Magnet Soldier Posted February 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 4, 2010 OOC: Carlin fan you have posted the same post three times. Please delete two. IC: KrisJust before Kris went up the stairs he looked around and saw two men in cloaks similar to his talking and eying him. Huh, are they after me or being wary of me. He thought as he turned back around and climbed up the stairs. He turned at the third room and opened the door. There was just a bed, a fridge and a tv but he guessed it was better than nothing. "So theres a guy that looks like me then. Hopefully it wasn't me before I lost my memory." He said to himself. He looked out the window at the street below. Instead of people there were strange white creatures with red balls on their heads. Mo...moogles? Kris thought. He nodded and turned around. "Well then, lets see what you can do keyblade." He said as the sword appeared in his hand. N"Lets hope they got the right target this time. Dont want Johnny killing another innocent. It'll get us noticed for sure." N sighed as he sat in a armchair in his room. "Well, cant be as bad as when the XIII were destroyed. Dont want that again." And he sighed again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted February 4, 2010 Report Share Posted February 4, 2010 OC: Sorry for not posting. Couldn't think of how to start. Sean was nowhere, so has it looked to be. It was unknown to Sean where he was. It was something that had nothing. Then suddenly, what looked like, a stain-glass window appeared under Sean's feet. It was mostly orange and had Sora in the middle, along with Riku, Roxas, Kairi, and Namine in four smaller circles around Sora. Sean has believed to be in a dream state that shall show his act as a Keyblade Wielder. The only thing is that he wasn't asleep for it. He was viewing this state as what seemed to him as a vision, but he can move around, talk, and fight in this area. And fighting is what he shall do. "Sora..." said an echoing voice from nowhere. "Sora..." said the voice again. Sean could not understand how he got where he is now. He was using his portal abilities in Hollow Bastion when something, possibly a fusion of a Heartless and a Nobody, came out of the portal really fast and everything went blank. Still confused on what's happening, Sean closed his eyes, hoping to open them and see that nothing had happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 Name: ZaneAge: 13Gender:Male Appearence(In spoiler if pic): Personality(2+ lines): Zane is meek and silent. He does not talk to many people, even if he did, he would only mutter a few words. He appears to have but one emotion, lonliness. He never shows any expression either.Bio(4+ lines):Zane was always a lonely child with no friends or parents. He always walked the path of lonliness, hoping for it to end. He began to realize his life had no true meaning to it. When the heartless came a few years ago, he was ignored by them, since he already seemed without a heart. Although a while after Sora dissapeared, as if out of pity, he was blessed with a somewhat unique keyblade, giving his life purpose. Weapon:Keyblade *Keyblade name:Empty Soul *Keyblade appearence:Two identical keyblades connected by a chain on the hilt. The blade was very simple with the front end of the blade sharp, while the back was dull. the tops were shaped like spirals of wind. The whole keyblade was an ominous grey accept for the yellow top of the blades.*Keyblade Power: When used in a long combo, the blades begin to generate electricity, which can be shot or retained on the bladeElement: LightningTeam:just himself? Extra skill:Able to throw his keyblade at enemies, and with a tornado like motion, strike all nearby enemies in the general direction it was thrown, and have it come back to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Hollow Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 Before hitting Donald, Yu felt something"What is that!"Yu looked the sky. It was getting Dark"Hearless!"Yu opened a portal and went at the nobody castle to find their leader"I have to setle this! But Am i strong enough?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 5, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 OOC: Once again 1227 you are disobeying the advanced clause aswell as jumping from one thing to another with no possible connection like one minute heartless are raining from the sky then you are in the world that never was about to face the nobody leader. I will allow donald, goofy and mickey but remember sora is gone and noone knows why. No fighting him. And if your fighting the nobody leader N then you are about to die you know because he is immensly strong. My post will be in a minute but if you disobey the rules again then you will be kicked out of the rp, alright 1227. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Hollow Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 OOC:But I want to die here! Anyway delete my other postHe didn't find Donald and went to find the King ok? