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Well I was talking to Eur and came to this band with WOMEN, BLACK METAL, LEATHER AND TENTACLES but I don't remember how.D= Doesn't matter, I wanted to bring this up anyway.^^


It's hard to say if they're over- or underhyped, I'd say they're both in some ways... Not many people know them but those who do remember them for the boobs in the leather dresses.>_>


They get a bit of attention for being one of the few extreme female vocals bands.

The vocals aren't great, they're not as good as Angela Gossow but I really respect what they're doing. Jeez Black Metal and male dominance, there should be more females who can scream or growl.=D


You're going to be surprised but my favourite song by them is an instrumental... I think it's much better than the vocal tracks.^^ Like I said it's not a GREAT band but songs like this make me think there's potential...

Another song I really like, Symphonic Black Metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXxSvkrbCT0

With Angela: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZr6aWVHvaM


So yeah let's talk about the goddess of sex and war.

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oh yes I would too <3


Yeah The Ring is awesome, most of their collabs kick ass.

I think much about this band is a bit weird to meh-ish but I really like what they're doing. It's not the usual "real" Black Metal but they're quite unique. Sometimes I wish Tristessa (the singer) would go back and focus just on the bass and compositions, she's great at that. They had another singer before but she wasn't much better.

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