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The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Deity [CLOSED]

Saiba Aisu

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[spoiler=OoC]OoC: Everyone, Aqua Girl has now been expelled from the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Deity RP for a refusal to follow the rules, despite many efforts on my part to help her. I will control Mira until an opportunity arises in which she can be suitably tossed off-stage. In the meantime, please disregard any further posts Aqua Girl makes within this thread. I hope she won't cause any further trouble, since that would be most unwise.




Mira watched in horror as her husband was flung away from the Freezard and into the wall, where he began to convulse from the intense cold. Her shock only increased as she watched the three ice monsters somehow bypass her frozen barriers, as if they weren't even there. It was clear to her that in the current situation, her ice magic was useless—the Freezards simply weren't affected by it. And even if she did draw her sword and attack, it seemed unlikely that her unique resilience to cold would extend to the powerful aura that had sent Raven flying backwards.


As the three Freezards drew closer to Lorenz, the young woman did the only thing she could think of—bending down quickly, she snatched the seeds that were almost tumbling from Raven's trembling fingers and hurled them with all her might at the frozen monsters. The effect was instantaneous—five bright flashes of light expanded into small bursts of flame that spread across the Freezards' bodies. Similarly to before, the creatures did not seem unduly worried by the weakening flames, and would have blown them out with another burst of chill wind, had it not been for Lorenz.


The Zora craftsman was indeed fortunate as he swung his water-lance into the trio, trying to slice them apart. Although water had a higher tolerance for temperature change and would not have conducted the Freezards' malevolent, cold aura as well as Raven's sword had done, it would not have been able to dispel the adverse effects completely. However, due to the slight increase in heat caused by the flaming mystery seeds around them, the icy exteriors of the three creatures thawed briefly—before the Freezards had a chance to gather their strength and solidify their bodies once more, the Zora's weapon had swept through them, beheading all three and sending their semi-solid heads flying through the air against the wall, where they quickly dissolved into water and did not stir.

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"Uhwwwah?" The sudden appearance of the mysterious creatures all but took Deralen by surprise. "What do you want?" he asked in a friendly, yet somewhat nervous tone. The sinister look of these creatures made Deralen doubt he would get an answer from them. As the two inched closer to Deralen, the goron shifted his gauntlets into place, and with two 'clack-crack's, the blades swung up and forward before stopping, with two low clicks signaling the end of Deralen's preparations.


"Well, this can be training, too." These pig-faced beasts were practically made of suspicion, if such a thing was possible. And in these situations, he was instructed to fight back for his life. Taking off in a dash, not unlike the starting sprint of a race, he ran straight towards the creature closest to him, on the left. Instead of curling up, he pulled back his right arm as he approached, preparing to punch the foe with all his might with his bladed fist.

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Raven was relieved that the Freezards were gone, but his worries did not diminish. Evil magic...powerful evil magic..... "Lorenz...this is not...how I had imagined...us meeting again." Raven pushed himself away from the wall and thought he could feel the air starting to warm up again, making it easier for him to move and breath. "Are you all right? I hadn't expected that you would be attacked like this."

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While the two piglike Moblins were muscular and sturdy, they could not hope to match the raw, untamed strength of a young Goron in the prime of his life. For this reason, rather than allowing Deralen to get close enough to use his bracer-blades to their maximum efficiency, the smaller of two monsters jabbed fiercely outwards with his spear, forcing the Goron to spring back, which was difficult, considering his size, momentum, and less than fairylike feet; still, he managed somehow.


Normally, Gorons were difficult opponents to defeat, simply because of the incredible sturdiness and resilience of their stonelike bodies. Although it was possible to slay a Goron with a sword or other weapon, it would take a while—most of the slashes would simply be deflected or blunt the blade; even arrows would leave no more than a score of bruises if they struck a curled up Goron. Unfortunately, in this case, the sharpened point of the spear could be jabbed repeatedly in the same spot, taking advantage of the distance between him and his opponent, and could cause some serious damage, considering the brute strength of the Moblins. It was all too clear what their plan was—although Moblins were too brutish to be intelligent, they had a certain savage cunning which made them excellent warriors, and it was this aspect that they now displayed as they lashed out with their weapons, which would Deralen to dance aside, eventually tiring him out.


