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The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Deity [CLOSED]

Saiba Aisu

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Hm? A Skull Kid, a Gerudo, and a Rito? well now this is very interesting. Raven knew that Deralen was right about the infighting being wrong. He usually wasn't like this, except that when he felt any of his friends was getting picked on, he tended to take offense. It was even more so with Mira, because even though he knew full well that she could speak for herself, he just didn't like people looking down their noses at her. Slapping a hand to his forehead, Raven inwardly groans and then walks over to the Skull Kid and crouches on the floor so that his face is level with Skull Kids own masked face and has his head tilted to the side, a questioning expression on his face. "Hey, Skull Kid? You know someone in the Kokiri woods by the name of Mido? If so, then do you know if he is doing well? I haven't had a chance to stop by there in a while, so I have no idea how things are going for him and the others at the moment."

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Mira walks over to Raven and grabs him by the collar she literally drags him behind a pillar, Two large smacking sounds are heard, the a few words in the dark tribe language that raven could understand but most else wouldn’t (Shut the Hell up And let her talk) she returns with out raven she leans on the pillar she was originally on.


"As to you oh great "Guide" maybe you should start telling us what we need to do and where!" Mira says, with a hint class.

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Raven is dragged behind the pillar, a confused expression on his face the whole way. When he has dragged behind the pillar and hauled upright, he starts to ask what he was being dragged for when he receives two sharp slaps, one of which was a back hand. After being being smacked, he is quietly berated in the language of Miras tribe for his action and is left there afterwards with his cheeks stinging and completely dazed. After standing there for several long seconds, he rubs the right side of his face for a bit before walking back out from behind the pillar, going to stand over to the right and just a little behind of Mira, but not saying anything since he knew that speaking right now would only make things even worse for him, not to mention increase the chances of the others getting caught up in it, and that is something that he would not want.

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Guest Tainted Black

BIllos stewed on her words. "Atone for my sins. Bah! I do not think that I did anything worse than any other human! They did it in their hearts, even if not in real life.". He slowly walked back into the Temple. He would think about these things for some time, byt he set them apart for the moment. For now the task of 'The Gods'" was at hand. He huffed and settled against a wall, feeling comforted by the cloak on him. "There is no way she could know what I dealt with." he thought as he pulled out his arm and looked at one of his many scars.

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Sariri blinked as she caught her breath, cocking her head somewhat curiously at the strange creature that had bounded up beside the oddly masked child. It looked like a wolf, but was obviously far more feral and vicious. The joints towards its waist confirmed it was a Wolfos, the 'Demon Wolf' species of Hyrule that made its meal of any creature with sentience. She'd heard all sorts of odd and scary rumors about Wolfos, that they were the Familiars of Dark Magic practitioners, that cannibalistic Wolves would develop into them, that they were the remains of Hylians who had strayed too far into forbidden Fairy territory...


But, now that she thought of it, a lot of the same things were said about Kargarocs. And they weren't evil... maybe a bit violent for a bird species, but they still only fought to protect themselves, and for food after all.


Watching the warm reunion of the Wolfos and its master more or less confirmed that at least with this Wolfos, not all members of the species were evil predators of the races of man. Even so, she wasn't too comfortable getting too close to it -After all, those teeth could snap her arms like twigs- and simply gave an uneasy smile and wave when Skull Kid assured her it was not dangerous.


She glanced over at Ezret, who had joined her on the roof. She nodded as he pointed towards the Temple of Time.


"I'm tired, but I think I could make it that far as long as I'm not carrying anyone." she confirmed. She hesitated for a second. "I still need to grab my Grappling Hook though... Beh. I'll do it when this all quiets down a little, no use going back in there-" she said, pointing over to the gaurd-inundated mass back on the ground level.


She nodded and jumped from the top of the building, unfurling her wings as she gained a little altitude, though notably staying low enough that she hoped the Archers wouldn't take a shot out of her, for fear of hitting someone on ground level. She quickly soared over a couple of buildings, and eventually descended onto one of the steeples that potruded from the religious building's roof. She hooked her talons into it, to prevent her from falling off, as she waited for the two males she left behind to catch up. Fast as both of their methods of travel were, flying was always the quickest way.

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OoC: I thought I explicitly stated in the description of the Dark Hylian Tribe that they spoke Hylian, just with heavy accents? They shouldn't have an individual language. Also, Chaos... Unless you want your character to get zapped, I suggest you treat this dame with more respect!




