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A YCMer's Guide to RPing[PG] [Second chapter is up!]


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Note: as misleading as the title is, this is original fanfiction



Foreword - page 1

Chapter One - page 1

Snippet Two - page 1




Greetings all!


I feel I should start by explaining why I chose to do this. Just over a year ago, around January/February, I started RPing, and I remember getting quite into it, and thinking, "Yes, I will stay on YCM to RP!" Over the past year, I have stayed quite firmly to YCM, RPing away each day (erm, what else did you expect?), making new friends in the process, and it's hard to believe how time flies. Well, some time after New Years Day, I reflected back on everything that had happened during the past year, and I thought to myself, "A lot has happened, so I guess I should convey some of my experiences and actually write about it."


Now, being me, if I can think that, I tend to do it, which is why you are now reading this. This is, in a way, a step out of my comfort zone - for once, I am doing something that can only go three ways; either brilliantly, not quite so brilliantly but not distarous either, or I make an arse of myself. Preferably, I would want this to go brilliantly (erm, who wouldn't?) but there's a chance it won't; 30/30/30 either way really.


I haven't conformed to the image of a deadpan guide/fanfiction full of long words and overdone elaboration that causes everyone to loose attention. I've tried to make this humourous, partly for your entertainment, and partly to ensure I don't fall asleep when writing. Personally, I am a fan of comedy, and if there's one little message I've learnt from watching countless panel shows, sitcoms and stand up shows, it's this; you can make most things funny, even if they aren't or weren't at the time.


But of course, it's not funny all the time, and nor does it exactly apply to everyone. Some people may have had the same experience as me, some may have not. Some of the stuff here is exaggerated too, and some newer users, or n00bs if you wish, don't take on the image of being irritating and generally getting up everyone's arse (I know I never did ... I hope).


Now, enough of me ranting on. I hope you do find them funny, and take into consideration the message I try to give out in each chapter; if you don't find the humour but get the message, and vice versa, then at least I'll have done half my job; if you don't find the humour/get the message/find the humour AND get the message, then I've wasted your time. Sorry.



23 January 2010[/align]



[spoiler=Chapter One]

Chapter One


Imagine, if you will, YCM to be a shopping mall, placed in the middle of nowhere. Now imagine every forum and sub-forum to be a single shop, each one varying in size and feature. Now imagine everyone registered to YCM pacing around the mall, and the result is the focus of this guide, with heavy bias to the Role Playing section. Having had a full year’s worth of Role Playing – and indeed YCM usage – experience, I, Beta the Magnet Warrior, felt it was about time I compiled a little guide to getting around the Role Playing section, and how to generally not p*ss off everyone with awful etiquette, and making everything difficult and possibly depressing for yourself.


Imagine taking an escalator to the second floor, where you will find the Role Playing shop. Now imagine that shop front to look something like Waterstones or WH Smith; the moment you step into that little shop (perhaps overshadowed by the Fan Fiction shop beside it, who knows?), your eye is immediately drawn to heavy bookcases lining all around the wall, and desks forming a neat formation in the middle of the room. Your ears immediately pick up the sound of pens scratching, books being taken off the shelves, and chairs scrapping as people are either standing up or sitting down. The nearest bookcase to the entrance of the shop is full of blank books, ready for new Role Plays to be written and shelved, before the author nervously waits for applications to what would hopefully be a long and successful RP. Those books with the newest posts and updates are placed in the shelves beside the entrance, while those with no new updates are shoved further and further back into the shop, until they are either bumped or completely removed from the shelves and archived, available only to those who ask to read it again.


Our scenario starts with me, in the form of Beta the Magnet Warrior, on an ordinary clear sky day, having just stepped into the RP shop with my closer friends. I can assure you, readers, that having friends is always a good idea – it takes away all the fun if you become a curmudgeon. (Before I advance any further, I should explain all identities have been protected for obvious reasons, and if anyone mentioned here does not mind being made known, then please do not hesitate to tell me)


The scene is like thus; the Ultima book is opened before me, (Conan) Edogawa, (Franken) Stein, JZ and Master Crimson (Buneary would be with us, if we had any idea as to where she was). Before us, other users are bustling about, pulling off books from the shelves, or writing new RPs and posting them, not knowing whether they are doomed or not yet still giving it a go.


