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Penguin Knight

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Konami, you better not go lurking around YCM, and steal this idea:

LIGHT, Level 3


When this card is sent directly from the deck to the Graveyard by the effect of a "Lightsworn" monster, select up to 5 cards in your Graveyard and return them to your deck, and draw 2 cards.

400ATK / 1200DEF



On-topic: Why did Konami think mill was a big threat back then? WE DIDNT EVEN HAVE NEEDLE WORM YET! DX

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Konami' date=' you better not go lurking around YCM, and steal this idea:

LIGHT, Level 3


When this card is sent directly from the deck to the Graveyard by the effect of a "Lightsworn" monster, select up to 5 cards in your Graveyard and return them to your deck, and draw 2 cards.

400ATK / 1200DEF



On-topic: Why did Konami think mill was a big threat back then? WE DIDNT EVEN HAVE NEEDLE WORM YET! DX


Well, they were great sages, predicting the future of this game from the comfort of their armchairs.


+ then PTDN swoops in and +


Oh sheet.

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I wish this wasn't by an opponents card effect. People would run it at 3 in LS.


I don't see why, unless your main point is to NOT get JD out. I could see it now... "Yes, I got JD in my hand, and 3 different LS in the Graveyard... go go go... NOOO NOT PENGUIN KNIGHT... *shuffles back GY into Deck*... yes 2 already... not again! damn you Penguin Knight!! What was I thinking putting this in my deck?!"


Basically in LS, it would be unpredictable since you wouldn't know when it'd be milled and could ruin your JD summoning :x

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