The Lady smiled with genuine warmth as she bent down and gazed upon Skull Kid. "Welcome, forest-dweller," she said. "It has been too long since one of your kind ventured into Hyrule Castle Town—you have traveled far from your forest, and you honor me deeply with your presence." She straightened and dusted herself off, a thoughtful look forming on her features.


"If you are truly determined on taking your wife with you," she addressed Raven, "I will not object. Her presence may yet bring some good; I suppose all we can do is wait and see for the time being." She then turned the full force of her gray-blue gaze upon him, a gaze that seemed like she had seen life many, many times before—a surprisingly wise gaze for such a young and beautiful face. "In regards to knowledge, it is one of the few things I can truly pride myself on—by the light of the Gods, I have read the pages of past, present, and future. I not only know what needs to be done to restore balance to Hyrule, but also the manner in which it should be done."


The Lady drew a golden tress back from her face, revealing pointed ears. "Regardless," she continued, "I am tiring quickly of this conversation—we are getting no where with it. All we can do now is wait for the remaining Champions to arrive—once all seven have been gathered within the Temple of Time, the quest will begin."




With Sariri leading the way slightly tiredly, Erzet followed, springing across the rooftops, grateful for the cover they provided from the pursuing Guards they had temporarily left behind. Although he was relieved that they had found a temporary sanctuary, a part of him was worried for what the possible consequences of their actions could be. He was not concerned for himself, for he did not consider Hyrule Castle Town his home, and being a thief, was not welcome under the law anyways. But the Rito girl and Skull Kid... Neither of them seemed like they had a steady source of income—if they were forced to leave the prosperous walls of the city, how would they manage?


Putting those thoughts aside for the moment, Erzet came to the end of his rooftop highway, overlooking a deserted courtyard dominated by the weather stone chapel he had previously indicated. The Temple of Time, he thought to himself briefly, vaulting over the edge of the roof and beginning to climb down carefully; Sariri was catching her breath atop the chapel's roof, while Skull Kid and his Wolfos were already entering the open doorway of the building. Landing lightly upon the cobbled ground, he beckoned to the Rito girl, indicating that she should fly down so they could enter the Temple together—after all, sitting on the rooftop where she was a target for any sharp-eyed archers was not a good idea.

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"Well, okay then, but you need to explain things first, don't forget." Raven had completely dropped the previous issue from before, mostly because he had no wish to get slapped around by Mira again. "By the way Lady, I think I heard something land on the roof just now." Raven said as he heard what sounded like a birds talons grasping hold of one of the six steeples that jutted out from the roof of the temple of time, except that they sounded far to big and loud to belong to that of any species of bird that he knew of, which only left a few possibilities, one of which was that it could very well be a Rito.


ooc: saiba aisu, one of my friends is going to join the rp thread by tomorrow i think. i also, he is going to be introducing a new race of hylians that extend all the way back to the time immediately following the forming of Hyrule by the goddesses, and up to the the point of the great war of darkness that took place before the time of King Gustaf, the first king of Hyrule.

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Sariri glanced down as Ezret caught up, nodded and jumped from the top of the tower, lazily putting up her wings but not beating or anything with them. She landed on the ground, bending her knees to absorb the shock, and brushed herself off before nodding at the pseudo-Gerudo, pushing open the surprisingly heavy door. She blinked a little bit at it; it felt like a siege-door, the kind of thing forts would have in order to resist the battering ram. She was almost too light to pull it out properly, though she managed, shrugging off Ezret when he approached to help. She pulled the heavy door out, pushed a lock of hair behind her head, and entered the temple.


She blinked and took a step back when she saw here was a small crowd of people in it, quickly tensing up, though she relaxed when she saw the Skull Kid seemed to know some of them. Even so, she felt her hand waver slightly towards the rapier in her belt.


"Who are all of you?" she said with a hint of sharpness. She winced mentally; she was usually much nicer when talking to people, but exhaustion and wariness made her snippy.

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So I was right, it is a Rito. Raven thinks to himself as he sees Sariri standing there and moving her hand towards the blade at her side. "There is no need for you to speak so harshly upon arrival miss, nor to reach for your blade. We are not your enemies. My name is Raven. This is my wife Mira. Over there is Billos, gruffest man i've ever met. That Goron there is Deralen, he likes to race and did so against me once. that there is Lorenz, a Zoran blacksmith who makes the best swords in Hyrule, as far as I am concerned. And this mysterious person here has yet to tell us her name, so I have just taken to calling her Lady. Might I ask your names? Oh, and by the way Skull Kid, you never answered my earlier question. How's Mido doing these days? Well I hope."