“PM,” I muttered to myself as a letter arrived, out of the blue. I took one glance at the title, as everyone does, and noticed immediately it was a RP invite. Before I go any further, readers should realise I often receive such invites, most of which are to video game based or anime based RPs. I should point out I partake no interest in such RPs, and as you can tell from my signature (which is available to your eyes, and not us in the story), I have clearly have received enough of these invites to tell people to stop, though the video games part was only later introduced.


I had no idea what sort of invite I was receiving, so I speedily opened the letter and looked. I walked over to find the RP mentioned – not that it was a job too difficult, one glance was required and I found it – and pulled the volume off the shelf. The title screamed no mention of an anime or video games based RP, so I proceeded to have a peek.


“Urgh,” I found myself groaning rather involuntarily as I realised it was a RP based on a game I had only ever heard of but never had enough interest to buy it and play it. I snapped the book shut and turned back to my seat, where I saw the Ultima book lying, waiting for the latest post to be read, right on the desk in front of me. I carefully put the unwanted RP back on the shelf, and headed back to my seat.


I was unaware the sender of the invite had been staring at me from across the table, his young, still-n00bish face looking downhearted at the reject of his invite (I later figured he had most likely overheard me complain, which only made the later situation worse). As I sat down and eagerly opened the Ultima book, I became aware of two letters appearing beside me. I looked at them both, and opened Edogawa’s PM first, even though he was sat next to me, watching me read the latest post he had penned in Ultima.


I put aside his PM temporarily to respond back first (I was aware of Stein, JZ and Master Crimson all wanting to read Ultima too), before drawing attention back to his PM. I scribbled my answer back at the bottom of his envelope, sealed it again and sent it back at him. Whilst Edogawa read my reply, I turned my attention to the other PM, and immediately rolled my eyes as I realised I had been sent another copy of the earlier invite. What kind of a n00b was he?! Didn’t he get it?! Didn’t he know I had no interest in his RP at all?! Did he really think sending enough invites would persuade me to join?!


I could have exploded. I could have written back rather rudely and offensively. But I didn’t. I should explain, readers, that by now, most people would have probably typed swearing and hurled abuse at the n00b. But if you possess a tolerant nature, like me, you do not. You tolerate. And drive yourself crazy in the process.


I simply set aside the PM, still unaware the owner was looking at me. Seeing as Ultima wouldn’t come back to me just yet, I got up to go and see where Shards of Twilight had got to, as I was rather eager to make my next post, when it happened. I could see the thick volume, still being written on, when a sudden figure hurled itself at me and knocked me over.


“WHY WON’T YOU JOIN MY RP?” I heard a very angry voice bellow straight into my ear. I could feel his hands on my throat, as if the n00b had half a mind to strangle me – which he probably did. This would have been a disaster; never before had there ever been a death in the whole of the RP shop. I didn’t want to be the first.


“Get off me!” was all I could manage to say back whilst he was still throttling my throat. By now, I was aware of Edogawa, Stein, JZ and Master Crimson, all heading my way and obviously prepared to wrestle the n00b off me.


“NO! NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHY YOU WON’T JOIN MY RP THAT IS BOUND TO FAIL BECAUSE OF THE N00BISHNESS OF THE LAYOUT, SPELLING AND GRAMMAR, BUT STILL WENT AHEAD AND WAS CREATED ANYWAY!” he continued to yell, drawing in a large crowd, and generally embarrassing us both. Turns out 79 shiny positive reps really can’t save you in such a situation.


“Can we talk this over like decent YCM users?” I asked half-pleadingly. I had never encountered such a terrifying n00b encounter before – usually they would send the odd email or two, demanding to know things that they should damn well have worked out themselves – and after this one, I can assure you I never again wanted to experience the terror.


“NO BECAUSE THAT’S NOT THE WAY OF THE N00B! OUR AIM IS TO ANNOY YOU AND STAY STUBBORN AND GET BANNED!” I couldn’t have held on for much longer if my friends hadn’t wrestled him off. I sat up, feeling in a flurry of dizziness; amongst the crowd, I could make out Buneary approaching me, pushing past people in order to reach me. Behind her, I could see JZ and Stein using a combined effort in wrestling down the n00b.