And then they would attack with no mercy.


Running wasn't even an option; Deralen wasn't much of a weapons specialist, but even he knew the terrible damage a spear thrown with such strength could inflict if it struck him from behind, and Gorons weren't exactly renowned for their running speed. Since the continual jabbing of the creatures did not give him any opening in which to turn and roll away into the safety of the crowds, it was evident that Deralen would have to find another, less direct manner of defeating the monstrous duo, or perish.

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"Raven, was it? Sorry, but you don't do too well with names, especially when you've only talked with someone a few times. Though I have to say it's not what I expected either. It seems it's a good thing you came. Without that burst of fire I couldn't have killed them." Lorenz said as his spear and shield lost shape and fell to the ground as free moving water. As Lorenz moved he practically fell down on his face. Instead he fell to his knee. The intense cold had almost done him in. His breathing was heavy. Though the room and Raven would warm up before long it would take Lorenz's cold blood a bit longer.

"I didn't think it would affect me this much." Lorenz said softly still on one knee. He struggled to his feet.

"Excuse me but I need to get outside, now." he said as he walked to the door. Only the sun would warm him up again fast enough. As he walked he practically fell over again but he made it to his now open door. He felt the suns rays and began to feel much better; though it would still take a minute or two.

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Sariri blinked a little as a strange little creature approached her as the smithy turned and began his work on her claw. Despite his boorish mannerisms and the disgusting habit of spitting whatever black cud he chewed onto the ground, he with surgical precision, vigor and surprising gentleness. He was obviously a master at his craft, and took his work seriously; she had to respect him for that much, at least. She couldn't think of a Rito off the top of her head that took cared about metalworking nearly as deeply, and made a mental note to come back here if she ever needed a smith and didn't mind spending an exorbitant amount of rupees.


"Hello there." She said amicably to the small creature, glancing over his raggedy scarecrow-like clothing and odd face. While it did resemble the face of a Hylian child if you squinted, looked sideways and weren't entirely sober, it obviously wasn't of the same species, anyone with eyes could tell that. For one, the child had burning red eyes and two slits resembling that of the nasal notches on a Rito's beak, or a reptile's equivalent, instead of a nose.


She shrugged a little. "Well, he's the only Smithy I've seen in town. Plus, Rito grappling hooks are rather specialized technology... there aren't many in the city who would know how to repair one without wrecking it."


The man snorted loudly. "Pointlessly complex, that's my point of view on it. Freaking birds, making life harder for honest craftsmen like me."


Sariri rolled her eyes. "Nobody asked for your opinion, Old Man." she growled a little back at him. She blinked as she glanced back to find the strange kid suddenly in an odd tug-of-war with a strange bird, vaguely resembling a Kargaroc but with several very obvious and evident differences, over what appeared to be some sort of flute. She took a step back out of shock, wondering exactly how such a thing crept up on them without her noticing.


When prompted, she turned away and tucked her head behind her wing, shielding her vision from the bright flash made by the Deku Seed.


When she glanced back, the kid was running after the bird, who was know flying off with his musical instrument.


"Hm? Oh, uh, yeah." she said with a blink, spreading her wings and flapping into the air after the strange aerial theif. She blew into her wooden Kargarok whistle a few loud, long bursts, noticing a couple fellow Rito wincing. Most other species couldn't pick up on the pitch of the whistle, which was a much lower frequency that any regular sound, but almost all birds, including the Rito themselves, did. She was disappointed to see the bird didn't immediately turn around and do her bidding like any regular Kargaroc would, but beat her wings and followed after it anyway.

