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Who can beat ME?!


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Here is my card - The Sacred Six-Winged Serpent




Effect: 1 Dragon-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

This card can only be Summoned by Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, you can select and destroy 1 Level 6 or lower monster your opponent controls. If you do, this card cannot declare an attack this turn. If you control a Level 6 or higher monster (excluding this card), you can remove it from play to Special Summon one monster from your Graveyard of the same Level.

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I want a level 3 card maker to challenge me rules are 1 card dragon type and voting ends tonight at 12:00 YCM time. Get going i want a good challenge

Umm whats YCM time


anyway for the voting

ΕεΔδΛλΙιΡρΣσςΕε has better pic, OCG and better effect

Crashzx pic isnt too good , some OCG errors aswell

ΕεΔδΛλΙιΡρΣσςΕε gets my vote

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Here is my card - The Sacred Six-Winged Serpent




Effect: 1 Dragon-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

This card can only be Summoned by Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully' date=' you can select [b']1 Level 6 or lower monster your opponent controls and destroy it[/b]. If you do, this card cannot declare an attack this turn. If you control a Level 6 or higher monster (except this card), you can remove it from play to Special Summon 1 Level 6 monster from your Graveyard. of the same Level.

Fix'd. If Crashzx posts his effect, I can fix it too. ΕεΔδΛλΙιΡρΣσςΕε gets my vote for better OCG and effect.

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