“I’m fine,” I said immediately, waving off Buneary slightly as I staggered to my feet, sucking in more oxygen than I had ever done before in the space of a minute. I slowly approached the n00b, and kneeled down beside him, though leaving some distance between us. “Let’s talk this over like sensible YCMers –”


“As if!” I ignored his interruption; I knew I couldn’t pay any more attention to anything he said, or else I’d never be able to get a decent word in, and the whole conversation would melt down into gibberish.


“Look, it’s not as if I don’t join RPs,” I very warily continued, choosing my words carefully so as to avoid giving the fire more oxygen. “I do look at invites and stuff, only I don’t really join anime based RPs ... or video games based RPs, for that matter.”


“That RP isn’t too video games based!” the n00b cried, suddenly in a very civilised voice. It seemed as if all his anger had gone, but I knew it hadn’t. Clearly, in the light of helplessness, he was being more decent. If only he was like that all the time.


“Well, it’s a bit too Canon for my liking.” I perceived a look of confusion upon his face, and I figured he was no fanfiction writer. I explained to him the meaning of Canon, yet I could tell he still was confused. Maybe it was the usage of slightly longer words that threw him off? “In other words, it’s too based on the universe the game has already created. I don’t own the game, I pay no interest in it –”


“Just join! I can take you through it!” he interjected again. I could have facepalmed on the spot.


“You ... really ... don’t ... get what I’m saying, do you?” I asked. I can assure you, readers, that I was sorely tempted to hit him over the head and knock the idea into him, but I kept my composure and temper under control, and tried to talk through this decently and civilised, especially considering how the near-fatal strangle had drawn in every RPer present.


“Look, I said I’d take you through the game, step by step, if you join,” the n00b argued back, still not getting the hint. “Just join,” he added in a softer tone, sounding like a man stripped of all pride and dignity in order to say a direct statement he had been holding back for some time. Which he probably had.


“Listen,” I began, my eyes shut as I chose my words. “I really appreciate the offer … but I really don’t want to join. I know you say you’ll take me through it, but I really won’t understand it. Look, I’m sure there are other RPers who understand what you’re saying, and will join, but honestly, don’t waste your time on someone like me.”


“I know, but I want experienced RPers!” I was getting ever so close to facepalming straight in front of him; this guy really wasn’t giving up … and seemed to be a brainless twat. I vaguely waved my arm to indicate the onlookers.


“They’re experienced as well,” I pointed out whilst silently begging him to get my hints before I lost it (which I was dangerously close to). “You’ll find someone there.”


“Yeah, I know.” I paused, unsure as to what emotion to display; how could this guy know, yet cling onto me the most instead of considering others? Please don’t tell me it’s my post count, or my number of reps, or my constant participation in the RP section, I found myself thinking. “But I like you the best.” This time, I really did facepalm in front of his face, unable to take it anymore.


“Oh for goodness sake!” I was involuntarily shouting now, and aware that everyone, including myself, was surprised, as I properly lost it for the first time. “Get the hints, you utter, stupid n00b! I don’t want to join your bloody RP – it’s based on a video game, it’s not Canon enough, and you can’t spell or use grammar properly! I’m not finished either – on top of that, you keep pestering me with invites when you knew I wasn’t going to join, you stupidly fool yourself into thinking you could when you damn well couldn’t! Now for goodness sake, take the hints and stop pestering me like a fly, because any minute now I’m going to swot you stupid.”


A long silence followed, during which he looked up at me, and I looked down at him, the anger still in my eyes. And then I realised I may have been a bit too angry with him – perhaps too angry for him to take. I guess I should have toned down, been less angry something which showed on his face. I could see that struggling expression, and I wondered what he was going to do; was he going to stay quiet, snap back, or fight off JZ and Stein and give me a hard punch to the face? He was definitely struggling with something –


“Oh,” he said. A pregnant pause followed, and I was on the verge of apologising, thinking I had been a tad too harsh on him when – “What’s a n00b?”


“OhmyGodI’mgettingoutofherebyeguys,” I said immediately in a resigned tone, and I marched straight out of the shop, not caring if anyone followed me out.