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[spoiler=OoC. Please read.]


Alright, everyone, we are all finally gathered at the Temple of Time and ready to proceed satisfactorily with the plot. Now, as some as you may have gathered during this period, it's been a lot of work on my part to try and deal with so many different characters and situations at the same; I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and assure you that I was doing the best I could. It is with pleasure, then—and more than a little relief!—that I introduce our second Game Master for this RP, Blazinghydra.


Now, as a GM, Blazinghydra will have every authority that I do, meaning that he can create and control NPCs or even control player characters depending on the situation. In regards to the rules, he has the same amount of power as I do, meaning that he can expel any members not adhering to the RP's Rules. This also means that you should treat him with the same amount of respect as you treat me. Thanks, Blazinghydra, and good luck with your new Game Master role!




HyruleCrestLight-1-1.pngGM Post: Hyrule Castle Town, Temple of TimeHyruleCrestLight-1-1.png

HyruleCrestLight-1-1.pngGM Post: Hyrule Castle Town, Temple of Time


[spoiler=GM Post]


The Lady smiled slightly as Sariri and Erzet entered the Temple of Time, both of them looking more than a little taken aback that their supposed 'sanctuary' was filled with so many other people. "Welcome, Sariri and Erzet," she said, addressing the surprised pair and indicating that they should step forward to join the others. The Gerudo's eyes flickered slightly towards his scimitar as if deciding whether to draw it or not, but he did not seem to sense that the woman was an immediate threat; nevertheless, he and Sariri stepped forward willingly enough, although his graceful frame was poised for action and the Rito's red-tinged eyes were sharp.


"Very well," the Lady said, nodding in satisfaction before striding past them and closing the double doors of the Temple with a simple touch of her hand. With a resounding thud, the sunlight streaming through the doorway disappeared, leaving all nine of them standing in twilight. She turned and swept back towards them with a graceful swish of skirts.


"Some of you may be wondering why you have been drawn to this Temple, of all places," she said after a moment in a musical tone. "Know now that this is the working of destiny, who weaves the lives of men and women to set the pattern of our world's history with purpose. All of you who stand before me, with the exception of Mira," she said, shooting the woman a glance, "are recognized as Champions of the Gods, chosen to restore balance to Hyrule in an age when no one else can hope to do so."


She straightened slightly, beckoning with her hands and indicating that they should gather around her. "Listen well," she said, her musical tone taking on a new quality, one of solemnity and great dignity, as if she were recounting some epic legend or revealing some mysterious secret, "for this is the history of Hyrule and what befell our land after the Hero of Time disappeared, guarded by the Shadow Folk, the Sheikah." Around the Lady's outstretched palm, a blue nimbus of swirling light formed, casting shadows onto the others' faces and serving as source of illumination.


"In the beginning, there was only darkness, until the Three Golden Goddesses—known as Din, Nayru, and Farore—forged the world and created the laws to govern its inhabitants. Their labors completed, the three Goddesses departed; at the point where they left this world for the next, in the Sacred Realm, they left behind three golden triangles of great power and mystery, known as the Triforce. The only earthly representation of the power of the Gods, the Triforce was composed of three individual components—namely, Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Together, these three qualities kept balance in the land of Hyrule, and the kingdom enjoyed many years of golden prosperity.


"However, it was not to be, for out of the savage desert wastelands to the west of Hyrule came a cruel and power-hungry King of Thieves, known as Ganon. With trickery and evil counsels, he won his way into the trust of the King of Hyrule, seeking something other than the allegiance that he had promised between his people and the Hylians—no, he sought to possess the Triforce, the power of the Gods, so that the dark and jealous wishes of his heart might be granted. He began to seek the Spiritual Stones of Fire, Water, and Forest that would open the doorway to the Sacred Realm, as well as the sacred instrument, the Ocarina of Time, spreading great evil and darkness in his wake.