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Deralen almost lost his balance as he found himself having to stop and stumble backwards. If he was going to survive this, he would have to get rid of those pesky spears the foes held. Deralen slowly approached the two, raising his right hand up in front of his face.


He recalled one of the weaponsmiths back home expounding on the virtues of his weapon. He spoke of the offensive capabilities, the usability features, and its defensive capabilities, one of which Deralen was taking advantage of now. He was told that all manner of weapons could be deflected using the armguard portion of the weapon, all while minimizing the harm done to the wielder.


As Deralen got closer, his left hand was placed in front of his stomach, guard portion on the bracer facing outward, of course. All he needed to do was deflect the spears, then strike when there was an opening.


Can't be too hard, after all.

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Lorenz had little time to enjoy the golden light of the fierce midday sun before a slender shadow fell over him, caused by a cloaked and hooded figure in brown who had somehow managed to appear right next to him without him noticing. Although it was difficult to tell due to the fact that the figure's face was in shadow, the height, body type, and stance suggested that the person was female.


"Praised be the Goddesses," the figure breathed fervently in a definitely female voice, musical and solemn. "For a moment," she said warmly to Lorenz, as if they had known each other all their lives, "I feared we had lost you, my friend."


The hooded figure straightened and turned towards the open door, where Mira was helping Raven to his feet, who still looked quite shaken from the Freezards' attack. She stiffened momentarily at the sight of the golden-haired knight as if she recognized him, shoulders tense through the brown cloth, then relaxed.


"I am glad you survived the attack, Raven," she said softly, stepping closer to the couple lightly and gracefully across the cobbled street, from which all traces of the cold aura had now dispersed—even the thick sheets of ice that had obscured the shop's windows had almost melted away.




The larger of the Moblins jabbed fiercely at Deralen with his spear, aiming for his chest. With remarkable speed, the Goron extended his arm and swiveled his wrist into the oncoming attack, where the sharp point of the weapon struck the metal of his bracer-blade and slid off to the side, sending the monster into a stumbling position, its center of balance thrown off. The unexpected counter also had adverse effects for the second monster, as well—although it had been cunningly aiming to skewer Deralen's unprotected head as he dealt with the first attack, it now collided with its larger partner, causing it to fall backwards with a hoarse squeal of pain. Although the two creatures were temporarily vulnerable, it was clear that Deralen would not have the time required to kill both of them—it appeared that yet another decision was upon him.

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"I'm sorry but...do I know you?" Raven was surprised that this stranger seemed to know him. He had wanted to go outside and talk with Lorenz a bit, perhaps get his sword fixed if possible. Why this person had showed up now, and how she seemed to know him was a compete mystery to him. Although he had hoped he had imagined it, he was certain that he had felt Mira tense up beside him and that he could feel her glaring at him from where she was standing. Oh no, oh no. This isn't good. If things keep going on like this, There might be another fight that we have on our hands!

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The Takkuri flew off, successful in his capture of the object. With the Skull Kid's flute clamped between his beak he flew up several feet in a flap of the wing, keeping him afloat to prevent his capture. He then toke a swift turn behind him once he heard the whistle, but he was trained by his Master to not fall prey to that. While up in the air he noticed for a fraction of a second that a shadowy beast was in the sky as well faraway. But when the bird checked again the creatures had vanished as quickly as they had came. Perplexed by the odd creatures Takkuri forgot to keep a look out on where he was headed and quickly let himself lower and lower into the ground until.... SMACK! The bird had slammed head-on into a nearby Moblin, the bird fell to the ground and the flute lay out of its unconcious grasp.

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After sometime chasing the strange bird, Skull Kid realized that it began to fall. When he reaches the body of the bird and picks up his flute, he celebrated the return of the magical instrument. A few seconds later he realizes that 2 strange and violent creatures are looking at him.


"Moblins" he said scared. He reminded of stories passed through generations of Skull Kids. The moblins guarded the passage to the Forest Temple, in a time where darkness took over the world. He could not remember their weak point, then put the flute in a bag, picked up the bird and walked away from the moblins.