That was not to be the last encounter with n00bs, or indeed the last time I would lose my temper (of course it wouldn’t, otherwise this wouldn’t be a guide), and nor was it the last time where I could have been socially humiliated in front of fellow RPers (of course it wasn’t, see last sentence in brackets for full details).



[spoiler=Snippet Two]


-Note on structure: if the title says "chapter", then it is part of the guide; if it says "snippet", then it's a short story

-As from now on, the name Buneary will be changed to The Broken Queen of Hearts


Chapter Two


“Bloody hell, this can’t keep up,” I found myself muttering as I crawled out from under the desk for the sixth time in the past hour, my hands stained with ink from how hastily I had grabbed my pen each time. It was 2 August, exactly one day after the Advanced Clause trial had begun, and the revolt against the Clause wasn’t dying down. The windows were boarded up, having been ruthlessly smashed by rocks and, in some cases, fists; outside, people were sat cross legged, waving lit torches, makeshift weapons, megaphones, and large banners with blood red words to indicate their displeasure towards the trial. RPers were being held up, unable to get in due to the opposition forcing them to take sides; boos and hisses would follow those who barged their way into the RP shop anyway.


“Hardly surprising people are revolting,” I heard Stein say to my left as he too crawled out from under the desk; for the sixth time, we had been given a false alarm, having been alerted, and panicked, about the rebellion throwing bombs through whatever was left of the windows. “The Rinne Pen might as well have told them they were having their rights of speech taken away.”


“True,” I agreed rather blankly as I stared at that pinned down, intimidating piece of paper reminding all RPers to write according to the Advanced Clause. All over the store were reminders of the new rules, and most of them had already been vandalised on, revealing disgust and abuse. “But it’s still no reason for them to disrupt the people who are actually trying to RP.”


I had never seen the shop so deserted; apart from me, Stein and Edogawa (who was to my right), there were only four other people present. Everyone was looking and feeling annoyed and disturbed by what was happening outside, something which none of us could blame the other for feeling; the rioting had to stop soon, or else there truly was going to be trouble.


“I totally agree Beta-chan,” I heard Stein positively agree as he picked up the Ultima book. He looked as if he was about to write again, when he looked up at us. “Have you seen The Broken Queen of Hearts anywhere?”


“She’s there,” Edogawa pointed out, his finger pointing to the windows to indicate the rebellion. “I managed to get through, but she couldn’t. I think JZ’s stuck behind the crowds too, but I have no idea if Master Crimson is or not.”


“He might be, you never know,” I said rather meanderingly as I took the book from Stein and read it. As I penned my response, I continued to talk. “Edogawa, you really need to polish up your spelling, and you’ve got a few grammar mistakes too; I know you don’t want Ultima to get padlocked.” I indicted my pen to a perfect example; directly opposite me was a book which had been chained and padlocked as a result of breaking the Advanced Clause rules.


I slid the book over to Edogawa, and I saw him immediately grab one of the dictionaries, brushing off the inches of dust that had collected as a result of its isolated existence, and the lack of RPers picking it up to check spelling, or meaning of words. The dictionary only served as a temporary distraction; when Edogawa had finished writing his reply, our attention naturally turned back to the rebellion.


“I wish the Rinne Pen would show up though, and end the rebellion,” I said, having had no recollection of seeing the Rinne Pen at all since the trial came into effect. “They mainly want to see him though, don’t they?”


“Yeah, but I think the Rinne Pen’s already here.” I turned to Stein, looking surprised.


“Really?” I asked. I watched him nod and point to a figure sitting in the corner, hidden behind a newspaper. “Oh, right...”


“Hang on, he could be the Rinne Pen,” Edogawa interrupted, pointing to another newspaper-reading figure sitting in another corner.


“Well, yeah –”


Or him,” Stein cut across, pointing to yet another figure which was sitting in yet another corner. “Or –”


“Yes, alright, no need to point out the fourth figure!” I sharply interrupted. “I can see him. But still, the Rinne Pen’s got to stop hiding and actually start crushing the rebellion, or else the RP shop is ready to be shut down.” From the startled look on Stein and Edogawa’s faces, and indeed mine, it was evident we felt strongly about the RP section. It was almost like a home to us, and without our home, where were we going to go? None of us were ready to give up going here just yet.


