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Lover Bat

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ycm rules


people who vote can kindly donate points for better prizes




When this card is Normal Summoned, you can draw 1 card. If it is a monster, you can Special Summon it to your side of the field. If it is a Spell Card, both players must send 1 monster on the field to the Graveyard. If 1 player does not have any monsters on thier side of the field, he/she can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from thier Graveyard. If it is a Trap Card, you can switch this card into dig position. As long as this card is in dig position, it can only be targeted by EARTH monsters.





Effect: Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. If you do, the Special Summoned monster's effect is negated this turn. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Big Rabbit Token" (Beast-Type/WIND/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 500) on your field in face-up Attack Position. If there are 2 "Big Rabbit Tokens" on the field, they can be removed from play to Special Summon 1 "Summoning Spellcaster" that is in your Graveyard or removed from play.



must give a reason to vote


first person to post thier card is my challenger

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Here ish meh card.




Effect: Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. If you do, the Special Summoned monster's effect is negated this turn. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Big Rabbit Token" (Beast-Type/WIND/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 500) on your field in face-up Attack Position. If there are 2 "Big Rabbit Tokens" on the field, they can be removed from play to Special Summon 1 "Summoning Spellcaster" that is in your Graveyard or removed from play.

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ok, your ma opponent. just gotta make ma card.



When this card is Normal Summoned, you can draw 1 card. If it is a monster, you can Special Summon it to your side of the field. If it is a Spell Card, both players must send 1 monster on the field to the Graveyard. If 1 player does not have any monsters on thier side of the field, he/she can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from thier Graveyard. If it is a Trap Card, you can switch this card into dig position. As long as this card is in dig position, it can only be targeted by EARTH monsters.

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