He realized that was near a goron, Gorons were strong, but he was in disadvantage. The goron was strong, but was not fast enough to beat the 2, and he was fast, but it was not strong enough. He had an idea. "Cover your ears." he shouted. Skull Kid took up the flute and began playing a slow song. It made those who heard him get sleepy, or even sleep. He hoped that the moblins would sleep to the sound of the music.

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The two batlike monsters circled sinisterly far above the rooftops of Hyrule Castle Town, their beady black eyes narrowed upon the people below. For a moment, they caught sight of a large, purple-colored bird gliding towards the southern end of the city, but they lost interest in it quickly enough—after all, the Takkuri was not their target. Suddenly, the more slender of the two creatures made an excited noise, somewhere between an ugly caw and a piercing bat's shriek. As one, the two monsters dived silently through the sky, claws outstretched as their target finally came into view.




The back of Erzet's gray scarf fluttered slightly as he sprang to yet another rooftop, his booted feet making hardly any noise as he landed and continued to jump forward. Apparently, it was true what they said—you really could cross from one end of Hyrule's capital city to the other without touching the ground once. Below him, the buildings were becoming progressively shorter and closer to the ground, meaning that he was more likely to be noticed if he wasn't careful. At that moment, a huge purple bird soared past him, flapping its wings urgently. Erzet sprang aside instinctively before realizing the creature meant him no harm; below, slipping through the crowded streets, he could make out a small and slender figure with childlike proportions, obviously in chase of the large bird.


There was a much lighter thud of feathery wings behind him as a female Rito soared overhead, her black tresses flowing behind in the wind as she flew after the child and the purple-colored bird. Erzet frowned briefly underneath his scarf—apparently, what people didn't mention was how crowded the rooftops of Hyrule Castle Town were in regards to traffic.


Regardless, as long as they didn't impair the success of his mission, they were free to fly where they wanted. Anticipation rose in him as he drew closer to where he had stabled his horse, Casban. Although there was no denying the prosperity and beauty of this green-covered land, the ways of the people here were strange—he would feel much more at home once he was among the weathered stone confines of the Gerudo Fortress. Erzet gathered himself for another jump when another pair of winged thuds filled the air behind him. Not even bothering to look, he launched himself lightly into the void, arms outstretched in a flip.


He was not prepared for a pair of cruelly hooked claws to clasp at his waist and then close firmly around his torso, pulling him into the sky. For a moment, all he could see was a wind-blurred image of the rapidly shrinking ground as he was born upwards, then he had twisted as far as he could, beneath the gray scarf that obscured his face, his green eyes widened in horror as he gazed upon a batlike monster with a cruel beak and beady black eyes. To the right, he could hear another thud of leathery wings, meaning that there was more than one of the creatures.


Erzet gathered his courage and made to snatch his scimitar from its scabbard at his side, fully intending to slice the creature open along its stomach; however, he discarded this idea as he realized just how high they were flying—a fall from this distance would be fatal. They were flying to the city's southern wall at an incredible speed; below them, he could just make out the purple-colored bird and the Rito girl that had passed by earlier. Presently, he became aware of a light clacking noise at his side—the bulging bag of red rupees he had collected had split open, and the gems glittered as they fell through the sky to the city below. Erzet began to struggle in earnest against the creature, shouting, "My gems! Idiotic monster! Put me down, now!"


In the city below, a grimy child scrambled across the ground, collecting as many as the falling red shards as he could in both hands. "Look, mother!" he cried shrilly to an equally defeated-looking woman who was sitting on the ground not too far away, staring angrily at the ground with red-rimmed eyes. "It's a blessing from the Gods!"