“That’s a good point,” Stein agreed straight away. “Although, I find something odd – how come none of the newspaper readers have turned their pages yet?” He asked this in an undertone which, during busier times, would have gone unheard; however, during such isolated times, even a whisper could be heard, no matter where you stood in the room. Immediately, all four newspaper readers turned their pages.


I gave the boys a look with raised eyebrows, knowing that three of those newspaper readers were decoys. We resumed our activity in silence again, though it was hard to with the knowing feeling that any minute now, an actual attack could happen, and put us at risk. I had no idea as to how we could have stayed in the shop for another risky fifteen minutes, before –


“Come on, let’s go,” I suggested, already ready to leave anyway without me saying so. I had no intention of spending such little time in the shop, readers, but with the rioting outside, it could hardly be a surprising move to leave. What if they really did throw a bomb through the window? Sure, Stein might be able to afford the insurance, given he was the eldest out of us and was in employment, but Edogawa and I certainly couldn’t.


It was hardly surprising that Edogawa and Stein agreed to my suggestion. We hastily stowed the book away, and made to leave for the door. It seemed as if the Rinne Pen had foreseen the problem of the rioting, for the usual door had been replaced and reinforced with a stronger door which would take brute strength to push or pull open. For convenience, the door had been wired to a button on either side of the shop, like those that disabled people would use.


I recall pushing the button, only to discover it was broken, as the door remained stationary. On the other side, I could see Fenrir, also trying to open the door, but also to no avail. Nevertheless, I tried again and again, the speed in which I pushed ever increasing, until I completely resigned.


“It won’t open,” said I, looking dejectedly at the useless button. “I think we need to use brute force to open it.” I could sense Stein shaking his head, and I knew he was going to revoke my last sentence.


“No, we’re not going to use brute force,” he said. I became aware of Fenrir listening in on our conversation; after all, the door wasn’t soundproof, he could hear what was going on too. “We’re going to resolve this calmly, peacefully and in a civilised manner.” A pause followed, yet I had a sneaking suspicion this idea was not going to work. “What have we done to try and get the door open so far?”


“The buttons don’t work,” Edogawa answered as I approached the door. I tried to push it open, but being a stubborn, machine-controlled door, the hinges refused to give way to my strength.


“Manually opening the door doesn’t work either,” I said. I stepped back and saw Fenrir attempt to pull it open, only to find the door still wasn’t giving way.


“Stein, I think we need to force –” began Edogawa, immediately voicing his concern after me.


“No, we are going to stay calm and not use brute force. These matters do not require bashing at the door like idiots all the time.” The definite tone in his voice ended all conversation immediately.




“Third day of the Advanced Clause trial,” I said the following morning as I took the escalator up to the second floor, Stein and Edogawa accompanying me. “I think I could get used to this ...” We had barely even arrived when I heard shouts and yells, and I knew the rebellion was still there. “Oh, by the way Stein, how much do you think the Rinne Pen will charge you for a new door?”


“Look, I got us out in the end, OK? Sometimes, desperate situations need desperate actions,” answered Stein in an obvious monotone, his relaxed face blankly staring at nothing in particular, his voice giving away a hint of expected mockery for what had happened yesterday.


“Is your shoulder alright?”


“... Yes ...”


“And your foot?” I continued, a faint smile flicking on my face.


“... Yes ...”


“And your head?”


“... Yes ... Look, can we not talk about this?”


“No,” both Edogawa and I answered in perfect unity as we got off the escalator.


“Who was the person who said we weren’t to use brute force?” I asked mockingly, my arms folded, a pleased smile on my face as I began my ribbing. “Who was the person who had to – oh hello Fenrir!” I saw Fenrir’s wolf figure walk by, and he looked up and smiled.


“Hello Magnet, Edogawa,” he said as he approached us. “How’s your shoulder Stein?”


“Oh shut up,” snapped Stein, rolling his eyes. And suddenly, all of us started giggling and laughing, sharing a very in-house joke which only we could possibly have found funny, even though the humour of yesterday was no longer as intact as it had been. Yet we continued to laugh like maniacs, nodding and smiling at each other as we pushed our way past the rebellion, carefully pushed the boarded up door open, and stepped inside the near-empty shop, save for the four newspaper readers who were suspiciously sat in the same seats as yesterday.


