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water deck

inferno dx1

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i went to a traditional tourament yesterday and came 6th with this deck, are there any improvments to this deck i could make




cloudian poison cloud x1

ocean dragon lord-neo daedalus x1

giga gagagigo x1

revival jam x1

amphibious bugroth mk3 x1

yomi ship x1

star boy x1

hydrogeddon x3

penguin soldier x2

mother grizzly x3

nightmare penguin x1

7 coloured fish x3

abyss soldier x1

levia dragon daedalus x1

terrorking salmon x1

sea serpent warrior of darkness x1

warrior of atlantis x2

aqua spirit x1




rageki x1

sheild crush x1

lightning vortex x1

mystical space typhoon x1

monster reborn x1

heavy storm x1

a ledgendary ocean x3

pot of greed x1

salvage x1

tribute to the doomed x1

terraforming x1

magical mallet x1



sakuretsu armour x1

draining sheild x1

dust tornado x1

rageki break x1

trap hole x2

call of the haunted x1

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This is a bit disappointing for a Water Deck. Lose Neo Daedalus. Its really pointless. My Water deck would own yours. For improments, lose Neo Daedalus, add Mobius the Frost Monarch, lose Cloudian Poison Cloud, add Tornado Wall, lose Aqua Spirit and maybe add another Penguin Soldier or another Warrior of Atlantis. Lose Trap Hole, Raigeki Break, Dust Tornado, Tribute to the Doomed. Theyre noobs cards. Hammer Shot, Fissure, Bottomless Trap Hole, more Sakuretsu Armors would really improve the deck. There are many other improvements you could make.

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