"When his designs were solidified, he launched an attack on Hyrule Castle, slaughtering all who dared to stand between him and the Ocarina. Able to escape, Princess Zelda entrusted the Ocarina to a young hero from the Kokiri Forest, who would later become the Hero of Time; while the boy sought only to do good by entering the Sacred Realm and protecting the Triforce from Ganon, his spirit was locked away in this very Temple for seven years, and the way to the Triforce was laid open to the King of Thieves. However, as soon as Ganon's dark hands closed around the Triforce, it broke into three separate pieces, and Power, the one that best characterized him, remained—the other two were sealed away in the hands of two people chosen by destiny. For you see, the Triforce ensures the peace of Hyrule by keeping these three qualities in balance, and Ganon had nothing of Courage nor Wisdom in his heart, only an all-consuming lust for Power.


"Although he did not obtain the entire Triforce or receive his wish of absolute power over Hyrule, using the Triforce of Power and his own considerable dark magic, Ganon was transformed into the King of Evil and assumed control of the kingdom, spreading darkness and evil where there had once been light. No one was able to oppose him, and with the kingdom at his feet, the King of Evil began to once more pursue the remaining pieces of the Triforce, determined to possess them all. During this time, the Hero of Time awakened from his seven years' slumber in the Temple and began to seek a way to defeat the King of Evil. The only way to seal Ganon away was to invoke the aid of the Six Sages, five of whom needed to be awakened—using the Ocarina of Time and the Master Sword, the Hero was able to cross the paths of time. After much struggle, the Hero of Time, possessor of the Triforce of Courage successfully awakened the Sages of Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, and Spirit, and with the help of the Princess of Destiny, possessor of the Triforce of Wisdom, sealed away the King of Evil within the confines of the Sacred Realm.


"After their victory, Hyrule began to recover once more from the seven years it had lain spellbound by Ganon's dark sorcery, and the people rejoiced. However, with no further reason to remain in this timeline as opposed to his own, the Hero of Time sheathed the Master Sword and returned to his own timeline. Although his actions were again made with well-meaning, his disappearance had grave effects upon our own timeline, for as the possessor of the Triforce of Courage, the Hero had an important role in maintaining the balance of this world. With his disappearance, the Triforce was not lost or shattered—for it could be recovered, then, if that were the case. No, with the Hero's return to his own timeline... the Triforce of Courage simply ceased to exist in our world, and the balance of Hyrule shifted for the worse.


"For the past one hundred and fifty years, the descendants of the Princess of Destiny have flourished and continued to guard the Triforce of Wisdom entrusted to them by the Gods. However, a kingdom ruled by cold logic and wisdom alone can never be at peace, and now we stand at the brink of war and devastation with the other races of Hyrule. This imbalance was caused by the Hero of Time's disappearance, for although he was sealed away from the mortal world, the King of Evil still possessed the Triforce of Power and existed within our own timeline, so that aspect within Hyrule is still present. With the coming and going of time, Wisdom has always been at the heart of the Royal Family's rule and reasoning, which explains why there is so much political unrest at the moment.


"To make matters worse," she continued, "darkness has begun to spread across Hyrule once more, as it did in the time of Ganon's dark rule—those of you most in tune with the elements and landscape may have already felt the disturbances caused by these shadows; as you can see from the various attacks made on you today by Shadowspawn, the enemy is moving with purpose, and I fear that we may already be too late. Whether this sudden spread of evil is significant of something more terrible, I cannot be sure—all I can do is pray with all my strength that Six Seals on Ganon's prison in the Sacred Realm will continue to hold firm."


The Lady looked evenly at the seven Champions gathered around for a moment, blue-gray eyes shining brightly in the illumination of the magical nimbus floating around her palm. "So now you know," she said, slipping back into her gentle, firm tones. "As Champions of the Gods—individuals chosen by fate just as much as the Hero of Time and the Princess of Destiny were—it is your responsibility to do whatever you can to repel this darkness and restore balance to Hyrule."


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At first, Raven did not say anything. He had known for a long time now that things were not quite as they seemed, and that there was definitely something wrong in Hyrule. Now he knew the whole story, now he knew the reason why. He didn't know what to say, but his mind was immediately racing ahead, recalling old legends of the Hero of Time and knowing what had to be done, even if it was not the same as before. Without even giving an explanation or even a hint as to his notion, he took out the seed shooter which now looked more like a large sized hand cannon and slit the hatch that went back forwards and opened it, then loaded it completely full with 20 seeds of mystery before shutting it again, this time the hatch staying at the front since the ammo was full. He stuck it in what served as a holster for it at his side and faced the Lady, and the others as well before finally saying what he knew everyone, even Billos, must have been thinking. "Well I think we all know what we need to do. The question is exactly what part do we all play in this? Are we to go where the 3 stones were kept before? if so, then I think that it is fairly obvious where Deralen, Skull Kid, and Lorenz would be headed."