“Why did I even step in here?” I heard Fenrir ask in between the protracted giggles which, in my opinion, was starting to us look like idiots. “I’m going, bye!” I waved as he turned to push the door open with the button. And nothing happened.


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n00bs..........(shutters) they're everywhere, every which way you look a n00b will be waiting to bug you with a stupid question or a stupid request


you think that they could read rules or actually think before they post, it just drives me crazy sometimes to see what they do


but then again......were we not all n00bs at one point? did we not have similar if not the same questions as they? and did we not learn from our mistakes and make it to where we r today? it is our duty to correct these n00bish wrongs and show them how to get respect around here and mold them into successful YCM users


...........or we laugh and call them n00bs XD either way it's still a long overdrawn process


nice work leo-chan! :)

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That's not always true. Sometimes it requires explanations that many n00bs can understand' date=' because they had been long-time members of other forums and will understand and leave you alone. That all depends if that n00b was on a different forum before he/she came here.



I know, and not all n00bs I've ever encountered were like that either, but like I said to JZ, there genuinely was one time where I could have strangled a n00b caus of how persisting that person was

Mind you, I do say in the foreward that some cases are slightly exaggerated, and this one was to a degree - and anyway, the main point was how to behave properly


And lol Master Red, if only we could do that ;)

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Interesting approach in thinking of YCM as a mall. I fail to see any future plot in what you have here' date=' though, so you'd better make some development soon. :3


Also, I wonder how I'm gonna factor into this. xD



lol xD I think you may be rather amused as to how you're portrayed in this xD

And yeah, regarding the plot, I do treat this fanfic as a compilation of short stories that pretty much is trying to give out a serious message, so you get a different one each chapter

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LOL....Haven't we all? There are always those RP makers that insist on us with over 10' date='000 posts



I was going to say that I never had to deal with that except one time since someone thought I might be interested (it was a person I knew showing me a different rp).


Then I realized I didn't have 10000 posts.


Then I cried over my internet insignificance.


Then I got over it.


Interesting story but if it's going to keep up like this then it might get dull eventually.


The only story I can think of at the top of my head is a nice book who's pages are suddenly turning black from the carcinogen that is a bad rper.


And maybe the Nightingale Family attempting world war internet against the Advanced Clause.


I am also tempted to try make an rp that I could pm you and you would join, but none of my threads work and I probably won't be committed enough to maintaining the rp to make a fun and sterile experience.


It would involve alternate worlds, drugs, and illusions that can harm people and are sent against each-other, plus a grand war stemming from Alexander's time which has continued to this day in a series of small squabbles.


Plus living illusions.


But most of all Drugs.


And it isn't based of any media that I can recall.

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Fenrir, the best way to define it is that it's a bookshop but you make the books and develop the story. As for Rinne being the owner, I see him more as the primary guardian rather than owner


And on another note, wow, I never expected this many replies xD I'll try and update sometime within the next two weeks (I hate coursework ><, I've got to get my first draft in by next week) but rest assured, I have started writing (well, the first bit anyway)

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Fenrir, the best way to define it is that it's a bookshop but you make the books and develop the story. As for Rinne being the owner, I see him more as the primary guardian rather than owner


And on another note, wow, I never expected this many replies xD I'll try and update sometime within the next two weeks (I hate coursework ><, I've got to get my first draft in by next week) but rest assured, I have started writing (well, the first bit anyway)

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Fenrir, the best way to define it is that it's a bookshop but you make the books and develop the story. As for Rinne being the owner, I see him more as the primary guardian rather than owner


And on another note, wow, I never expected this many replies xD I'll try and update sometime within the next two weeks (I hate coursework ><, I've got to get my first draft in by next week) but rest assured, I have started writing (well, the first bit anyway)

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I cannot give you a full review Magnet for two and a half reasons I mean raisins...


1. I'm laughing

2. I just can't

2 and a half. It would be disappointing to see how much failage there would be in my attempt.


Quite fantastic Magnet I expect to see more ... much more. I <3 how you potraiyed the n00b (not spelling rite rite now laffing 2 hard) I must say one thing: EPICWIN/10...

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