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Dark Lightning VS Fish ~ --- Vote!

Dark Lightning

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[spoiler=DL's Card] 2gv3k3t.gif

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, this card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 2 DARK monsters that you control. This card gains 100 ATK for every DARK monster in your opponent's Graveyard. This card cannot attack if there are any LIGHT monsters in your Graveyard. If this is the only monster on your side of the field, you can destroy 1 monster that your opponent controls that has less than 1900 ATK.


[spoiler=Fish ~'s Card]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 or more DARK monster you control. This card's ATK becomes the number of monsters used to Special Summon this card x700. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon as many as possible DARK monsters from your hand. All DARK monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack.


Votes must have a reason.


Ends when someone gets 6 votes

3 reps to Winner


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Vote goes to Fish

Better Pic(he didn't need holo to make it look good)

Better Effecr(perfect for a Twilight Deck)

Oh wait no.


I just found your HUGE error Fish.(well I think I did)

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 or more DARK monster you control. This card's ATK becomes the number of monsters used to Special Summon this card x700. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon as many as possible DARK monsters from your hand. All DARK monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 or more DARK monster you control. This card gains ATK for every monster used to Special Summon this card x700. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon as many as possible DARK monsters from your hand. All DARK monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack.


If that is the error, and I really think it is, I unfortunately have to give my vote to Dark.

Even though Fish's card was much better if the error wasn't there.

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Sorry bout that Fish....

Your card would've been better if the effect was gain, and the attack was 1600-1800.

I would've told you to make a set out of it...


EDIT: DL you think you could vote in: Mr Wham vs Pudpop: 3 cards lets see what you can do.

The contest is almost finished.

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Sorry' date=' I have heard people saying this, but I don't know what OCG means yet.


But I know it has something to do with the game's grammar. Would it be... O card grammar? '-'


Edit: Can you see the thread I made in Realistic Cards? ^_^



Official Card Grammer


Let's stay on topic here guys.


Can Also be Original.


EDIT: This is also a BUMP

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