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The Rising of the Dark Sun [LOCK]


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Username:Spade Atlus

Character Name:Watapon

Elemental Power: [Explain why you should have a MAX level given to you if you want one.] Judgement Guard: Can deflect any non-light attacks MAX level, because I'm very helpful in RPs and for me its actually worth it. I don't care if you say no, its your choise ^^

Descendant of: [Gods of Light for the good side, Dark Humans for the bad. N/A if you want to be a God of Light. Only 6 people can be Gods of Light (excluding me), but someone could get banned from the RP. The only exception is if you get promoted.]: God of Light because, I believe in a world of light. Without light there are no shadows. I want to be one of the characters with one of the main roles, to be a big part in the story. And with that I'll have to help with this RP, either that or be a co-owner....


Age: [N/A for God of Light.]

Appearance: Blonde hair, white cloak, blind

Bio: [if you want to be a God of Light, explain why you think you should be one.]One of the 6 gods of light. I want to be a God of Light because, I'd like to play a big role in the story. Because, I could control the balance of good and evil 8D

Elemental Weapon: Sword of the SUn

Abilities:[Has to match your power.]

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Username: Dark Lightning

Character Name: Raizen Osia

Elemental Power: Lightning.

Descendant of: Gods of Light

Gender: M

Age: [N/A for God of Light.]

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/sun%2...e-guy2.jpg

Elemental Weapon: Raiblade---Lightning Blade

Bio: Raizen was raised to believe in the power of light, because it shall always trump the darkness. Although he doesn't completely go by this rule. He treats all equally, Dark or Light. Although Raizen is a God of Light, he believes that to have harmony, both sides are needed. Raizen has incredible speed, and is probably one of the fastest God's of light. When he was a child, he belonged to a rather wealthy family, but he wasn't happy. He still made friends with the poor, and treated them equally.


^Reposted with the elemental^

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OoC: I will. Let's begin!


Tiberius sat on a bench, worried that things might not be good the next day. There are days when you feel like your life isn't going the way you think it will turn out. He narrated in his mind. That's because it never is normal. This is just because when something good is about to happen, something bad or life-threatning always ruins it! Nothing normal has happened in my life. The only thing normal is that I was able to make friends, but how I did it was not normal! Tiberius stood up and began walking away, wondering what he can do to have something normal happen once in his life.

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OoC: Isn't your character's name Tiberius?

I was walking down a sidewalk when I noticed my son, Tiberius Shinus, sitting on a bench. There's my son, I thought. One of many. I'm worried about the war tomorrow. I only wish that these Dark Humans had a say in fighting, rather than the cursed Black Sun Solar Eclipse forcing them to fight against us, the Gods of Light, and our many sons and daughters. I wonder if there's a way to reverse this curse laid upon them ages ago, I was thinking as Tiberius looked up to see me.

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Miyabi is seen sitting in a bar, he has his thick shoe's off which reveal his lack of socks, he's sat down drinking an oddly coloured drink, an odd mix of purple and red, many wouldn't even touch it, but Miyabi loved the stuff.

"Miya, thats all you ever drink, we serve more than that yanno"

" I know I know, but what if I try a better drink, and don't like this anymore?

"...you're a weird kid Miya, how you swoon so many women, I'll never know"

"It's all about the hair ahaha!!!" Miyabi winks at the bar tender but a rather attractive female catches his eye

In fact, she catches everyone's eye, jaws are pratically dropping, the women laughs to herself as everyone gawks, she begins to walk to the bar as the hordes of horny males and underage kids stare at her, she notices a seat next to Miyabi and takes it

She's already drawn to me, ahahaha, sorry guys, hands off {/i} he thought as he grinned to himself


"Something wrong?"

"Eh? No...why?"

"You didn't stare at me when I walked in"

"I've got manners darlin, you shouldn't stare at any lady, even if she is beautiful"

The women blushes and smiles as the continue between her and Miyabi continues, they progressively get closer until the situation suddenly turns sour

"Are you not scared about tomorrow?"

" Tomorrow? a bit, but it sounds like a judgement day, why not enjoy myself"

"Well I've got a secret, I'm a dark descendant" she winks at Miya who is completely stunned

" ahahha, a joke right?"

"Why don't you find out?"

She draws Miyabi in only to open her mouth, revealing several tongues with mouths at the end of them, all attempting to eat Miya


He backs away only to notice that the entire bar have seemingly turned into dark beasts, powers of their elements. Too scared to attack at all, he simply dashes out of the bar and as far away as he can, eventually finding the 2 on the bench

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Tiberius turns around and jumps in front of his father. "Who are you?" Tiberius felt an adrenaline rush when he grabbed Miyabi by the neck. "If you don't answer, I'll assume you are one of those Dark Beasts! Now explain yourself! Who are you!?" Tiberius began to increase his grip on Miyabi's neck and waited for his response.

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Miya looked at the stranger holding him by the neck and pushed him away, he brushes himself off and clears his throat

"I'm not from the dark side, but I was recently in a bar, filled with dark creatures,it's clear the day is upon us, they're turning into horrific creatures already, I'd hate to imagine what it'll be like when it comes to the time

Miya soon felt a surge through his body and sudden painful feeling deep in his chest, he had realised it was true. The day was upon us, he would either survive or die, and he had no idea how his body would react, he simply thought for the worst but remained composed.

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"He's right. When this happened before, the results were catastrophic. And look at the sky. It has a slight discoloration to it. And the sun. The moon is already covering it up!" I pointed to the sun, which was getting darker by the minute. The Dark Sun was here. It was now. "This will be a historical moment in time," I said as more and more Dark Beasts came rushing through the city. "We need to get out of here. Now!"

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Raizen lifted his head slightly. He tilted it just enough to be able to see someone, but he wasn't sure about who it was. Raizen heard what he said, and quickly came to his feet, grabbing his sword tightly, placing it on the sash that was on his back. Raizen walked up to the person, and after some time, he noticed it to be James.

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"No!" yelled Tiberius. "I'll hold them off! You guys run to safety! Go!" Tiberius turned around, summoned his sword and waited for the Dark Humans to come at them. One came at him and Tiberius stabbed it and threw it against the wall. Apparently, more will be coming. Tiberius then ran began to follow Miyabi and his father, if they are moving at all.

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"OK, Tiberius. If you think you can handle them. Come on, I know a place where we can go," I said. I led the others to a cave about a mile or two from the edge of town. "We'll be safe here. Remember this place, Raizen? We found this cave in the last war. So, stranger, who are you? Or to be more exact, what are you?"

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