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 5, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 OOC: So you are now in the world that never was right? NHmph, Have they got him? Are they near him? Are they even on the right guy? Well I dont know they'd better.... N thought but stopped as he felt someone enter the castle. "An intruder. Sound the alarm!" He shouted. He sighed and walked back to his seat. "Lets see if he can get to me through the hordes of nobodys I just sent." KrisKris sighed. He was hungry so he walked back down the stairs to the bar. The two men were still there. He bought a sandwich and put it in his pocket before exiting the inn. Without looking back he broke into a sprint and dissappeared into the crowds in the market place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Hollow Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 Υu felt that he was discovered. He summoned his Keyblade and High Jumped at a bridge. He waited for the Nobodies to come and he used thundaga to destroy some heartless that had appeared. Suddenly 5 nobodies surrunded him."Tsk. Let me wipe you all out!"He used a cyclone spell and moved on to find N."Come out! Are you afraid or what?"Yu shouted and waited response. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azure Flame Kite Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 "Kid," Xaehso said, appearing behind Yu via Corridor of Darkness. "You don't want to face N." He pushed Yu off the bridge with his foot. "Do you actually believe that you're strong enough to take on the leader of the Nobodies? N may be no Xemnas, but he's still very strong. You'll be killed before you can even breathe. Don't go past here, or I'll have no choice but to kill you." He told the falling boy, sliding down the wall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 OOC: Two things, one Kris didn't have a soda. Two I think Wencai meant to be shooting at Kris. Also sorry for the lack of activity, things've been kinda crazy. IC:Jonathan drained the last of the contents of his glass with a single draught. He simply laughed aloud as Wencai fired at obviously the wrong Kid and the poor fool went running in fear. "You're not fooling anyone Wencai, except maybe the town's police force." He simply shook his head before standing up and slugging Wencai in the shoulder with his left hand, again a lot harder than he had meant. "Anyways to answer your questions, Yes He's a Keyblade master, Yes I'm still hunting them, and Yes it is possible that he's the new 'Chosen One'. That's all I can tell you but my guess is that's all you wanted to know." John chuckled very loudly, before the smile vanished from his face. He saw that Kris had gone and knew that he had to follow. "While it's been 'nice' to see you again, I must be off." With that Jonathan simply walked calmly out of the bar. He could sense the Keyblade from a very great distance away and knew where he needed to go. Calmly walking into an Alleyway, he vanished as soon as he entered the Shadow. A moment later he emerged from a shadow in the Market Place. He sensed Kris's Keyblade and was soon moving with fair quickness after him. In a few moments he had Kris in his sights and was keeping up with him easily. He had very little desire to be discovered right now and was focused on his mission. If he was to confront the boy, he would wait until the proper opportunity presented itself. OOC: Is John supposed to Kill Kris or just spy on him for now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarlinFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 OOC: Apologies for the "soda" confusion; I thought Kris would have a soda b/c it mentions his propensity for soda in his App. IC: Wencai chuckled, leaning back in his seat. Should I follow John? Nah... too far away by now. Even his temper isn't worth risking all those people, as funny as it would be. I suppose I ought to check in with my friend in N's Organization...Wencai left the inn/tavern, stepping into an alley and opening a Corridor of Darkness. He emerged atop Memory's Skyscraper in the World that Never Was. Wencai surveyed the Dark City, bleak and void of all life (assorted patrol Dusks discounted).Geez... Even I think N takes the sociopathy a bit far... I know he embraces Nothingness, but Xemnas did too, and at least he had a couple girls around... Wait, does Xion count as a girl with the whole "boy's-heart-but-girl's-body" thing? Gah... having an intellect makes my head hurt.Wencai was about to Corridor up to N's Castle when something caught his eye. A maelstrom-like horde of Nobodies descended from the Castle's gates towards a pair of figures on the bridge... well, one of them was actually off the bridge at the moment, but that was beside the point. By the white hair, Wencai could tell that the figure that wasn't sliding down to impending doom was Xaehso. Wencai "Corridored" over to the sliding figure, who turned out to be another Keyblade master. Wencai wrinkled his nose as he grabbed the kid's wrist. "Ugh... you smell like self-righteousness. I take it you're here to kill N?"Wencai opened another Corridor, emerging beside Xaehso. "Hello, my trusty double agent," Wencai greeted, smiling at the oxymoron as he tossed the kid to the ground and conjured Anathema. "How goes the life of deception, comrade? Any new info on Sora?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 When Sean opened his eyes, he was still where he was. Nothing had changed. "You..." said the voice again. "Are..." Sean cannot understand what is happening. "Sora!" Sean heard the voice and realized what the voice is saying. "!" Then suddenly, Sora's name appeared before him. Then the O, R, and A began to move. The O became an E, and the R became an N. It was then reworded to his name. "Sean!" He cannot believe what has happened. Then, Sean's shadow began to form into the Darkside Heartless. Sean walked back, wondering how all of this makes any sense. As the hand of the Darkside came to Sean, a light came out and the Darkside stood straight up. What appeared was the Destiny Key. Sean felt relieved about having his weapon. Sean then charged at the Darkside and prepared to slash its arm. OoC: [url=]Sora vs Darkside II[/url] Only with Sean and his Keyblade in the area where Sora fought the Darkside first. Start it at 1:03. That's where it really starts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azure Flame Kite Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Good to see you too, Wencai," Xeahso responded, putting his hands in his pockets. "No new info on Sora's location, N's keeping secrets from me. I think he's suspicious, we'll have to be more careful. If he finds out, things will blow to hell. I was just about to visit Mickey when I saw this kid come here." He nodded to Yu, who was still on the ground. "Come through a Corridor of Darkness; he's got some potential, but he's still got some ways to go before he can even come close to a Keyblade Master's level. But never mind that, how've you been doing?