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The Lady eyed Raven with undisguised amusement, the blue nimbus casting shadows upon her face. "No, Raven," she said, not bothering to hide her smile, "you won't be going to track down the three Spiritual Stones... I thought you knew everything there was to know about this mission, oh Master Knight? It appears you were wrong."


With a flick of her wrist, the young woman sent the blue orb of light floating away from her palm, where it hovered mysteriously above them, still providing light. "No one knows what ever happened to the Spiritual Stones after Ganon was sealed away," she said, lowering her hand to her side, "or what condition they're in—apart from the fact that there is absolutely no point in venturing into the Sacred Realm, the three stones could have been damaged or somehow drained of their power. No, the objective of your quest will be quite different; as I said, great danger is threatening the people of Hyrule, and it is widespread and sinister in nature."

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All of the talk that wasn't getting them anywhere had started to annoy Lorenz. Thankfully the woman had started on what she actually wanted to say so his anger had subsided for the moment. The information was truly insightful and Lorenz never would have guessed that was what had happened. This quest did intrigue him. Raven's question was one he had had himself but the fact that the woman hadn't continued to explain what they should do brought back a bit of Lorenz's exasperation.


"Not to be rude, but you shouldn't you tell us what it is we're going to be doing then?" Lorenz said. If he had sounded annoyed he hadn't really meant to. However too much talk could anger Lorez; that and he was getting pretty dried out. All the things going on today had distracted him from his usual schedule of swims in the river. A dried out Zora was an easily angered Zora.

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"Hey, I never said that I knew what the mission was to be. Only that I had my suspicions, Lady." Normally Raven would have cracked a joke in retort, but now was not the time for that. His eyes followed the orb of blue mist to where it rested a ways off before turning back to the Lady to say "So what is our mission then? Judging from the troubles that we've all seem to have had, everyone here should already be aware that it is going to be very dangerous. The only question left to us now is, what is to be done to return balance? Are we to try and find some way to cross over to the timeline of the Hero of time? I am not exactly sure of all of the implications, but if the Hero of Time returned with the Triforce of Courage, that would mean that they have two Triforces of courage in his timeline. That tells me that they would be experiencing troubles over their own, such as many of the ciizens being overly reckless."

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"Yes," she replied to Raven, "your quest will be dangerous, and there will be times when all seems certain to fail—however, you must push forward and trust in yourselves and your companions. You are the Champions of the Gods, chosen by fate to restore balance to our world. However, you will not be trying to cross over into another timeline."


The young woman shuddered slightly, and for the first time since they had met her, she betrayed the smallest sign of unease. "I don't even want to think about the consequences meddling in another timeline would have... And even if it were possible to travel to the other timeline, we would still find only one Triforce of Courage there. The timelines of Hyrule were never meant to be separated into distinct spheres. Using the Ocarina of Time to travel back and forth between time was the only way to defeat the King of Evil, but... It all comes back to Ganon," she said softly. "We paid a terrible price to defeat him and restore light to Hyrule. Terrible, but necessary. Because of his actions, our timelines are forever separated, and there can only ever be one Triforce of Courage, forged by the Gods, in between the two."


She turned to the Zora, who was looking rather irate at the turn of events and the fact that there was no nearby water to be found. "Forgive me, Lorenz," she said. "As I said, you will be repelling the darkness on the three planes upon which it threatens the people of Hyrule—physical, mental, and spiritual. Apart from helping to hold the growing discord at bay, there is another very specific reason why you must eliminate the evil at these three planes."


The Lady's voice was musical and gentle as she spoke the cataclysmic words. "... And that is because our true objective is to forge an entirely new Triforce of Courage."

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Raven was so surprised at this statement that he stumbled backwards. "Are you out of your mind?!" He couldn't help himself. Meddling in such affairs as that was certain to have disastrous consequences. Then again, they had been warned that the risk would be great, and that it was no light undertaking that they were to embark on. Add to that the fact that they were the 'Champions of the Gods', and it quickly became apparent to him that they had the approval of the three goddesses of Hyrule to attempt this undertaking, and that they may well receive help from them along the way. Quickly regaining his composure, Raven felt both embarrassed and ashamed at his momentary outburst, and could even feel his cheeks reddening a bit, something that only made him feel all the more uncomfortable. "I apologize for my outburst, this bit of information had momentarily had me taken aback." Raven stepped forward so that he was back in the circle with the others again and looked the Lady full in the face, his own face now holding a look of unwavering determination. "Please continue Lady."

