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Bassa2 Vs RobotWarsLuver1 | Vote now!


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Card A: 468157c.jpg


Card B: card44.jpg




You cannot Special Summon monsters, unless it is by this card's effect. When two or more monster's Attributes are changed during the same turn, activate one of the following effects:

*Special Summon two "Slime" monsters from your Graveyard. They cannot be Tributed, and they are destroyed during the End Phase. *Select one Quick-Play Spell Card in your Graveyard. You can activate it during the Standby Phase of your next turn while it is still in the Graveyard. If this effect is activated, that card is removed from play after it's effect resolves.


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Winner gets 3 rep.


Card A: 468157c.jpg


Card B: card44.jpg




You cannot Special Summon monsters, unless it is by this card's effect. When two or more monster's Attributes are changed during the same turn, activate one of the following effects:

*Special Summon two "Slime" monsters from your Graveyard. They cannot be Tributed, and they are destroyed during the End Phase. *Select one Quick-Play Spell Card in your Graveyard. You can activate it during the Standby Phase of your next turn while it is still in the Graveyard. If this effect is activated, that card is removed from play after it's effect resolves.


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