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 After Sean had defeated the Darkside, or he thought he did, a wormhole appeared under him and he fell in. As he fell in, the Darkside stared at him. Then his vision began to fade to black. Then Sean woke up in Hollow Bastion on the ground. Sean stood back up to realize that the portal is still open. "Was it all a dream?" he asked himself. Sean then walked through the portal and appeared at the entrance of Traverse Town. Sean put his hood down and removed his headband. He walked into town and wondered how all of what had happened to him makes any sense. Sora is me? he thought. Not understanding how all of this makes any sense, Sean continued walking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarlinFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "Things have been alright. I ran into Jonathan in Traverse Town. He's tailing a 17-year old Dark Keyblade Wielder. Mentioned something about him being the 'Chosen One'." Wencai flourished Anathema. "You take the kid to the Graveyard; I'll deal with N's little first response team to distract his attention from you. Meet me in Agrabah."Not waiting for an affirmative or denial from Xaehso, Wencai lunged up at the swirling maelstrom of Dusks. He lashed out with a burst of lightning before casting Zero Graviga and Reflega on himself. From there, Wencai let loose with a scathing volley of Firaga fireballs and Blizzaga crystals. He then released the Zero-G on himself, opening a Corridor beneath him and falling down into it. He reappeared in the midst of the Dusks and took to hacking at them with Anathema. Dealing with peons could be so damned fun.Eventually, Wencai tired of slaying Dusks and eliminated what remained of the grunts with a Dark Firaga. He opened another Corridor, reappearing within the Castle, specifically directly in front of a certain Nobody's command throne.Wencai smiled, bowing deeply before rising with a flourish. "Hello, N. It's been a while." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 OOC: No not kill him. John can fight him but not kill him. It's up to you. Also It will turn out that Kris isn't this 'Chosen one'. I am currently waiting for someone to be one. I want two main things from them though. 1) Has to be human. 2) Has to be capable/strong enough. I have something else planned for Kris. N"And yet you return Wencai. Since your little escapade with Maleficent I didn't think you'd return. Yet here you are. What brings you here then. I wanted a little fun with that semi Keyblade weilder. If you want a fight then by all means bring one." N said as he jumped of his chair and landed with his keyblade some how in his hand. He then took a relaxed stance and waited for an attack. "You may think I'm strong but that Xemnas was stronger but thats because you've never seen me fight Wencai."KrisKris was running as fast as he could(Or thought he could) and yet one of the men still ran behind him, kepping pace with him without any kind of tiredness. Holy S**t, I cant keep this up. He thought before turning down an alley. There he stopped and summoned his keyblade, waiting for the follower to arrive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 Sean continued walking until he saw what looked like the symbol of a heart. He slowly walked up to it. When he began to touch it, a dark hand came from it Sean jumped back to see it was a group of Heartless. There were 5 knights, and 10 shadows. Sean could not understand it. Those things! he thought. I saw them when I fought that big thing! he thought again. Sean then summoned his Keyblade and rapidly slashed the Heartless one by one, each disintegrating with a heart releasing from it. With the strange things that are happening, he wonders exactly what Kris is doing right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarlinFan Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 OOC: Cue the epic fight music. I recommend this: Wencai scoffed. "Oh, please. We both know this isn't going to end here, not when things are just getting interesting. But I haven't had a good fight in a while, so why not? Let's just not go crazy; I'm sure you want your castle intact, and you remember what happened the last time either of us took a fight seriously."Wencai fired a triple blast of Dark Firaga, Dark Thundaga, and Dark Aero at N as he commanded Anathema's chain to unspool, leaping upwards and whipping the chain down at N. It'd been a while since he'd gone 50%, and he hoped N would match his efforts. Wencai needed to see just how strong Xemnas' replacement was... maybe he'd even get a clue as to who he used to be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asriel Dreemurr Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 John calmly walked into the alley, having kept