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Tomtekorv vs. bobyjoe5000 | Tom won | LOCK


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First one to post is my opponent.


Winner gets 3 + reps. from loser.

First to 5 votes = Win. (If no one has got 5 votes, the person with most votes at Feb. 2 wins)


Card must be:



-Level 4-8


[spoiler=Tomtekorv's Card]


1 LIGHT Tuner + 2 or more LIGHT non-Tuner monsters

If this card attacks a non-LIGHT monster, you can Tribute 1 LIGHT monster you control to increase the ATK of this card equal to the Tributed monster's Level x 200. Each time a LIGHT monster is destroyed by a card's effect, destroy 1 card on the field. This card gains 1000 ATK for each LIGHT monster on the field. If this card would be destroyed by battle with a non-LIGHT monster, you can pay 2000 Life Points to Special Summon this card during your next End Phase.





[spoiler=bobyjoe5000's Card]


1 LIGHT tuner + 1 or more LIGHT non-tuner

When this card attacks or is attacked, you must discard 1 card from your hand to the graveyard. If you discard 5 cards by this effect, you can destroy one Spell Card on the field. If you discard 10 cards by this effect, you can destroy one card on the field. If you discard 11 or more cards by this effect, destroy this card.



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1 LIGHT tuner + 1 or more LIGHT non-tuner

When this card attacks or is attacked, you must discard 1 card from your hand to the graveyard. If you discard 5 cards by this effect, you can destroy one Spell Card on the field. If you discard 10 cards by this effect, you can destroy one card on the field. If you discard 11 or more cards by this effect, destroy this card.

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Tom has a more complicated effect and a better image, but his summoning conditions are a bit...too much. Seoriously now, 3 Level 2 and 3 monsters that must be all LIGHT?! Give me a break...


But I will still vote with Tom. The other card's image simply makes me puke.

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