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Tablet Drawing|Fail!

E-Hero Kyle

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The only problem i see is the shoes. I see nothing wrong with making him thin. I like the details and pose. Its a nice drawing.


I agree with Shadow, in my opinion theres nothing wrong with anything other than the shoes. I also think its pretty good.

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Not really good. The shoes need a lot of improving' date=' and the body overall looks like it made with sticks since he's so thin.



Lelouch, AKA Zero's body is really thin as he is not an athletic but a logic type, spends time reading or playing chess


this is a very great sketch' date=' i disagree with most comments

i like how your showing your own style of art

the figure is in proportion, and the shoes are fine, maybe he's just small footed



Thanks, although the shoes really are my problems because it is hard to copy it just by watching the anime

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