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Sariri brightened.


"Cool. Where do we start?" she chirped, nearly literally, a couple of the feathers on the tips of her wings quivering in excitement. A small lock of her hair had stood up slightly, either due to the vast amount of flying and maneuvering she had been doing all day, or her simply static enthusiasm.


She hummed a little to herself, which from a Rito, sounded a little like a bird's twittering. This was even better than what she thought; Obviously, when she rescued Ezret, she had expected some sort of adventure, but a quest to create an entirely new Triforce of Courage? Now what was something she could really get into!


She paused, hesitating for a moment. "Wait a minute. Why us?" she said, cocking her head a little. "I mean, I know you said we're Champions of the Gods and all that, and I'm not complaining, but I figure it's a little unusual for random members of a species to be declared heroes, you know?"


She gave a slightly lopsided smile. "I mean, I'm just a bird that flew away from a cage. The only thing I've got my name is my Hook, which I don't even have on me at the moment."


She playfully prodded at Ezret's stomach with the tip of her wing, which extended almost a foot down from where her hand was located, while furdled.


"And he's just a thief that two little bats can foil." she said with a little bit of humor. "Not exactly the heroic type, or at least not the first thing I think of when I figure 'Hero of Time'. Besides, if you happen to have some prophic ability that lets you tell who people destined to be heroes are, I'd like to know."


She smiled, still in good humor despite her questions. Most people would feel daunted after having such a weight put on her shoulders, Sariri just wanted to get started. She'd been looking for something to do.

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Guest Tainted Black

Billos glowered at the woman as she spoke. This was too ethereal for him. "Riddle me this," Billos began, "How do we know you are not working for Ganon?". He said what he thought would be on all their minds. It seemed this was not right as he got odd looks from a few of them. He wasn't just going to sell himself to this woman, just because she said she was from the gods, who had never helped him anyways. What had they done for him?! "And why would I want to be a champion for some gods in the sky who are never seen or hrlp us?"


OOC: I am not an Atheist, but I made Billos someone who feels there is no God.

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Raven could understand what Billos meant. still, he had had a suspicion nagging at the back of his mind for a while now. This woman seemed to know so much...to much. When she spoke of his descendant who had fought with the Hero of time, it had almost sounded like she had known him personally. Whether or not his suspicions were correct and she was either Zeldas descendant or Zelda herself, that remained to be seen. Even so, it would not do well to sow the seeds of discord when there was so much at stake, and the journey had yet to begin. "Billos, I do not think that this is a servant of Ganon. If it was, I would feel it, just as I had felt that something was wrong these past four years. Even so, you have yet to tell us who you are Lady. Although I have my suspicions, I would like for you to introduce yourself properly instead of leaving us to guess. I for one am quite tired of referring to you as Lady, and Billos has clearly demonstrated that there is at least one of us that feels so uneasy about seeming to know us when she has yet to even tell us who she is." Raven had been patient up to this point, but he needed to know who this was that they were speaking with, and how she seemed to know so much. "Speaking from a personal perspective, You talked almost as though you knew my honored ancestor Erminor Sanlaine personally. This in addition to your countenance leads me to the conclusion that at the least, you would be a descendant of Princess Zelda, who possessed the Triforce of Wisdom.

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The Lady smiled ruefully at Sariri's remark. "Your guess is as good as mine," she replied, gazing at the assembled Champions in turn, each of them almost entirely different in their convictions and skills from each other. "I do not pretend to understand why destiny has chosen you to lead this crusade to restore balance to Hyrule. Rather, I only know how it is to be carried out."


Erzet frowned at Sariri's remark regarding the two Demon-Keese and assumed a haughty look, not amused by her teasing. "As to when and where your journey will begin," the young woman was saying, "you will be divided into three groups, each compromised of two or three members, and set out as soon as you are equipped for the challenges ahead. The locations to which you will be traveling are scattered outside the populated borders of the kingdom, meaning that they are most likely filled with monsters of all kinds... You will have to be careful."


