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Invisible Kingdom


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Here's an idea for an archetype... Invisibles, monsters that disappear and reappear constantly revolving around the field spell Invisible Kingdom, and the Invisible army!


Invisible Kingdom

Field Spell

"This card is removed from play during your End Phase. During your Standby Phase, if this card is removed from play, add it to your hand. Once per turn, you may Special Summon one of your removed from play Invisible monsters in Attack mode. That monster gains 500 ATK, and its effect is negated. When this card is removed from play, remove from play that monster."


Invisible Emperor - Level 6


"While this card is face up on the field, Invisible Monsters, Spell Cards and Trap Cards are not removed from play by their own effects. This monster gains 200 ATK and DEF for each Invisible monster on the field."

2200 ATK/1000 DEF.


Invisible Soldier - Level 4


"This monster is removed from play during your End Phase. During your Standby Phase, if this monster is removed from play, Special Summon it. This monster can attack twice during each Battle Phase."


Invisible Commander - Level 7


"This monster is removed from play during your End Phase. During your Standby Phase, if this monster is removed from play, Special Summon it. While another Invisible monster is face-up on your side of the field, this monster cannot be selected as an attack target. Also while this card is face-up, all Invisible monsters gain 100 ATK and DEF."

1900 ATK/1400 DEF


Invisible Healer - Level 2


"This monster is removed from play during your opponent's End Phase. During your opponent's Standby Phase, if this monster is removed from play, Special Summon it. When this monster is Normal Summoned, remove it from play. When this monster is removed from play, you gain 500 Life Points."

200 ATK/100 DEF


Invisible Rescuer - Level 3


"This monster is removed from play during your End Phase. During your Standby Phase, if this monster is removed from play, Special Summon it. You can discard this card and one monster from your hand to the Graveyard to return one Invisible monster in the Graveyard to your Deck and shuffle your Deck."

600 ATK/1000 DEF


Invisible Squad - Level 4


"This monster is removed from play during your End Phase. During your Standby Phase, if this monster is removed from play, Special Summon it. This Monster takes up two Monster Card Zones. Once per turn, if this monster would be destroyed by battle, it is not."

1900 ATK/700 DEF


Yeah, I could make more, and will later, but I'll leave these for now, I'm getting distracted too easily... What do you think of these cards?

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