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Guest Tainted Black

Billos pulled his cloak on tighter as he approached Castle town. He began to walk in, but he was stopped by a guard. "Name and business?" The man asked. Apparently he was a new recruit. "My name is Marak." Billos began, "And I am here to buy supplies." That was a lie, but the guard did not know that. The guard gave him a suspicious look. "Wait here..." He said as he ran into the guard's post. Billos scoffed and walked in anyways.

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"You don't recognize me, Raven?" the hooded figure asked in a musical tone, drawing closer with graceful steps. "Fortunately, I remember you, Knight of the House of the Noble Sword. I tell you now that you are needed desperately—once again, evil threatens the land of Hyrule, and once more, just as duty and honor called upon your ancestor, it is your responsibility as a Knight sworn to the Royal Family to repel the tide of darkness."


The cloaked woman drew closer, pulling her hood back slightly to reveal a pale, pointed face, with high cheekbones and large, liquid gray-blue eyes that gave her an exotic look. Her lips were thin as befitted a Hylian, but softly rounded, and her pale gold eyebrows were curved elegantly over her eyes. At Raven's side, Mira stiffened slightly, like a wary animal that watches with poorly concealed anger as another animal enters its hunting grounds. Perhaps sensing the other woman's animosity towards her, the young woman turned to Raven's wife, her eyes filled with a wisdom and gentility that seemed far beyond her years.


"Hail, daughter of the fierce tribes of the cold north," the stranger said softly, inclining her head as if she were greeting an equal; Mira blinked for a moment in surprise, obviously, this woman somehow knew that she was of royal blood within her tribe. "Don't be afraid," the young woman continued, addressing Mira. "I have business with your husband, but not of the kind that is worrying you... For that matter, I cannot bring myself to see why you are so concerned when he is around other women. I know little of Raven, but he does not seem like a man that would stray from his wife, even if she were not so beautiful as you. I ask that you would leave us alone for a moment. I have much to discuss with your husband and Lorenz."


The two women sized each other up briefly, both almost entirely different—Mira, with her dark skin and shock of white hair, savagely beautiful like a blizzard, and the stranger, with a porcelain countenance and serene eyes that rippled with wisdom like the surface of the sea. Then something unexpected happened—Mira inclined her head in reply, as she had been taught was customary among the Hylians.


"I understand," she said, straightening and meeting the other woman's gaze. It was clear that she still did not like this strange woman, but at the very least, she could respect her. "I will be waiting for you at home, Raven," she said in a remarkably calm and gentle tone, pressing one hand softly against her husband's face. Then she turned and walked swiftly down the street, not looking back once—soon she had vanished from view entirely.


"Now then," the young woman said, turning back towards Raven and Lorenz. "There is much to discuss, and time is short. I wish I had the luxury to explain things to you in greater detail, but for the moment, you will have to wait." The woman's gray-blue eyes softened as they fell upon Lorenz, who was beginning to look better with the warmth of the sun coursing through his cold-blooded figure. "If you are agreeable, Lorenz and Raven, walk with me—there is someone you and I need to meet, although I feel like I know him already."


And so saying, she drew her hood back up to cover her face and began to move at a stately but rapid pace in the opposite direction that Mira had gone. Evidently, she expected the two men to follow her.

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Deralen was prepared to take out the closest foe with his weapon, before he was distracted by a voice. He wasn't sure what moblins it was talking about, though after seeing the owner of the voice, a Skull Kid, he figured that the moblins were the creatures he was fighting right now. Good thing he distracted Deralen, because one of his opponents were getting up, and Deralen would have been in trouble if he was that close and preoccupied with killing the first.... moblin.


When the skull kid began playing his song, Deralen felt there was something peculiar about the song, so he decided to follow his advice. While shifting the front end of his bracers made them lousy weapons, he was able to cover his ears this way. As he did so, he eyed the moblins, to make sure they didn't do anything strange in the meantime.

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Unfortunately for the Moblins, they did not immediately register what was going on—and anyways, even if they had managed to somehow understand, it was extremely unlikely that they would have been able to react in time to prevent themselves from hearing the soothing melody that Skull Kid now coaxed from his flute, the beautiful, haunting notes quivering through the air like the flutter of invisible birds' wings.


