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Spell card contest Started start PMing your cards (finished)


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start PMing your cards











You can only activate this card by paying 1000 Life Points when your opponent Summon a Level 7 or higher monster. Select and activate 1 of the following effects:

- Summon 1 LIGHT monster from your hand or Deck, following its Summoning Conditions.

- Remove all monsters in your field from play to Special Summon 1 monster whose Level is equal to a face-up monster your opponent controls Level.

- If there are no monsters on your field, you can remove 4 cards from the top of your Deck from play to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower and 1 Level 3 or lower LIGHT monsters from your hand.






Activate only when a LIGHT monster activates an effect in the Graveyard, that destroys a monster(s) on the field. Activate 1 of the following effects based on the Level of the destroyed monster(s): *Level 1-4: Gain 200 Life Points x the Level of the destroyed monster(s). *Level 5-8: Special Summon the LIGHT monster from your Graveyard. *Level 9-12: Destroy all cards on the field. Both players then Special Summon 1 LIGHT monster from their respective Graveyard.





3. Fish

4. Kotaro

[spoiler=1. gustavosuarez]


[spoiler=effect]This card can only be activated if you control a face-up LIGHT monster and you have 2000 or less Life Points. Discard 1 Fairy-Type monster from your hand and activate 1 of the following effect(s):

● Select 1 face-up opponent monster and return it to their owner hand. If you return a LIGHT monster, increase your Life Points by 700. If you return a non-LIGHT monster, take 1000 damage and discard the top card from your Deck.

● Destroy 1 face-up opponent monster on the field. Inflict 300 damage to your opponent’s x the combined Level of the destroyed monster and the discarded card. If you discard a Level 9 or higher monster, skip your next Draw Phase. If you destroy 1 Level 5 or lower opponent monster, draw 1 card and discard the top 2 cards from your Deck.







-All YCM rules apply

-You must a have 2 Stars or more to enter

-You must not post your cards here only PM.

-The fee to enter is 10 points (Extra points will be add to the pot)

-Don't PM your cards to me until there are 5 Contestant that have resevred a spot.



[spoiler=The type of card your making]

You must make a Quick Play Spell card that supports a LIGHT monster with a chose of 2 or more choses to use when the card is actived.




1st place - 57 Points + 3 reps

2nd place - 28 of the pot + 2 reps

3rd place - 20 points + 1 rep

4th place - 10 points

5th place - nothing

Pot:115 Points



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