting on my nerves...


"OK, give it to me, how much are we talking?" Why didn't i ask James if he could fix it up? He probably worked on his own...


"Wonder what happened to the Black Feather Dragon card. I never sensed it disappear or anything. I think the Crimson Dragon is trying to play games with us, Tara. I say after this prosses is done, interagate him. Torment him until he tells you where the card is." he knew something was wrong here. If James had the card before the duel, he would have sensed it. If it blew away, he would have sensed it. If it was incinerated by Tara's Flamvell's fireball, he would have sensed it.

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"Double whatever it cost." Red-Eyes said "Maybe more, maybe less, I won't know until I check the circuitry and the onboard computer. But for now, just double the original price." He was still working on the Duel Runner "Unless you have a reasonable counteroffer, that is."


"I made sure that he had it. The fool didn't know what it was, but he had it. I saw it, first as a golden armored dragon, then as a more birdlike dragon. So where is it?!" She asked Mark again, stomping her foot down on his chest, despite the fact that he was long since unconscious.

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Eris finally managed to get to a beautiful mansion just as the sun started to rise.

"Finally! Home sweet home!"

She snuck into the mansion and crawled into a second-story window, where a younger girl was getting ready.

"Oh thank Hortakhy! You're back!"

The "girl" transformed into a black cat with two purple bangs as Eris concentrated. The darkness receeded from her body as she shrunk down into the very same girl the cat was masquerading as.

"Vicky! Breakfast's almost ready!" a thick Australian drawl called from downstairs.

"Coming, daddy!" Victoria Atlas, a.k.a. "Eris" replied as she donned the clothes Kiana was putting on.

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IC:"I'll get it to you as soon as i get home. I spent all i had on packs of cards and this hunk of junk you're fixing up."


"Whatever. I'll be right back." He walked out of the building, actiavting his duel disk. Placing Stardust Dragon, Stardust Assault, Savior Star Dragon, Militum, and Gale on his duel disk, his signer mark started glowing and his spirit exited his body, flying with Militum and Gale.


"So why did you turn into a spirit?" asked Militum.


"Mark's missing. Tara most likely took him to his hide out where i was locked up. I just need to confirm my guess."


"Well, we're by you all the way."

They flew off.

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((What color should Rayos be?))


Rayos somehow managed to get to Eris/Vicky's room before she did "So, you said something about finding me a place to stay for the night." He said, hopping off the bed, apparently not reacting at all to Eris age changing, though he was moderately pleased since her new form seemed to be about his age, instead of half a decade older than him. "Keep in mind that my right arm probably weighs more than your car before trying anything rash." He added, the card zones on his arm whirring to illustrate the point.


"Good, then you'll get your Duel Runner back when I get the money." Red-Eyes said, putting the finishing touches on her Duel Runner, all that was left was the paint. "Now, anything else? Or will you be getting the Hell out of here?" He asked, not really caring that James turned into a Spirit and was followed by five other Spirits.

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Vicky, now an A-cupped 15-year-old girl instead of the buxom Dark Signer beauty called "Eris", turned to see Rayos in her room.

Rayos was in her room while she was getting dressed.

She immediately grabbed her schoolgirl uniform and covered up her body while going over to the vigilante.

"Alright, you now know my secret!" She whispered. "The great protector of the night is a teenager. But just wondering, how many people will believe you? You have no evidence supporting you."

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"First of all, I'm a kid with an arm heavy enough to crush the frame of a Duel Runner, if I open with that, my story gets one whole Hell of a lot more believable, partly because it forces suspension of disbelief and partly because bones are a lot easier to crush than a Duel Runner." Elem gave him a silent backhand, flickering into existence next to Rayos while Spirit appeared in front of his eyes, where he had been the whole time since Vicky started changing, preventing Rayos from seeing anything "But, you're automatically assuming that because you backstabbed me, lied to me, placed a tracking device on me, framed me... Wait... Why am I not gonna blow the whistle to your parents?"

