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PrEcUrSoR PoTeNtIaL- The Jak/Random Club


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Welcome to the Jak and Daxter chat! Here you can meet new friends, chat about Jak games, post GFX or just talk about any random stuff! YCM rules apply tho >_>


[spoiler=Rules]1. YCM Rules

2. You are allowed to go Off-Topic, but this is a Jak themed chat, so try to keep it thataway

3. Have fun




[spoiler=Joining Form]Name:



Best Jak Character:


[spoiler=GFX]None at the mo


[spoiler=Affiliates]None-If you want to be PM me


[spoiler= Forum Needs]1. We need a talented GFX'er to make a Forum Sig

2. Please suggest name changes if you do not like the name




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