Normally, the Song of Slumber wasn't overly effective against enemies who were strong-minded and prepared for it; in this case, the Moblins were neither of these—their tiny brains had long ago decided to take backseat to an incredibly sturdy and powerful body. The monsters' eyes rolled back sleepily in their sockets as their weapons dropped from limp hands. Within seconds, the two creatures were curled up on the grassy surface of the clearing within inches of each other, snoring loudly and drooling.

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Lorenz could feel his legs again, that was always a good thing. Having recovered sufficiently he followed after this stranger. She seemed to know Raven but how did she know him? He felt he had to ask. As such he caught to the woman.

"Excuse me. I can tell how you know Raven, but how is it you know me? I'm decently sure I've never seen you before. Or at least never a time I can recall." Lorenz said.

To be sure this woman perplexed Lorenz. She spoke as if she knew Lorenz well yet Lorenz had no recollection of her. She had come saying she'd feared she'd lost him, again odd since Lorenz didn't know who she was. Though she did seem to have some knowledge as to what might have caused the attack so Lorenz had little issues with following her.

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Guest Tainted Black

Billos walked down the middle of the town. He felt like going to the cathredral, for some odd reason. He usually abhorred going to places like that. Maybe it was just fate. He secured the hood on his cloak when he saw a vender he would like to buy some Lon Lon milk from. Aaaahhh... Been a long time since I tasted this. he thought as he drank the milk he had just bought. Living in the mountains kept things like this as a treat. He pocketed the bottle, and walked toward the cathedral again.

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The woman's musical voice issued from the depths of her hood as she turned slightly in Lorenz's direction, her bright gray-blue eyes barely visible in the darkness it created around her face. "I wish I had the the time to explain these things to you, my friend," she replied gently, "but there is no time. For the moment, you will have to trust me—I promise that is through no fault of mine that I cannot reveal these things to you now. The Shadow has eyes and ears everywhere, and I cannot guarantee that we will not be overhead until we reach a safe place. I give you my word, though, that soon everything will be revealed, and the quest to return balance to Hyrule will begin."


The cloaked woman increased the speed of her pace, leaving Lorenz and Raven a little bit behind. Although her movements were still characterized by rare grace, it was clear that she was in a hurry. She led them off the crowded mainstreets that bordered the shop and down a narrow side alley. Not too far ahead from them, the tall spire of a weathered stone structure, similar to a cathedral, rose into the azure sky.

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Realizing that the moblins had fallen on the floor, sleeping. Skull Kid stopped playing the flute and walked to the goron who was much taller than him. He made a sign showing the goron that he could uncaps ears because he stopped to play the music. "Are you okay?" he asked. When he arrived, the goron was fighting against the moblins. "My name is Skull Kid" he said, Skull Kid had never seen a goron, so he observed that different one. He only knew the Skull Kids (his family), the Kokiris (that live on the forest), the Hylians (that sometimes enter the forest) and the Ritos (that fly over the forest, but he don't know the name of the race). "What are you?" Skull Kids live in the forest, so he had never seen things that never entered the Lost Woods.

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Sariri blinked as she was hit several times on the back and even on the wing. Gasping out in surprise, she corkscrewed through the air a couple times, knocked off balance. She caught a flash of bright red from the corner of her eye.


"I'm hit!" she cried more to herself than anyone else, miind racing to figure what it was. Did one of the archers try to shoot that bird and miss? Did part of a tower collapse on her? She couldn't feel the damage, but winced and screwed up her eyes to prepare for the inevitable impact.


...Which never came. After her four second panic. She opened her eyes hesitantly as she righted herself, her wings nor her body seemingly worse for wear. A couple shiny objects fell from her, and she discovered the source of the red- Rupees, each tumbling off her small body like they had been raindrops.


