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A YCMer's Guide to RPing[PG] [Second chapter is up!]


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i seriously laughed my @$$ off at this....


but the things that Nexev said could make the plot interesting... i can imagine what you have the Nightingale family wearing XD


Edit: nevermind, I know who the Nightingale Family are ... I dunno if it's possible to write them in...

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I don't get PM:ed to be friends (lol, who does that? xD) or to join RP:s by n00bs (I do get them from Magnet~chan and other friends though ;)).. I just get random, check out a website, join a club (seriously, why the hell would I want to join a Megaman Club when I know pretty much nothing about Megaman? -_-) or just random spam or a plea to check out their cards. That just make me reply with: do this again and I'll neg rep you forever and report you as well.

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I don't get PM:ed to be friends (lol' date=' who does that? xD) or to join RP:s by n00bs (I do get them from Magnet~chan and other friends though ;)).. I just get random, check out a website, join a club (seriously, why the hell would I want to join a Megaman Club when I know pretty much nothing about Megaman? -_-) or just random spam or a plea to check out their cards. That just make me reply with: do this again and I'll neg rep you forever and report you as well.


One smily, 0_o

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A pregnant pause followed


Does that mean that many little baby pauses will follow?


lol no - pregnant means "full of meaning" in this context

and btw chapter two is here (or should I say snippet two?)




Obvious sarcasm should've been obvious. Edit for a better synonym; it just sounds very off in context.

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