pace easily with Kris. "My my my, you're a rather hard boy to keep up with." He said this without any emotion in his voice or upon his face. He calmly looked at Kris, spinning the blade shackled to his right wrist round and round. He shook his head as he saw Kris's lack of stance and the low level form of his Keyblade. "You won't be much of a challenge..." He said this once more with no emotion at all. He then vanished into the shadows of the alleyway, reappearing behind Kris. he brought his shackle-blade down in an over-handed arc upon Kris's left shoulder. His face still showed no emotion as he did this. If Kris was smart, he'd get the hell out of that alleyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tourmaline Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 "That's it, there's nothing to do in this...Twilight Town...I want to find a way out of" He asked himself, after searching for hours. He also remembered he was in a train station, conveniently. Making haste to the closest train, he looked around. "A train, but there is nobody, strangely enough. I could wonder where this train will lead to. Perhaps I shall travel on my own, like always..." Preparing himself to enter the train, he was also making sure to find any people he could. He didn't really mind being all alone, but doing so has grown to him, over the years. He slowly entered the train, lucky to make it right before the doors closed. As the train began moving, he crept over the window, and saw a sign that said Traverse Town. "Maybe there us more population there...." Lying his back on the wall, he went into a fetal position of sorts...waiting... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 OOC: Better fighting fighting music Carlin: N"My, my Wencai. You still underestimate me." N sighed. He summoned his keyblade and pulled it up infront of his face, holding it backwards. Then a dusk appeared infront of him and took all three spells before bursting into darkness. "Your pathetic magic cant do anything to me. Come at me properly. You are only fighting at fifty percent but that is so weak that I am not even pushing twenty five percent." N said. He yawned and vanished. He reappeared behind Wencai and hit him over the head with the back of his Keyblade, sending Wencai flying to the ground. "Dont make me kill you." KrisKris turned around as John appeared behind him. Despite his bad stance he had good reflexes and moved quite fast. He then brought his Keyblade up infront of his face, Holding the keyblade backwards((Clue: This part sound familiar?)). He then shot a fira and thundera at John, both easily missing. "Why wont you leave me alone!?" He shouted as a faint black aura surrounded him. Heartless appeared around him, interested in the darkness but as soon as they got close they were destroyed. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! FIRAGUN!!!!!" He shouted as a large inferno came out of Kris' hand. OOC: Just to be clear, firagun is hard to learn and control. Xemnas nor Xehanort, nor sora ever learnt it. John has to be shocked at that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raymond5577 Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 OCC: emm, izit too late to join now and can a newbie join in ? My knowledge in KH is not much... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raymond5577 Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 OOC: You can join but please do your research on KH first. Either that or play KH 2. 1 doesn't have much info. OOC: well i did finish KH: Chains of memories and 365/2 days hear some of KH 1 & 2 from fren~ I wanna ask bout the team, "Others" can you give me some x'plaination bout this team ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarlinFan Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 Wencai laughed uproariously, rubbing the back of his head as he stood up, dusting himself off. "If that's 25% of what you can do, than that kid that was storming the gates had more of a fighting chance than I thought!"Wencai's face suddenly fell, his visage taking on an eerie cool. He leaned back into a Corridor, reappearing with his blade's tip to N's neck. "We both know this isn't the time or place to have this fight. I was hoping for someone with a bit of humor as Xemnas' replacement, not another self-aggrandizing, arrogant brat. Now, we both know that if we felt like it, we could conjure armies fit to loosen the bowels of Kingdom Hearts itself and bring about a war that would leave this universe a withered husk before either of us had warmed up. Neither of us want that. Now, I'll have you know that I was only messing around just now. I was hoping for a friendly bout, but it appears you're too much of a smug, self-satisfied dolt for that to happen. Just know that if I had wanted to, I could've brought down this entire castle just as quickly as you destroyed the Coliseum 10 years ago, and with half as much energy expended. We're both playing each other for fools, N, and I'm done with this exercise in futility. Goodbye."With that, Wencai stepped into another Corridor and was gone. It was time to visit Xaehso again. OOC: Nice music, Magnet Soldier. I'm looking forward to a scene where N and Wencai will get to cut loose. Let's hope nobody else is within a few kilometers. :twisted: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raymond5577 Posted February 8, 2010 Report Share Posted February 8, 2010 I see, so it's like a original character that has no keyblades ei ? I'll start doin the app~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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