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ryukei and asuma181's fan-fic sign ups first come first serve


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alright every one me and ryukei are making a fan-fic we need characters it is on a first come first serve basis then we will go through all of the characters and choose which we are going to use ill post the cuts here and ill pm the winners on christmas day or the day after so fill out this form






charecters so far


jason yuki(son of jaden yuki)


attitude:cocky in duels and showoffy around girls he likes


Name: Fuugi Kagenka

Deck: ???

attitude: He is quiet and thinks alot. He is a genius when it comes to Duel Monsters and can get out of really tuff situations easily.

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Name:Mike weber


Age: 16

Height and Weight:6'4 and 100lbs

Eye Color and Hair Color:black hair and blue eyes

Dorm: Unknown

Appearance/Dress:Wears a shirt saying exterme and also wears a black trench coat.Plus he wears jaden-like pants(black).


Bio:Mike grew up as a orphan since he was 14.He doesn't know who he grew in a orphanage.He recived a invaition 2 years later to old mans house st.louis missouri.Only to find out this was his grandfather and he was also to be presented a deck made of gladaitor beasts.His granfather said these cards belonged to his parents.For the next 2 weeks he began to train with this deck and he won 2 tournements with it.2 weeks later he recived invation to the Duel Academy.His dorm is yet to be determenied yet.


signature card/black luster soldeir evony of beginng

deck type/gladatior beast deck.

i'll pm you th deck list.

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