'Rupees?' She thought to herself. 'Is money falling from the sky?'


Momentarily distracted from the strange kid and weird bird that she had been pursuing, she turned herself around and glanced about the immediate area with her hawklike vision. It took her only a few seconds to spy the source of the crimson currency, though it took her mind a half second to comprehend it. In addition to the odd Kargaroc-relation that had recently acquired the impish child-creature's musical instrument, two other odd fliers had apparently joined in Castle Town's airspace. She vaguely wondered who was paying the sentries as she quickly beat her wings towards the winged monstrosities.


While they did fly, their plumage was not comprised of the elegant oily feathers partial to most of her avian kin, and even their dark beaks and frightening talons reminded her only vaguely of her own. Their tails were all wrong; instead of the rudder-shaped bundle of feathers that any proper bird would display with pride, instead replacing them with threatening clubs that seemed eager to draw blood.


Of course, the most interesting part was that one of them appeared to have caught a bit of prey, and it didn't look like any animal Sariri knew about. While most beings could only hope for a rough shape from the distance she was at, her expert eyes could spy details from much more distant subjects; It was plainly Hylian, though with much darker skin than any she had seen of their race, with a slim, slippery sort of form and dark brown hair unbound as it traced his head. His clothing was fairly unremarkable from what she could tell, so she figured he probably wasn't royalty; Considering he still somehow kept a bag filled-to-spilling of Red Rupees, each individually worth a fair sum of money, she immediately figured he wasn't the most upstanding of Castle Town citizens, if he even lived there.


Still, he was about to be eviscerated by a pair of overgrown Keese if she didn't do anything.


Working quickly, she put her wooden whistle to her flexible beak once more, blowing into it loudly. While it was designed for use against birds, she figured Keese and especially these avian monstrosities had an auditory rage similar, and no doubt would find it immensely irritating.


"Hey, Bats! Look over here!" she called, reaching with a leg over to pull her Rapier from belt. Obviously she couldn't exactly use her swordplay with her talons, but when fighting creatures like this, she didn't have much other choice in her weaponry.

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Another buffet of strong wind caught Erzet, throwing the gray hood of his scarf back from his face—luckily, it was firmly fastened and did not go flying off. He squinted into the gale, hoping that it would perhaps throw the batlike monster carrying him tightly in its claws off balance. Unfortunately, the creature appeared to know what it was doing, compensating automatically and managing to slip through the strong wind with a powerful pounding of its leathery wings. With a final mournful clink, the last of his precious red rupees fell from his side, toppling to the city below like a crimson star. The young thief didn't know which was worse—the fact that he had been aerially abducted by a pair of monsters, or the fact that he had lost all the money he had managed to procure from the manor house. One thing was certain, though—if he ever managed to survive this encounter and return to the Gerudo Fortress, the Elders would be sorely displeased.


At that moment, the two monsters suddenly stiffened and let out angry, chilling shrieks that echoed around them—without warning, the creature carrying Erzet dipped unsteadily before righting itself; apparently, something had happened to upset them, although he hadn't noticed anything. The dark-haired thief was suddenly dipped and swung around unceremoniously as the monstrous duo turned and began to fly in the opposite direction and down, closer to the city below. Although it wasn't too easy to make out due to the incredible speed of their approach, Erzet could have sworn he could make out the black-haired female Rito from before wafting her way towards them, a rapier clutched bravely in one clawed foot.


He marveled briefly at the girl's foolhardy bravery, attempting to challenge a pair of creatures that so obviously seemed at home in the sky against all odds. His incredulity was soon replaced, however, by a growing feeling of unease as he realized something—if he didn't manage to somehow free himself soon, he would be part of the upcoming aerial battle, and that was something he certainly wasn't looking forward to. He focused on the rooftops flashing past them as they flew over the city once more, still too far away for him to safely make any attempt at freeing himself from the monster's clutches.


