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Okay, so Fiend Roar Deities get this...[Fiend Roar Deity Beast Kudabe]

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Okay, since the pic finally came out, I thought we'd discuss this:






1 "Fiend Roar Deity" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monster

This card gains the appropriate effect based on the number of cards in your hand.

● 0: This card cannot be destroyed.

● 3 or more: This card is destroyed during the End Phase.


--Possible uses for this card--




In my opinion, it's not that good.

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I think it's really bad and useless...

Having +3 cards when you summon a Synchro is hard, but having 0 is even harder, so this card just stays without an usefull effect most times.

Might be usefull on some Decks...maybe Dark Worlds since you discart a lot of cards, but I dunno...

Maybe it's usefull on Fiend Roar Deities Decks, but I don't know much about this archetype.

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I think it's really bad and useless...

Having +3 cards when you summon a Synchro is hard, but having 0 is even harder, so this card just stays without an usefull effect most times.

Might be usefull on some Decks...maybe Dark Worlds since you discart a lot of cards, but I dunno...

Maybe it's usefull on Fiend Roar Deities Decks, but I don't know much about this archetype.

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ultimatemaster has said this twice now and no one has bothered to correct him so:


3 or more


so you need less than 3 to keep him from suiciding, none to keep him a happy invincible panda.


also, i believe neos wiseman is also immune to being destroyed. of course that might just be by card effects.


also, father wolf irritates me. inconsistent otk decks should not be the only option. there should be a real deck capable of being built here.

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The first effect says hi to Infernities :D


If you have 1' date=' 2 or 4+ cards, then this card sucks b/c no effect





3+ = destroy it.


On topic: I'm glad to see another level 4, but of course it had to be another feind roar meh card. If if wasn't for the heavy archtyping into a bad set (for now), this card would be awesome for stalling.

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