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Fake Kingdom Promotion Contest: Kailyn Kyosuke vs Chaos Zero


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1. Must be FIRE attributed

2. total ATK and DEF must be less than or equal to 3450.

3. Must be level 5-7.

First to six votes wins

Prizes are 1 rep to winner and promotion in the Fake Kingdom club.


[spoiler=Kailyn's Card]233893.jpg


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters

When this monster is Special Summoned, you can send up to 5 FIRE or Machine-type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard. When this monster destroys an opponent's monster, you can Special Summon 1 FIRE or Machine-type monster from your Graveyard to your side of the field. When this monster is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can pay 700 Life Points to Special Summon it during your next Standby Phase.


[spoiler=Zero's card]226293.jpg

Effect: When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully, you can discard a card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy one of your opponent's face-down cards. If the face-down card is a Spell or trap, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the number of cards on the field x 200. If the face-down card is a monster, you can Special Summon a monster with a level that is equal to or less then the the level of the destroyed monster From your Deck or Graveyard.


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First off Mako You need to give a reason or it doesn't count. Second Zero's card has 3500 Total. Third I thought it was to 10 votes.


Ok So I'm going for Chaos' card because while both cards have a spot of OP with Kailyn's card you can summon a monster during your battle phase and that's just way oped. It can also automatically Special Summon itself whenever its destroyed. (Exclude macro cosmos from that)

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well it looks like you are pretty close to winning kailyn.


and to be honest, i would be insulted if i had gotten biased votes as well. whenever i am having a 1v1 against someone, i am always sure to be blatantly clear about there not being biased votes.


and i never suggested that you were bribing anybody.

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