I am seriously getting tired of being treated like a piece of luggage, Erzet thought angrily, glaring up at the batlike creature with loathing. Then he closed his eyes and braced himself as the monster pulled into a steep dive, intent on attacking his would-be Rito rescuer.

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Sariri stared resolutely at the creature that charged towards her, still grasping the Hylian in his claws. She analyzed the situation quickly.


As a positive, the creature was larger than her. While that was usually an advantage, in the air in meant that they had less room to maneuver and it would be easier to damage the wing, which would be the key weakpoint in any such dogfight. A larger mass also meant larger wings, and that meant that it took more effort for them to maneuver in small spaces.


Also to her advantage was that the Hylian was being held quick securely in one of the overgrown Keese' talons. That meant that it couldn't use that talon to attack her, and as such, that it had a weak side. If she could attack from that direction, he would need to turn around completely before he could try to gore her with his beak or claws.


Unfortunately, several factors were against her too. The biggest was the fact there were two of them. Being outnumbered was not good, on land or in the air, and in the air there were more directions to be ambushed from. In order to avoid being struck from both sides, she'd have to always make sure she was opposite from the free bat; Not easy, especially if she was trying to stay on one of her enemy's bad side.


The other factor was their tails; While they obviously wouldn't function like the rudder feathers on any regular bird, they looked fairly dangerous in battle. A good slap from a tail like that to the side could crush half the ribs in her body, if she was lucky. It was incredibly long too, and though she didn't know if they had muscular joints through the entire thing, she wasn't going to risk even going near the tip of that thing. The safest place would probably be against the base, where they wouldn't be able to generate enough force to knock her away; Unfortunately, if they DID shake her off from there, she'd be in a perfect position for them to throttle.


Quickly making her decision, she nimbly avoided the chiropteran while making a shallow dive towards the talon the captive man was kept in. She lashed out with her rapier, attempting to make a shallow cut along the joint between the talon's muscle and the main body, though her force behind the blow was heavily impaired by wielding the weapon in an unfamiliar body appendage; Even in the best circumstance, Rapiers were made for thrusts, but she didn't want to risk embedding the blade and being unable to retrieve it again.

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((Hope it's alright to finish off the moblins...))


Deralen removed his hands from his ears as instructed. The creatures known to him now as moblins were soundly asleep. All he wanted to do was practice a bit, and he ended up in a battle for his life. He found it exhilarating, if overly dangerous. Most of the danger was from the fact that he was a novice; the only reason he is alive now was because of the skull kid. Of course, that brings up another question. What was a skull kid doing outside of the Lost Woods?


"I'm Deralen," he replied to Skull Kid's introduction. "I'm a Goron Racer," he added, completely misinterpreting Skull Kid's question. "...Give me a moment." He then walked over to the sleeping Moblins, remembering the instruction to always finish off monsters to be safe.


The goron towered over the sleeping moblins, looking for a place to strike them at. The head is a good a place as any, Deralen thought, as he shifted his bracer-blades back into their normal position. Without making any unnecessary sounds, he thrust the right blade right into the skull of the moblin, killing it instantly. He repeat the process with the second one, though this one screamed as it was killed.


With the threat gone for now, Deralen wiped off any residue left on his weapons before resetting the blades to their rest position so that he doesn't go and chop off Skull Kid's head by accident or something.


"Thanks," Deralen said to the skull kid, smiling. "I would have died if you weren't there."

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Raven had no clue as to what was going on, but he followed this stranger regardless and kept up as best he could, although it was difficult. "Lorenz, I've no idea who this woman is, but I feel as though we can trust her. As to how she knows us, I think i might have a small idea as to that. I do not know if it is correct or not, but I doubt that my hunch is wrong. As he left the crowded streets of Hyrule Castle Town behind, he quickened his pace, breaking into a runs, and then a sprint as fewer and fewer people were around to encumber his movements. The only people here seemed to be the less fortunate who were unable to afford a place of their own, and a few strange stones with a single eye of stone.

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