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Pokemon: Where is it?


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Ah... remember the classic Pokemon shows? And don't you just love the new ones? I don't. I hate the new ones, they are really corny and half of the time I turn on the TV its Dawn doing some contest. The classic battles with Ash are the things that made up the old sereies. AI almost forgot, WHAT HAPPENED TO ASH'S VOICE?? HE SOUNDS LIKE AN OLD MAN! They only one who sounds normal is Brock, and where is Misty and May? They should have kept Misty, May isn't that bad either. Anyways, thanks for reading my rant. Just had to get that out.

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Games = Epic

Show = Ehh...



I can't say the show is so bad that I can't watch it. I'll enjoy it, just not as much as the old ones. They are filled with so much talking and too much backstory stuff. It's not just his adventure, it's... "Oh... You lost your Pokemon, let's help." or "Oh... Your Pokemon needs training, we'll help."


It's just wrong. They need to stick to the classics. An adventure, not a sappy love story.

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Games = Epic

Show = Ehh...



I can't say the show is so bad that I can't watch it. I'll enjoy it' date=' just not as much as the old ones. They are filled with so much talking and too much backstory stuff. It's not just his adventure, it's... "Oh... You lost your Pokemon, let's help." or "Oh... Your Pokemon needs training, we'll help."


It's just wrong. They need to stick to the classics. An adventure, not a sappy love story.



4kids aired a banned episode after they tweaked it a bit. Too bad they didn't tweak the Dratini and Porygon episodes from wayyyyyy back when.

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Too bad they didn't tweak the Dratini and Porygon episodes from wayyyyyy back when.


They did' date=' they just didn't air them. Plus, the Japanese Government placed a [b']worldwide ban[/b] on airing the Porygon episode.


Anyways, apparently they change the girls around because they figured that they weren't using the female protagionists from the games enough. That + (according to an inverview, I'm not making this up), the writers and artists also change them around to have an excuse to occasionally draw them in bathing suits. Which I admit is pretty wierd.


The voice actors only changed for the English dub, because 4Kids was tossed in favor of TPCi. In an interview with those who actually write said episodes, they stated that they had no idea and was a bit astonished, since it goes against common Japanese practice to disrespect voice actors by kicking them out of roles that they've been in for a long time.


...In my honest opinion, they just need to toss Team Rocket, and then do away with the filler (though, let's admit, the filler stuff is needed to not have to completely halt production between regions. In which case, the anime would air one season every 5 years or so).


It's as simple as a need for more plot. For instance, the Team Galactic saga, where we get a non-incompetent evil group, along with one of the few permanent deaths in the series, and we've been long overdue for one.


Going over who has died:



Ash Ketchum (Movie 1, revived by tears)

Random Little Girl's Father (Movie 3, offscreen)

Celebi (Movie 4, revived by itself from different time periods)

Latios (Movie 5, transformed into Soul Dew)

Sir Aaron (Movie 9, used up all of its Aura)

Lucario (Movie 9, used up all of its Aura)

Darkrai (Movie 10, revived by unknown force)

Giratina (Movie 11, revived by Shaymin)

Arceus (Movie 12, revived by Jewel of Life)

Pokemon Hunter J and crew (Plane sunk into Lake Verity by Uxie and Azelf [i think...])


+Several others that I've missed





...maybe Gen 5's Pokemon anime will turn out better? Still, you either have DBZ-like actions (but slower) or tons of filler in between plot points for the anime to even work. I'd prefer the filler, they just need to make it better.

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1st Season and Johto were good. Everything else is bad' date=' [b']except for AppealShipping.[/b] =]


Eury, you just made my day. I'm sort of going to miss AppealShipping. :/


But yeah, I miss Misty and the others. I still remember the original....Kingler, Primape....ahh, Memories.

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Yeah...Up until Misty left, I liked it. There was actually filling to the meat of the story. The characters actually were different and not always happy-go-lucky. The bad guys were actually...bad(Though I know not of Cyrus. He seems pretty serious as well as TG).


Overall, it fails now. And HAS failed for many years.

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Yeah...Up until Misty left' date=' I liked it. There was actually filling to the meat of the story. The characters actually were different and not always happy-go-lucky. The bad guys were actually...bad(Though I know not of Cyrus. He seems pretty serious as well as TG).


Overall, it fails now. And HAS failed for many years.



There were still some episodes with Misty in them. Though they were in Pokemon Chronicles.

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