"Don't insult me again in such a manner if you value your life," the Lady said coldly to Billos, her blue-gray gaze reminiscent of that of a warrior-queen's. "I, dedicate myself to serving the foulest creature that ever walked the earth? How dare you!" Billos did not seem taken aback by her reaction at all; like always, his shadowy face was unreadable and unperturbed. "I wish there was a way another Champion could take your place," she continued, "but that is impossible, as I have already said—all seven of you must set out together, or the quest will fail. I cannot force you to find loyalty in your black heart for the Gods, but do not reproach them for their lack of action against Ganon and the imbalance that now threatens Hyrule—after all, how could they possibly work against the King of Evil, who possesses a shard of their own divine power? Even if you do not respect the will of the Gods, I ask you for the sake of Hyrule to take up this quest, Billos."


At Raven's remark, however, the Lady turned and a slight smile appeared on her features. "How perceptive of you," she laughed, lowering her hood completely from her hand with both hands, revealing pointed, elvish ears, pale gold hair that fell past her shoulders, and a fine, golden chain that stretched across her forehead and dangled a small blue stone. "Yes," she said, tossing her head, "my name is Zelda, and I am the Princess of Hyrule."


For a moment, there was silence, as if the assembled group was discussing this new development quietly. Then Erzet, who had remained patient and collected, trying to gather as much information as he could before forming an opinion, spoke. "Don't tell you just figured that out?" he asked the blond knight scornfully. "Sariri and I have been here less than ten minutes, and I was sure we were dealing with royalty of some kind from the moment I saw her."

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"No need to be so scornful Erzet. I had suspected as such from the moment she showed up. Blues eyes and blond hair? The only other one that I know of that is said to have the same combination of features is the Hero of Time himself. Still, I thought it best to hold my peace lest I inadvertently cause unrest." Raven had thought that he was right, and Zelda revealing herself openly served to prove his suspicion. Turning to Billos he says "Does this satisfy you? Surely you do not think that Zelda who had been held prisoner by Ganon and put at risk in order to lure the Hero and gain all the Triforce for himself would willingly serve him?"

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Mira Had remained silent long enough, "I understand......... Milady Please If we are to search I request to search with my husband and Laurence since We both have very valid places that we know of to search for what we need for a Triforce of courage. Since we are closer I Laurence and my husband will go to the Zoras Domain where I Will depart from my husband and Laurence, while they search the domain I will search in my home land not far away" She strategically states to Zelda.

"Like you I am no longer a Princess, my people will accept me though...."


OoC: hey Saiba Drop me a PM So we can discuss.

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The revelation that this woman was Princess Zelda was not a real shock. It was interesting, but not surprising. She had too much knowledge to be anyone else. Everything said had been okay except for something that Raven, and now Mira, had said.

"Kindly speak for yourself Mira, and you too for that matter Raven. Don't just assume I'd go to Zora's Domain just because I'm a Zora. Even if it's required to go to Zora's Domain I won't be the one to do it! I'm not going back there. There are six other champions, they can go. And before we all assume where we're going, I'd like to hear what Princess Zelda would have us do." Lorenz said. There was a clear contempt in his voice at the words Zora's Domain. Clearly there was some grudge from the past that had yet to be resolved. However Lorenz turned around and walked a few steps away from the rest of the group. He would still hear all Zelda had to say, but he didn't want to be bothered at the moment.

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Raven was quite surprised at Lorenz's reaction when Zoras domain was mentioned. He didn't know why Lorenz seemed to hold his homeland in such contempt, but he did know that this unresolved issue that Lorenz seemed to have wold cause trouble if it wasn't tended to. Raven also walked away from the group and over to where Lorenz was and poked him in the forehead with a couple of fingers from his right hand. "Hey...I don't know what your problem is with your homeland, but if that's where you are needed to go, then I will make sure you do so even if I have to drag you myself. Geez...." Raven walks back towards where everyone else is, but stops a after having taken a few steps away from Lorenz and turned his face around a little as he said "Stop running away from your past, otherwise you will have no future worth living."

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Guest Tainted Black

Billos scoffed. "I said what have they done for me... not what have they done to stop Ganon." then he added. "And I agree with Erzet. IT screamed that was who she was, but.... I don't like her attitude." He glared at Zelda, unwavering. Then he turned to the Zora. This guy acted more like a Hylian than a Zora. He decided he liked this guy, as he had given him space when they first met. Raven on the other hand... He just glared at Raven and his wife. They were too lovey-dovey and talkative.

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