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"Haha, yeah right, funny." Rayos said, hopping off the bed, which gave a loud scream of protest "I'll fix that... eventually." He said, shrugging "But yeah, you make our Duel Spirit sleep in the closet? What the Hell is wrong with you?" He asked, Spirit letting out some high pitched chirps while Elem silently shook his head "Granted, I make Elem and Spirit sleep on rooftops, but that's only because I sleep on rooftops too." He smiled "So when do we eat?" He asked, "I haven't had anything to eat in a couple weeks."

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"I'll leave something out for you. Just don't eat too much. Dad's really stingy, although Mom doesn't mind."

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to get ready for school!"

Vicky rushed downstairs, devoured her breakfast, got on the bus, and left for Duel Academy. Shortly after, Carly headed for work, and Jack went to go do promotional stuff for his new autobiography, leaving Rayos and his Duel Spirits locked in a giant mansion, alone.

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"Fine... i'll be back in a minute..." Jasmine walked out and hopped on James' d-wheel, reving it up.


James looked down to see his d-wheel riding off. "Hey!" Hope that's Jasmine... "Back to the matter at hand. Finding Mark. There hide out is even near by." he swooped down to get in the building through the wall. He flew around, making sure no one saw him, but he was a spirit, not all people can see spirits, but what about droids? He flew into a room, head first, to see what was going on. Just as he expected. They had Mark. He flew off in a hurry, trying not to draw attention to himself. "OK, now back to Jasmine, maybe, and the other guy." He flew off as Militum and Gale caught up.


Jasmine snuck inside her house, and went into her room. The floor was covered in cards. "I need to pick those up..." She went to her closset and took a wad of money out. "This should cover it." She tip-toed out, trying not to wake up her parents.

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Rayos walked downstairs about half an hour after everyone else left. Much to his chagrin, not only did Vicky/Eris not save him any food, but there was, in fact, a total absence of food from the fridge, freezer, and cupboards. Great, it's grocery day... He thought, tapping on nearest window and debating just smashing the damn thing in. No, that would just create more problems since she'd just turn me in. Like I need another count of breaking an entering, oh and destruction of property, in addition to the hundreds I have already racked up, plus the burglary charges she's gonna pin on me at the first chance. He shook his head and walked back to the pretender's room, plopping down on her bed again and smirking to himself as the frame audibly warped again.


By the time James got back, Red-Eyes was just finishing up repairing Jasmine's Duel Runner and was switching to work on the frame of what might eventually turn out to be a Duel Disk. However, unlike every other Duel Disk frame, the oval in front of the mysterious Dragon Duelist was heavily reinforced, it could probably withstand heavy artillery fire without so much as scratching the paint job. The melted hunk of scrap that Red-Eyes used earlier flashed into James' mind at the sight of the prototype Duel Disk, and he realized that the current frame was probably too weak to stand up to whatever card it was that ruined its predecessor.

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"Excuse me, sir, but what ARE you doing here?"

A butler with slicked back silver hair, a monocle, and a mustache shaped like lighting walked into the kitchen.

"Wait a second. Miss Victoria told me that there was a guest here that wanted food. But, sine I don't know you, how about a little wager. If you can beat me in a duel, then I will give you as much as you want from the pantry. If you lose, however, I will report you to Sector Security. Deal?"


Vicky managed to get to Duel Academy on time to see her rival, Yuki Fudo.

Yuki had pink hair, blue eyes, a lanky frame, and a constant smile, which made Vicky want to puke.

Stupid Yuki! Always getting the attention! Wait until I-

Vicky saw the schedualed duels for today, and grinned.

Aw, hell yeah!

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"What sense does that make?" Rayos asked with a shrug "If I win, you're just going to call Sector Security anyway." He flexed the fingers on his armored hand "How about this, you unlock the door and disarm all the alarms, and I won't snap your arm off in five pieces?" He grabbed the butler's arm and started squeezing "In the past few hours I've been framed, arrested, escaped custody, lied to, arrested again, escaped again by committing grand theft, had a tracking device attached to my arm, broke said tracking device only to be arrested, AGAIN, then my life was threatened by my long lost one-handed brother, then I escaped custody, AGAIN, only to find out that the girl that agreed to let me stay here until Security canceled the APB forgot to leave out any food." He squeezed a little tighter, enough to leave bruises on the man's arm "And on top of that I haven't slept in three days, so now I'm liable to forget my own strength and make you a lefty."

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